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Lost on a School Trip


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The bus was just pulling up to the national park, where the teachers would lead the kids on a short hike to the base of the mountain.  

They would sleep at the base of the mountain that night, and then start up the mountain the next day.

The Bus trip had already been about a four hour drive, and far too long for poor Ruth's bladder. 

Before they had left the school, the class had been paired up, not girl with girl and boy with boy, but with boy and girl as one pair.  The teacher had done this for two reasons, as Ruth remembered.  One, boys were supposed to be stronger, so they could help a girl if she started to fall, and girls were better climbers, so they would help the boys in securing the ropes.  That's how she understood it, though that isn't exactly what the teacher had said.  The second reason, is the teacher didn't want the kids to make this a competition.  He had wanted the class to stay together as much as they could.

Now, the bus was pulling into the park, and Ruth looked sheepishly at her partner, the new kid at school.  By all rights, he should have been the one that was a bit awkward, having only been in their class for the last week or so, but Ruth was made fun of because last year, in the fourth grade, she had peed her pants at school, not once, but several times.  School had been in session for fifth grade for the last few months, and she had not peed her pants since starting fifth grade at all, well, not until this bus ride, but her class still called her smelly and pee pants and other such things.

The new boy had put a couple of kids in their place earlier for being mean to her, long before she had had an accident next to him, but now, just minutes before the bus came to the park gates, she had completely flooded her pants and the floor under her.

She looked up at the boy with a bright red blush on her cheeks.

The teachers had told the kids that they were to stay with their partners at all times except when they were brought into the rest area toilets to use them, or whenever the teachers decided it was time to stop for the day, and would give the kids a safe area they can be within and not need their partner right next to them during that time.  Otherwise, they needed to be right next to their partner if possible.

Now, as the bus stopped, the kids gathered outside the bus, and the teachers re-explained everything again.

"You know the rules, right?  You stay right next to your partner while you are walking.  You also need to write a bit in your notebooks about what you see around you.  Take any notice of any plants or animals that you see."

"What if we have to pee before we see a rest area?" one boy asked.

"You should try to wait, especially if you are a girl, but if you can't, you need to be within sight of your partner, and make it so your partner can at least see your head at all times.  In the lower areas of the park, where there are some warmer areas, still, some snakes are still hunting for food.  There are a few other wild animals to be careful of as well, so try to stay with the group as much as you can.  If your partner is bit by something, don't let them move.  Try to signal another group to get help while you stay with your partner and keep them sitting, with their head raised higher than where they were bitten at."

"So, if my girl partner has to pee, she has to pee in front of me?" a sheepish bold boy asked.

"She does not need to show you anything," the teacher was firm.  "If she can't hold it until we take a break at a rest area, she needs to go off only a short distance, and she needs to make sure you can see her upper body, but not where she is peeing from."

"Okay," the boy said with a smile.  His partner make a yuck face.

"You won't be seeing anything because I'll just hold it until we get where we are going.  If you wanted to watch a girl pee, you should have been paired with Ruth over there.  She's probably going to have to either do that, or wet her pants because everyone knows she can't hold it that long."

The rest of the class started to laugh.

"That's enough," the teacher said.  "Now, your adult group leader has a list of pairs with them, so they will be in charge of you when you can't get to me."

Pretty soon, their adult leader had the kids line up, so that incidentally, Ruth and her partner were last...

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Terrance was happy to be assigned to Ruth, sure he had been able to put a couple of kids in their place, he just hoped that the rest would get the hint that Ruth was not to be messed with and that if they tried, he would put them in their place. He was still carrying his airsoft gear that he had brought along with him, mostly for just in case the mean bully's tried something, plus he was sure he had seen another boy with a similar gear bag, so he had a feeling that that one was gonna try something. regardless though, he really only brought it along out of habit whenever he was going on a long trip with his family. He took out his notebook and started to jot down notes as they walked with their group and next to each other until they got to the rest area.


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The first rest area was at least an hour away, and poor Ruth had to just wear her wet pants because there wasn't really any place where she could change at the moment.

Ruth looked up at Terrance.

"Do you think the teachers saw that I peed?" she whispered to him.

A couple of kids pointed and giggled about how Ruth had proven to be the class baby again, but they didn't bother her directly because they were kind of scared of the new boy.  He didn't look like he took guff from anyone.

"I hope I didn't get your pants wet," she whimpered to the new boy.  "I'm sorry you got stuck with me."

