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Tom Johnson's Diary: My Foster Sisters -Dances with Wolves


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"We're not gonna be like those other people though Kim, we won't get mad at you for having accidents with your toys or breaking them. I know that there have been a few times where Erica has had accidents on her toys when playing with them and we just cleaned her up, letting her know it was okay that she did that and we knew she didn't mean it." He told her as he walked with her until they got to the girls clothes section and looked to Darlyn and nodded to let her know so that she could start picking out clothes for the two little girls, since like he had said, he didn't know what was 'cool' or 'fashionable' or cute for a ten year old and certainly not for a seven or eight year old.

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Darlyn nodded at her dad and took Wendy's hand again.

"This way," she said to Wendy.  "And I don't care," she told her.  "If you gotta go potty, you tell me.  If you are too scared to tell me or embarrassed, then wet your pants and I'll tell dad you had an accident.  You'll never get in trouble for needing to pee or even having it go in your pants, little sis."

"Little sis?"

"That's right.  You're one of my little sisters now, so that's who you are.  Little sis."

Kim kept hold of Paul not wanting down at the moment.  He was safe, and while he was holding her, she felt like no one could ever touch her again.  No one would slap her.  No one would punch her in the stomach.  No one would tell her that she was as bad a dog.  She was safe.

Darlyn brought Wendy to the sweaters first, ones that would fit her.

"You need some cool sweaters for school," she told her.  "Everyone that wears coats at their desks at school are seen as well, not so popular," she told her.  "I don't care if you are ever popular, but I certainly don't want people thinking weird of you because you don't have any cool sweaters to keep you warm."

Wendy just walked behind her with her head down.

Darlyn was in heaven.  She didn't care if she was shopping for herself or for her brother or sister, but now, she had two new sisters to shop for.  She could be here all day, as long as daddy had money to use, to spend on her new sisters....


Erica swung for a while, but after about fifteen minutes or so, got tired of just swinging, stopped the swing, and looked back at her brother.

"Want to play chase around the jungle gym?" she asked him pointing at the rather grandeur slide, bars, and other assortment of climbing toys all joined together.

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"Sure, how about we play tag instead." He told her and started off the game by tagging her and saying "Tag, your it." Before running off towards the jungle gym, so that Erica could chase him and was happy that his sister wanted to play that game with him, it had been so long since they had played like this together and he was happy to give her all the attention and bonding time that she wanted him to give her today.

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Erica laughed and ran after him.

"Hey!  No fair!  You didn't warn me first!"

But she was laughing and chasing him just the same.


Darlyn walked Wendy over to Paul and looked up at him.

"She has a few sweaters to try on," she said.  "You look at how they look, and I'll take Kim to look at some for her now."

She reached her hands up to take hold of Kim's hand when she was lifted down.

Wendy waited patiently for Paul to take her to the dressing room area.

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