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Logan put Kayla in her crib and switch one the mobile who is gonna give her triggers for regressing on command being able to have her adult mind somewhere in the back of her mind. He looks at her, her diaper a bit more poofy than five minutes ago the pacifier slowly moving in her mouth and the crib around her. He goes to the kitchen and leave the baby to sleep.

A. When Kayla wakes up she finds Tiffany cooing at her
B. When Kayla wakes up she finds Logan and his mother greeting Tiffany
C. Logan leave the house and Tiffany tell her she is the babysitter


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Kayla babbles and plays with her pedicured toes painted pink and sucking her pacifier she is definitely lost in a baby’s world.. Once the nursery music starts playing she continues to babble then she settles down listening to the music but continuing to suck her pacifier she wets her diaper as she falls into a deep sleep.. As she’s sleeping she’s having all kinds of dreams but all of them are about her being a safe and happy baby and how she loves her diapers and bottles and how Logan is on Control of her and how she wants to be a good baby girl or she’ll be spanked... Once she wakes up 

A Kayla is back to herself wondering why her best friend is cooing at her..

B continues to be a baby 

C Her best friend plays with her making her go back and forth cause Tiffany was Logan’s real partner Kayla was the experiment and now Tiffany’s job was to get Kayla to enjoy being a baby.. 

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"See Tiff, the baby is awake" Logan said to Tiffany watching Kayla play with her toes and slobbery sucking her adult sized pink pacifier in a very used diaper. "I wanna see how her adult self reacts to the situation" she replied. Tiffany start to readthe command page "Kayla get your adult mind back" She says snapping her fingers. Logan start to explain "With this she'll have her adult mind back but all her babyish urges will stay! She'll be able to think but she could not stop herself from sucking or filling her diaper"

A. Kayla starts to talk and ask question through her pacifier
B. Kayla takes her pacifier out to talk but suddenly she start to sob desperately
C. Kayla is so overwhelmed that cuddles into Tiffany for comfort even wih her adult mind

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Kayla couldn’t believe she was in a crib and her best friend was towering over her leaning over the crib.. Kayla spit out the pacifier looking at herself she was in a diaper! “What the hell is going on here!” She yelled as the last thing she remembered was coming over ready to tease Logan and ready to watch him do the assignment.. Kayla had no idea what or why this was going on but then something bubbled up in her and she got this overwhelming sense to have her friend hug her as she stood up trying to get her to comfort her.. Tiffany 

A tickled her and cooed at her 

B laughed and made fun of the new Big baby 

C they told her what the assignment was but both of them decided this would be her new life 

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"Aww Kayla you are such a cute baby" Tiffany said holding her tight. "Look at you one day acting all grown up and the next day being just a little baby" she said holding the pacifier near her mouth. "Don't worry little one just take your suckie and cuddle into your best friend breast" she teased her.
Logan enjoyed the scene and watched the girl sucking her thumb in the few minutes she didn't have a pacifier in.

A. Kayla start to relax with her paci in she tried to uncover Tiffany's breast
B. Tiffany try to get Kayla to latch on her tit
C. Logan tells Tiffany all the trigger words

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Kayla feels like she’s in a very bad dream as her best friend is cooing at her and teasing her... “I don’t know what happened but get me out of here!” She yells as she quickly finds a pacifier in her mouth she wants to spit it out but it’s like a force or something that won’t let her spit it pout... Kayla hears words diaper, bottle, baby girl, mommy and daddy... She has all these strange emotions... Kayla 

A starts crying 

B Kayla goes back and forth as Tiffany uses the code words to see how Kayla will act..

C Listens as Tiffany calls more of her friends and her and Logan plan on giving her a baby shower.. 

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Logan showed Tiffany all the triggers but after some complaining from the new baby girl they decided she was better as a newborn minded state. They watched in awe while she sucked her pacifier, drooling all over herself and playing with her toes. "You know, I think we should throw a baby shower" Tiffany says to Logan. "Yeah that might be great so we won't have to buy her nothing for now". Tiffany started to make few calls while the girl fell napping in her soiled full diaper.

