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Weird Science pvt Logan.sw. Interactive


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Kayla sat in class annoyed that the nerdy freshman kept looking at her, he had been doing it for weeks now.. Sure he was smart that’s why he was in her class when she was a senior and he was a freshman but that gave him no right to look at her like she was a plate of ribs! I need to do something to teach him a lesson.. She thought to herself as she was spacing out during the lecture as the teacher went on and on.. Kayla was 5’9 blond hair natural curly she was a cheerleader so she always got what she wanted she was popular everyone liked her and she enjoyed teasing the boys with her little skirts that showed off her tan silky smooth legs.. One thing she enjoyed doing was teasing the boys by adjusting her bra strap just so they can see something they could never have and Logan was one of those boys! Kayla looked at her phone class was almost over ugh I hate science she thought to herself ready for this to end and get her weekend started.. 

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Logan being 19 was slightly younger than any other student in the class. He could be classified as a loner, he didn't talked much and he was pretty shy at school. Outside he was completely different. He usually wore at school an appropriate outfit but when bell rings he's a leather jacket guy, big rings and earrings. You could see him dancing at a punk concert till 4 a.m and achieve an "A" in the test few hours later. He was good looking but he, for some reason, tried to hide at school. 5'10 for 150lbs and an athletic building even tho' he didn't partecipate any of the sport school's activity. He could hook up any girl but one was stuck in his mind. Not like an obsession or anything else,he had his share of sexual encounters but since the first grade he always had a crush on Kayla. Till middle school she was always nice to him after then she became mean. His guess was that boys attentions made her feel like a goddess. He tried to forget her but strumming a love song on his guitar or watching a romantic movie his mind would uncontrollably go to her.

Science class was almost over and the professor stated that all the students should be pairing for an home assignment. Logan hoped to be left out and having to do the work on his own but...



A ) Kayla asks politely to be Logan's partner willing to do some of the work and try to get a good grade
B ) Kayla asks in a fake polite tone Logan to be her partner, planning of doing nothing and take the credit for his work using his crush on her
C ) Kayla rudely says to Logan he must do the work and put her name on it

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Oh no I hate getting partners! She thought to herself.. She listened to the teacher go on and on how this would be half their grade.. The only good thing is the teacher would allow them to pick out their partner... Kayla knew right away it was going to be Logan! He was probably the smartest guy in the class being the youngest one in there cause he was so smart they let him skip some grades and bumped him right up to the senior class.. Kayla got caught up in thinking what she was going to do tonight was she going to go out with friends or was she going to go out with some boys and let them buy her dinner.. Boys are so easy.. Kayla knew they were so predictable and so easy to control.. She smiled as that was another thing she loved was control! The bell rang and she got her things and she.. 

A Went to her locker 

B Told Logan that her and him were going to be partners 

C asked Logan what the assignment was. 

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Logan left and was a little surprised Kayla picked him to be his partner for the work. Being 19 and among older guys and girls he somehow, sometimes misinterpreted the signals of his fellow mates. He shyly went out the class, combing his dark brown hair with his hand. He spotted Kayla at her locker and got straight to her.

"Hi" he said a bit embarrassed but keeping himself together "I didn't expect you to pick me as you partner"

When Kayla ignored him, his confidence went out the window. So trying to change the subject he just continued his speech.

"So when are we gonna meet? My place or yours?" He asked.


A. Tell him you are not doing the work
B. Tell him you'll go at his house and actually try to help him
C. Go to him and do nothing while he does the work and you make fun of him 

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”Oh did you think I was helping no i have too many other things to do!” She rolled her eyes knowing she had to give him some incentive to do all the work.. Rolling her eyes. “If you do all the work I’ll show you my bra I know you’ve been wanting to see it.” She whispers softly in his ear seductively... I know I have him now! Kayla thinks to herself and who knows maybe that will get rid of him once and for all just cause we grew up together don’t mean I have time for him now he’s kinda nerdy yes kinda cute but he could never handle a woman like me.. She thought as she watched him carefully knowing just the thought of seeing her bra would make him excited after all he’s a stupid freshman! Kayla signed. “So do we have a deal?”  Kayla 

A waited for an answer 

B smiled and walked away 

C caught up with her girlfriends as they passed by.. 