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"Ruth, it's fine, I don't mind. Hey, don't say things like that, I'm happy to be paired with you, don't let anyone or anything say differently okay?" He told her as he continued to jot notes as they walked. He just ignored the snickering and instead just walked until they got to the rest stop and when she asked about if the teachers had seen that she had peed, he answered "if they did, they didn't seem to call you out on it right away. So, your probably fine and they probably will help you when we get to the rest area." He told her as he continued to walk.

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Ruth started to jot things down now.

"So... you're not mad you got stuck with the class baby?" she asked.  "No one else understands that the three times it happened last year were all accidents, and this was, because it took too long."

She sighed and wrote down how the plants looked wilted and sad.

"I'm so embarrassed!"

She shuffled her foot.

A boy came by and tapped Terrance on the shoulder.

"How does it feel to be put with a first or second grader?" he asked him.


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Terrance responded by taking the boys hand and whipping it around behind his back and forced the boy to keep walking while he forcibly held onto the boys hand behind his back "I wonder what would happen if you were in the situation as her and people were making fun of you, I tried to be nice to you guys, but you all don't seem to be taking the hint, so how about you pass this along to the rest of the bullies that are gonna mess with Ruth, next time they try to mess with her, I will make you regret it, got it?" He asked and when the boy nodded back in understanding and his eyes were big with fear, he released the boy's arm and pushed him lightly along and then answered Ruth "No, I'm not and I figured they were accidents, no one can have that happen to them that many times and not be accidents. I meant what I told that boy, they will regret it, if they try something with you." He told her as he waited for the news to spread, although one or two of the kids were starting to respect Terrance for standing up to the bullies and not taking their guff.

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The other kids gave up trying to tell him what he was dealing with.  He had obviously taken Ruth's side, and would not be dissuaded from his decision.  He would just have to suffer the consequences of always having to take care of an immature partner on his own....

One of the kids that started to respect him, wished that he was her partner.  She was bullied some, too, though not nearly as much as Ruth was.

Ruth smiled when he assured that he knew that they were accidents, and he didn't seem put off by that at all.

She walked along and started to hum under her breath as she took notes.

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(he's only trying to make sure that they don't bully the poor girl.)

They continued to walk until they got to the rest stop, at this point he was feeling a slight need to go, but knew he could hold on for a while longer, he did sorta wanna clarify what he did, but at the same time, it wasn't like they were giving him much choice, they kept bullying Ruth and they did it just because they thought they could get away with it, he wasn't gonna let that happen. He knew if he told the teacher, he'd just be told that they would handle it, but nothing would be done and there was no point in letting this continue on. He caught a few dirty looks being shot his way and one of the girls seeming to want to try and make him see what he was dealing with, when he already had an understanding of what he had gotten himself into, but didn't care because he was gonna act like a good partner should to Ruth.

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When they got to the rest area, a teacher came up to Terrance and Ruth.

"Terrance, I need to have a word with Ruth, okay?  Go ahead and use the bathroom, and you'll see her again a bit after you come back out."

The teacher then took Ruth by the hand and led her to the girls' toilets.

The teacher had not called her out on it earlier, but he knew she was wet.  He handed her off to a woman parent, a mother, and then left the bathroom.

"Oh, you poor little girl!  You must be freezing," the mother said not mentioning about how she was too old for this kind of behavior at all.  "Is it okay if I help you a bit?"

Ruth nodded.

Soon enough, Ruth was walking back to Terrance in dry clean pink sweat-like pants and smiling.

She didn't say anything until she was right next to Terrance, and then she whispered to him, if he let her, 

"The teacher knew I wet on the bus, but he couldn't do anything about it, so ignored it until now," she told him.  "Then he asked one of the mothers to help me get my pink sweats changed and he took my wet pants to do something with them later, probably clean them up for me."

She was smiling.

"It's embarrassing a man teacher has my wet clothes, but he was really nice about it," she told Terrance.

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"That's good, I'm glad that they were able to finally get you changed into clean clothes, you seem much happier than you were before?" He mused as he continued to not really care that he very slightly had to go to the bathroom and would just wait until they got to the next rest area and then he would relieve his bladder, besides it wasn't like he was gonna wait in the line with the others anyways, there was no reason for him to do so. He could just hold it until he started to feel his bladder more. He just continued to stand next to Ruth, at one point, he thought he felt someone trying to touch his gear bag, which he immediately pulled away from what was trying to open his bag and put his bag in the front of him instead of keeping it behind him like he had been doing.