A. Kayla wakes up in the middle of the party cuddled by Logan's mother
B. Kayla wakes up in the middle of the park in a stroller, alone with Tiffany
C. Kayla wakes in a car seat on the way to the mall just with Logan


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Kayla looked around wondering where she was she tried to get up as she noticed she was strapped down. “Wh-what is this what the hell is going on!” She yelled as she was furious! She tried to get up again but she could’t she looked at her hands and she had mittens on that would’t allow her to move making her hands useless! Then to her shock and horror she felt like she was wearing no it can’t be “I’m wearing a stupid diaper!” She was confused and mad... Tiffany 

A answered her 

B cooed at her 

C Gave Kayla a trigger word 

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"Awww there there" Tiffany told her. "I think this baby needs her binkie and her trigger word" she said pushing the rubber nipple between Kayla's lips. "Baby Kayla" she told to the adult baby in the stroller. Knowing full well this would have give Kayla the mind of a one year old at least till she would decide to have some fun and bring back her adult mind to let her see how much of a baby she was becoming. "All better now, isn't it?"

A. Kayla relax and flood her diaper while peacefully sucking her pacifier
B. Kayla sucks her pacifier and stares at Tifany's tits hoping to get breastfed
C. Kayla sucks her pacifier drooling and babbling

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Kayla stopped complaining as soon as she had the trigger word then she was so happy to have her pacifier as she began sucking and looking around she felt calm and relaxed the baby looked around at the water and the ducks... After a few minutes she was so lost in everything she wet her diaper and smiled having a good time.. Tiffany 

A Gave her the trigger word bringing her back to her teenage self just to make fun of her and tease her..

B laughed and smiled as she loved how Kayla was turned into a baby and she felt her tits harden and became erect and she felt herself getting wet loving the control she had over her once best friend..

C kept pushing the stroller treating her just like a baby pointing at the ducks and cooing at her just like a real babysitter or mommy would do...

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Tiffany looked at her once best friend. Kayla used to be mean to everybody and look at her now sucking her pacifier and drooling all over herself in a soggy diaper. All this because of her. She could destroy her mind with a word and make the poor girl make a fool of herself. She noticed she was starting to get aroused and an idea came to her mind. She took Kayla on her lap cuddling her very tight and near her erects nipples. Kayla...

A: start to fuss and try to reach the boobs
B: start to nurse her friend nipple through her shirt
C: fall asleep on Tiffany's lap

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Kayla was becoming tired as her adult body could’t keep up with her baby brain... She began to yawn dropping her pacifier she had this need and desire to suck her fingers.. Her adult mind was fighting with her baby side trying to stop but the triggers were too powerful! Kayla was hypnotized and she was losing her dignity and her pride.. Once they got to the bench her x best friend cooed at her and Kayla was soon asleep... While sleeping Kayla was dreaming about 

A When she was a Normal teenager 

B Tiffany being her babysitter or mommy..

C being Logan and Tiffany’s baby 

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Tiffany pushed the girl back home in her stroller. She smiled at herself while Kayla was dreaming and babbling in her sleep through her thumb words like "Mama" "dada". Soon they were home where Logan and his mother prepared everything for the upcoming baby shower. Tiffany took Kayla into the crib noticing her soaked diaper, she thought for a moment about changing her. But she instead gave her back her adult mind and waited for her to leak all over the crib, just to see how embarassed would she get. She put the binkie bak in the girl's mouth and left the room. Kayla woke up several hours later...

A. in a leaky diaper calling for her mommy (Tiffany) showing she was regressing even without the triggers
B. in her leaky diaper surrounded by Tiffany, Logan and Regina (Logan's mom)
C. in panic and panic even more when finding out the pacifier actually soothed her

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Kayla woke up and she didn’t know what was going on she looked around and saw she was in a crib and then she noticed she was wearing a diaper! What the hell is this!” She yelled. As she was moving around she noticed her diaper was wet... No no this can’t be happening.. Kayla began to panic she couldn’t figure out what was going on!  Then she blushed bright red as she saw her baby pink princess pacifier sitting there.. What is wrong with me! She whined as she grabbed the pacifier and she had this uncontrollable urge to suck on it.. Kayla couldn’t believe it she felt so much better so comfortable and relaxed.. Kayla 

A laid there sucking her pacifier feeling content..

B tried to figure out what was going on and tried to get out of the crib 

C Snapped out of it and threw the pacifier across the room and began yelling... 

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Regina entered the room finding Kayla blissfully sucking her pacifier in a soggy diaper. "Awww good morning baby" she said leaning inside the crib "Did bay Kayla soaked her diaper for grandma Regina to change?" she asked taking the girl out of the crib and onto the changing table. "Here we go! You like your new nursery baby?" she asked bouncing Kayla on her hip. Regina then...