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He was younger but pretty smart and for the first time he decided to bring his other self to school he build his confidence.
"Kayla, we both know I have a weak spot for you. This, tho' doesn't make me a fool. I saw a lot of girls and not always they had their bras on. So that is not gonna make me do the work for you. If you actually had things to do I would have helped, maybe if you were at least a bit more kind. So please do both of us an favor and do some of the work. If you need help you can come to my house. My grades are pretty high so won't be a problem to get get an F... you on the other hand are not quite the best students from what I see." He slowly retreated smiling.


A. Logan walks away leaving her thinking
B. Logan waits for an answer
C. Logan stand there enjoying Kayla reaction

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To say Kayla was shocked would be a understatement she was furious and embarrassed.. How dare him he speak to me like that! She thought as she was so angry she had a notion to stomp off but she was older then this little freshman even if he talked down to her.. Kayla’s mind was spinning of what to do or say... “Well I’m not like most girls and you would love to see my bra and we both know my grade would be fine and I was just being nice to you I know you like staring at me.. Kayla felt like she had him where she wanted him she leaned in smelling like coconut and strawberries. “I bet you go home everyday and jerk off thinking about me I’ll tell you what you do the assignment and I’ll show you my panties.” She smiled and walks away figuring she would leave him excited.. As she walks down the hall she wonders what he’s thinking..  Logan 

A tried to catch his breathe and regain his composure with the thought of seeing her in her bra and panties..

B Thought That bitch I’m going to get her back.

C looked around to see if anyone was watching or heard what was going on.. 

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Even tho' the thought of her in lingerie was appealing Logan was pissed atKayla and he decided he would've put her back in her place. He got home and started to work in the basement, he had plenty of equipment to experiment. He even bailed school to keep focusing on the assignment. He started working with his PC on how picture and sounds can chenge someone's personality and headspace.

Three days later he was finally done, this was really something and maybe could be a way to get revenge.

A. Logan decide to try the hypno tape on Kayla before showing the project at school
B. Logan decide to try the hypno tape on Kayla during the demo in class
C. Logan decide to let it go for this time

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Kayla went home and changed then her and her friends went to the mall and a movie then something to eat.. When she got back it was still a little early so she decided to text Logan to set up a time to meet.. Logan wsup it’s Kayla when do you wanna meet..  Kayla decided to take a shower then she was going to check her emails.. She was hoping to get the assignment over so she patiently waited for his response.. He’s probably wondering how I got his number.. She smiled thinking that to herself and she wondered how he would react..

A he was surprised she had his number..

B smile thinking now he had her 

C ignored her text 

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Hi just finished it, need someone to test the project. Wanna at least do that? He replied smiling. Logan took a shower and put on his jeans and a leather jacket over a white shirt combed his hair with gel and chilled on the bed strumming his guitar. Soon enough Kayla should be over. His mother would probably let her in so he just stayed there playing over some songs on the radio.

A. Logan's mom let Kayla in and Logan immediatly make her watch the regression video
B. Logan's mom let Kayla in and chill a bit with Logan before watching the video
C. Kayla don't shows up

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Kayla smiled as she got a text from Logan.. That was quick she thought as she read it.. What a boy eager to please me and do anything he can to get in my pants.. She said to herself as she went back upstairs to pick out some clothes... A white shirt that would show off her black bra and red thong panties with a little red and black tartan skirt.. She looked at herself in the mirror he’ll be drooling over me probably have to go to the bathroom and jerk off.. Kayla smiled grabbed her purse and went over to his house.. Logan’s mom answered and said she had to get to work Kayla knew Logan’s dad had died in the war so it was just him and his mom that meant Kayla would be all alone with him.. Kayla went in looking for Logan.. “Where are you little boy your babysitters here mommy went to work.” She said teasingly as she went in the kitchen.. Logan 

A heard her and went to say hi 

B Got mad and yelled at her saying he wasn’t a baby 

C Grabbed Kayla and knocked her out with chloroform.. 