Soon everyone was ready to move out again and they all started to walk together and eventually after another hours trek or so, they finally got to where they would be sleeping at tonight and each pair was assigned to a tent to sleep in, each tent could only hold two people in it, the adults got their own tents like the kid pairs got their own tents to stay in. They were all given free time to do what they wanted to do, Terrance wasn't about to let anyone steal his stuff or mess with it while he was away from the tent, so he just kept his bag with him, while leaving the other two in the tent along with Ruth's stuff and decided to take a walk around the woods close to where the campsite was with her.

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Ruth walked along with him, smiling.

Normally, a girl would want to go off with other girls at this age, but Ruth had no real friends, so hanging out with Terrance was much nicer than being left all alone, especially with the bullies at the camp able to mess with her if she was all alone.

Ruth smiled as she found herself reaching for his hand.  She was afraid he'd take it wrong, and think she was trying to 'be with him' but actually, she was just kind of scared of the dark, and scared to tell him so.  It's just one more reason the bullies called her a baby.

"We are apposed to rent skis when we get to the resort sometime tomorrow evening," she told him.  "The class been planning this trip since October or so."

She smiled down at the ground if he accept her hand and she also felt a lot more secure and knowing he was there to protect her from harm.

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Terrance took her hand in his own and walked with her, letting her know that she was safe and that he wasn't gonna let anyone hurt her and he would do all he could to keep her safe. He continued to walk with her until they had to head back and then got into their tent and finally put his gear bag and opened it real quick, checking the contents and closing it back up again. He then sat in the tent until the teachers would come around and tell them it was getting close to when they were supposed to be going to sleep.


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Before they got back inside the camp, she let go of his hand not wanting other kids to see she had held his.  She was scared they tease her about having a boyfriend, or worse, about being scared of the dark like a big baby.

She carefully opened her bag, trying to hide what she was getting from it, and then under the blankets, pulled down her pants and panties and put on a night time diaper.  She wasn't sure how she'd get rid of the pull up just yet, but she didn't want to wet in the blankets and have him find out that she wets the bed.  Hopefully, there would be no reason for him to take her blankets off of her or anyone else....

Soon she was asleep.

While they were sleeping, some of the bullies woke up in the middle of the night and pushed snow up to the tent opening to try to make it look like it had snowed, and that they were trapped in there tent.  Then they went back to bed.

Ruth woke up the next morning, when the kids were called out to breakfast, her diaper soggy.

She pulled her diaper off, and tried to hide it in her blankets while she slipped on her panties and sweats from the day before so that Terrance or worse, the bullies wouldn't notice she had wet in the night, though Terrance might have noticed a bit of a smell from her in the night if they were sleeping really close to each other.

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Terrance knew what the bullies had done something and had already been up before Ruth to clear the snow away from the tent, not really believing that it had snowed since none of the other tents had snow in front of them. He had decided to stretch a bit and then go sit back in his sleeping bag until they were called out for breakfast and he pulled on his clothes that he had been wearing the day before and went to go and join the rest of the class, acting like nothing had happened last night, not even letting it mess with him as he got his breakfast and sat down at the table next to Ruth

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Ruth was happy that no one seemed to realize she had a wet pull up folded up in her blankets, and no one seemed to think about checking her bedding, nor did Terrance act like he knew she had wet the night before.  She had no idea what happened earlier since Terrance had cleared the snow from the front of the tent.  That would not have been the cause of her wet night, but she might have blamed it on that if he found her wet.

While they were eating breakfast, the teacher spoke to the class again.

"We are going to be starting up the mountain today.  We'll reach the base in about two hours, and then start climbing.  The first rest area is about four to five hours from here depending on how fast you kids can move, so I suggest especially to the girls, to go before we leave.  You won't have a regular toilet for four or five hours from now otherwise, so you'll have to figure something out if you need to go before that."

Ruth pulled on Terrance's shirt sleeve a moment and tried to whisper to him.

"Even if I pee before we leave, there's no way I can wait five hours....  I never wait that long!"

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"We can figure it out as we're going up there." He told her as he smiled at her and finished up his food, before taking it and throwing it away since the food was in disposable containers and they could be thrown away. He figured he could wait until they got up the mountain, he knew he had been able to hold it for longer and not even feel it that much. He hoped that the pair ahead of them would at least keep track of them when they were walking up the trail and to their next destination. He also hoped that Ruth wouldn't need to pee super bad during the hike and they wouldn't have to pull off the trail and away from the rest of the group, but it might happen and so this concern kept in the back of his mind as they started their hike and by the halfway point, it was looking like his concern was gonna be realized after all.

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Ruth couldn't do anything about it.  She knew that she'd just have to do as Terrance suggested and deal with it when it comes up.