A. Dress Kayla for the party triggering a more newbornish mind
B. Dress Kayla for the party triggering a more adult mind
C. Leave Kayla only in her diaper and pacifier crawling among the guests


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Kayla laid there getting her diaper changed and cooed at then the worst thing imaginable happened she was brought back to reality... Kayla looked at herself not understanding what was going on! “Wh— what wh-what have you done!” She looked at her clothes Kayla tried moving but she was unable to and was weak.. “I - I don’t understand wh— what have you done!” She cried 

A They all explained to her what was going on

B Tiffany came in and fed her a bottle while telling her a story about how her life was going to be...

C Tiffany came back with another friend and they dressed the new baby but Kayla was still the teenage Kayla and was helpless to stop them.. 

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When Kayla started to squirm at her new situation Regina and Logan left the room to Tiffany. Tiffany have that mean, condescending way of talk that was gonna make Kayla feel even more helpless. Tiffany entered the room "Well hi baby girl, I see you finally woke up from your nap" she said picking her up "And I see grandma Regina already changed your soaked bum." Before Kayla could talk she Tiffany shoved the nipple of a warm milkie baba in her mouth. "Drink it up mommy Tif melted some baby biscuits in it just for you." As the girl started to suck Tiffany cooed and talk to her sweetly "This is your new life baby girl. You are going to be my newborn in an adult body. You already are using your diapers even out of the trance and you are already addicted to your paci as well. Well soon enough you are gonna be so regressed that is not gonna make a difference if you are in a trance or not. You'll just be our new baby girl. Mine, Logan's and Regina."

Kayla drinks her baba and...

A. Start to use her new diaper
B. Start to feel like she is where she is supposed to
C. Knows this ain't right but feels so nice to be taken care of

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“No please please I don’t wanna be a baby!” She cried but as soon as the bottle nipple went towards her mouth she opened! What the hell is going on with me! Kayla was screaming in her head as the began drinking like she had no control.. Her mind was still there but her actions weren’t hers.. They’ve done something to me but I can’t stop it.. Oh No are you serious! Kayla thought to herself as she felt the wetness and she knew she had wet her diaper... Kayla 

A began crying unable to control her emotions or actions 

B called Tiffany mommy and began babbling 

C begged and begged not to be a baby.. 

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Tiffany fedher new baby her bottle caressing the front of her diaper. "Aww I see we are enjoying this baba, aren't we? And... Uh-oh baby is making a wee-wee on momma's lap" Tiffany pronounced a trigger word and Kayla suddenly started to babble. Tiffany couldn't help but smile at the sound of her former best friend calling her "mama". As soon as the bottle was over Tiffany...

A. burped Kayla and put her paci back in her mouth
B. notice Kayla had her first messy diaper
C. dress Kayla in the most babyish outfit and take her to the party

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Kayla was so confused as she Listened but it was like a dream as she couldn’t say much as the bottle was in her mouth and she continued drinking... Once the bottle was over Kayla tried to figure out what was going on.. Kayla was dressed just like a baby with a pretty white dress with little bears on it and her Mary Jane shoes... Kayla 

A Kayla was brought back to her real self and she threw a tantrum once she saw how she was dressed

B Cried for her pacifier 

C She was taken out to the guest for her baby shower... 

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Tiffany finished feeding the baby her baba and started dressing her. The outfit was adorable and she could see Kayla pouting as she stucked two fingers in her mouth droolingly sucking on em. The big baby probably didn't like the taste of her fingers and started crying for her pacifier. "Awww my poor baby Kayla, come to mama" said Tiffany holding her tight and gently patting her thick diaper "Here's your suckie". Kayla's cry immediatly stopped as she started to make suckling noises and smiling behind her paci. "Now why don't you go looking for dada Logan or grandma Regina while mama clean your nursery?" Said her new mommy smiling. Kayla...

A. go find Logan in the living room and finds a crowd of guests
B. go find Regina in the kitchen
C. wants to stay with Tiffany

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Once Kayla was dressed she didn’t want to leave as she was told to do... Her body was fighting her mind but this time both would win as she was determined not to go anywhre!  Kayla laid cuddled up to her new mommy as she cooed at her... Kayla 

A cried for Tiffany 

B got a spanking 

C laid on her back kicking her feet.. 

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Tiffany was amused by her new baby girl being so clingy and her heart melt when she saw Kayla on her back kicking her feet sucking her pacifier while some line of drools stained her chin. "You are so cute honey, mama thinks you will be soon ready to get breastfed" she said caressing Kayla's face. Kayla...

A. Make grabby hands at Tiffany's boobs at the mention of breastfeeding
B. Just lay there mindlessly regressed
C. The little piece remaining from her adult mind start to think that this is not so bad


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