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Logan smiled at himself thinking how Kayla was calling him a baby not knowing she is gonna hear that word soon and for the rest of her life. The software he create would allow to reprogram one's mind into a certain age. He already set it up and thought that maybe was a bit too mean to make Kayla's mind the one of a 1 year old, but her teasing words made his worry go away is what she deserved after all. She came here Hoping to make him drool but soon she'll be the one drooling.

"Hi Kayla" Logan said putting his guitar down "come in I'm in my room" he said ignoring the fact she was in his house and just making fun of him.

A. Kayla enters the room and is stunned to see how the real Logan is after school
B. Kayla enters and wanting to be soon off this house ask Logan to see the project
C. Kayla keeps on teasing him till Logan gets tired and show her the hypno tape

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Kayla thinks she’s funny teasing Logan as she continues to walk around the house looking for him.. “Come on baby boy where are you I’m going to count to five and you better come out or I know a little boy who’s going to get a spanking... Kayla was having fun teasing Logan she felt like she was getting him back from earlier when he talked down to her.. “Ok one— two- three. Once Kayla got to three she..

A searched for him from room to room and looking down stairs 

B continued to count and tease him..

C Grabbed a drink and sat down waiting for him 

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Logan was still on his bed trying to act as cool as possible letting the girl have a last bit of fun, soon she won't be able to count at all. He heard the footsteps approching the rooms and was just gonna be seconds before she would have step in his bedroom. He felt excited, a weird, funny sensation inside his stomach. As soon as Kayla walked in Logan enjoyed her face in seeing how different he was from the guy she saw everyday at school.

"Hey Kayla" he said "the project is ready, when you want put the earphones on and just push play"



A. Kayla watches the tape right away
B. Kayla comments on how Logan is different from school before pushing play on his pc to see the project
C. Kayla is tunned by how different Logan is and hit on him before watching the video

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Kayla finally finds him.. She surprised when she sees him.. “Wow why don’t you dress up like that at school!” She says checking him out.. “For a little boy you’re cute if I was a few years younger I might even date you.” She said with a nice smug smile.. “Remember our deal you do the work and I’ll show you my bra and panties!” “Opps!” She said lifting her skirt and holding her hand to her mouth in a innocent way.. “ok let’s see this project you made that will get us an A!” Kayla pushed the button to see the project she...

A felt lightheaded 

B her phone rang so she went to get it before she got Into the program 

C she watched it and didn’t feel right as she began drooling.. 

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"I don't need to show off at school" Logan replies to her. When she lift her skin and bring to her mouth all he can think of is how hot is she and that soon that same hand is gonna spend lots of time in her mouth. "Yeah, some time ago, I would have date you too, but you know... that's life" He says not convinced a bit of his own words.
"So what you think of my project?" Logan ask not sure if she is still able to reply. Then he see her cute, drooly mouth and he have to hold back an aww at the cuteness of the scene.


A. Kayla starts to suck her thumb and reply to him while regressing further and further every second
B. Kayla shoves her fingers in her mouth slobbery sucking on hit and wet herself while babbling at Logan
C. Kayla stays still and all of the sudden her mind is regressed to the one of a 1 year old

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After a few minutes of watching the video she starts drooling then she starts to suck her thumb.. “Wh- what is going on!” She yells still sucking her thumb trying to figure out what is happening to her.. Kayla starts babbling as she starts giggling then out of no where she does sown thing she hasn’t done since she was two she wet herself.. Kayla starts crying like a two year old... Kayla 

A is able to know what’s going on but can’t stop it..