She went to the bathroom before leaving just to make sure.

about three and half hours later, she tugged at Terrance's sleeve.

"I kind of have to pee.  How much further do you think the next rest stop is?"

If he had a watch, he'd know that as a minimum, they said about half an hour later, but probably more likely an hour to an hour and a half later because they weren't exactly hurrying their climb.

Ruth's face was really red when she admitted she had to pee, but she didn't want to prove the class right and keep wetting her pants everyday on the trip, too, showing how much a baby she could be, in the classmates' eyes.

She reached a hand down towards her pants in punctuation to how bad, kind of have to go really meant....  She had to go much sooner than later.

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Terrance, carrying along his gear with him, because like he had told himself so many times before, he wasn't about to trust anyone with that stuff that he had never left unattended before to watch while he was gone, took Ruth off the trail and away from the group, as he did though he noticed that the rest of the group kept going without even stopping to notice that one of the pairs had dropped out of the group. He took her over to one of the nearby trees and told her "you know, i actually have to pee myself, how about we go together?" He suggested as he continued to take her further and further away from the trail and the group continued to go further and further up the trail away from them.

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"Um... I'm not apposed to be forced to let you see my privates," she blushed.  "And I never peed outside like this before.  I don't now how I'm going to pee with you right there, next to me, watching me...."

She blushed really red.

Her hands started to hold her front of her pants as she wiggled and danced in place, not noticing that the rest of the class was still moving on.

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"I won't look at your privates, but how about you try to pee standing up, so that you don't have to pull your pants all the way down since you don't wanna show yourself off to anyone." He suggested as he added "I'll even demonstrate if you want." He told her as he turned his back to her so that she couldn't see his privates and didn't feel like he was watching her as he unzipped his zipper and took aim at the tree before he started to pee at the tree he was aiming at and was starting to feel relief as his stream left him and hit the tree while she watched his demonstration.

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Ruth frowned at first.  She had never known of any girls to do this before, but then she had never really been outside like this.  The orphan place she was currently had never took trips, so she had no experience of what to do outside in the wild like this.

Ruth could see that he was right, she had no way of seeing what he was doing, except water started to trickle back away from the tree and behind him.

She nodded and stood in front of a tree, and then unzipped her pants.

She looked down for a moment, and wondered how to get her privates out of her pants without pulling them down.  She decided she had to try to push the front down some, and the front of her panties.

She got her front part exposed a bit, but thought to herself, "This isn't going to work.  How come boys can do this?"

She had never seen a boy naked before, so she knew they aimed something from talk everywhere, but didn't know what they were aiming.

"If a boy can do it," she tried to push her pants down a bit more, but when she did, they fell down her legs and exposed her pink panties.  Blushing, she tried to keep her butt covered with her panties and tried to push the front of her panties down more.

She peed a little, but it went into the middle part of her panties though a little bit went out in front of her, too.

She stopped it and looked down at her panties.

She saw her pink sweats got some pee on them, too.

She turned her head to Tom.

"This isn't working," she told him.  "It went down instead of out at the tree, and I got some pee on my panties and my sweats....  I really gotta go.  What do I do now?"

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"Try pulling your panties down to your knees and then maybe try spreading your crotch wide and maybe try pushing your pee out, it doesn't have to be an arch, you can just try aiming at the ground the first time your gonna do this, this is very new for you." He told her as he continued to pee and knew that he couldn't touch her privates because it would make her very uncomfortable and he had his hands full with his own thing anyways.

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"I don't wanna drop my panties down," she told him.  "The whole reason trying to go on the tree, was to not let anyone see my butt, remember?  Isn't there another way?"

She could feel the pee building though, and with the cold, it made her want to go more urgently.

"Please... Tell me there's another way to keep my pants and panties dry," she sniffled as she was scared she was about to pee and this time might get her panties and pants really wet....

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"You wouldn't be dropping your panties all the way, just a little bit below your crotch so that you don't get them super wet, it's better if you get them down now instead of wetting them and getting them super wet isn't it?" He asked her as he added "I don't think there is another way besides me stopping my peeing and going over there and holding onto your hands and helping you get your hands in the correct place and your crotch pulled away so you can force out pee." He explained as he continued to pee.


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Ruth sighed and nodded.

She steppout of her pants and moved them out of the way, then she pulled up her panties and peed.

One she had peed, she reached down and got her pants again.

"I don't want to show my privates like that, even just to my knees," she told Terrance.  "I'd rather wet my pants than do that."

She pulled her pants on, and then looked over at her partner.

"Um... where are the others?  Did they stop for us?"

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