B Cries Like a baby 

C Is brought back to her teenage self and discovered she has wet herself 

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At the seen of her sucking herl thumb slobbery Logan can't resist and makes a big smile. He sits on his bed and enjoy all the regression phases. Suddenly he notice a wet spot growing between the girl's leg and he burst out in a laugh. "Aww don't worry baby, we'll get you changed in a bit but the tape isn't over yet, just keep watching the video and regress more for me then we can change you and find something better to suck than that thumb of yours" he say going near Kayla and caressing her hair "ok honey?"

A. Kayla calms down and get even more regressed watching the video in a blissfull state
B. Logan comforts her till she regresses further and all her adult mind is swiped away
C. Kayla cuddles in Logan hoping he would switch off the video and let her go without regressing further


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Kayla didn’t know what was happening but she knew she had to get back to normal! Ugh I can’t believe this what did this asshole do to me!” She thought yo herself as she noticed she was wet. What the hell how could I possibly have an accident I’m eighteen! She screamed in her head! Kayla decided she would snuggle up to him hoping he would let her go and shut off the video that seemed to be hypnotizing her. Logan 

A let her go 

B planted some subliminal messages in her head 

C played with her and cooed at her like she was a real baby

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The 19 years old guy cuddled the older girl shushing her with an adult pink pacifier. "This will help you concentrate on the video and regress you further and making you more comfortable with your new role" Logan says stroking her hair and resuming the video careful not to watch it and not to listen it. "Soon you would feel very relaxed in your new position, and I'm sure my mother would love to look after you when I'm at school. She did it when we were kids." he paused when the girl started to squirm "And don't try to fight cause it's permanent" Logan chuckle.

As soon as the video is over Kayla is completely regressed to a one year old. "So what should do first baby girl?"

A. Kayla asks for a baba
B. Kayla asks for a change
C. Kayla babbles and call Logan "Dadda"

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Kayla was screaming in her head as she felt like she was having a out of body experience and had to hope that Logan would set her free.. For now Kayla was wet and trying to figure out what happened.. “Wh wappend bb tf wolf da da!” She said not making sense but that was all she could do! Logan 

A Brings her back to herself and gives her subliminal messages that will make her act like a baby.. 

B continues to tease her even making a video of her babbling like a baby.. 

C changes her and gets her a bottle 

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"Awww you definitely need a diaper. Look at you! Sincce you started watching the tape you've been constantly dripping your pants" I quickly undress you and clean your privates.

I see you getting squirmy and I go to the kitchen preparing you a warm bottle of milk "Can you be a big girl and hold it by yourself?" I ask cooingly. "Good girl keep sucking it"

I powder your diaper area and tape two diaper with a booster pad between your legs. I then pick a pink onesie and put you in it clipping your pacifier to it.

Now that you are all dressed "Dadda will hold the baba for you so you don't get tired!" I say feeding you the baba on my bed. Kayla

A. Let Logan feed her patting her diaper uncoordinatily
B. Start to fall asleep sucking the warm milk
C. Slip further into little space

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Kayla is yelling in her head it’s like a bad dream she can’t wake up.. She lays there playing with her toes sucking her fingers as her new daddy changes her into a diaper she don’t even try to fight it as her body has betrayed her.. Once she’s in a diaper she continues to lay there as she’s dressed.. “Mees big girl!” She said laughing as she held her bottle that said baby girl on it.. She cuddled up as her daddy fed her and patted her diapered bottom.. As she was being fed her phone began to ring.. Logan 

A answered it 

B It startled Kayla and she snapped out of her trance 

C he decided to bring her back to normal so she could answer her own phone.. 

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Logan is cuddling her new babygirl and feeding her her lunch in an adorable baby bottle "Does baby like her baba? She likes it doesn't she?!" He says stroking her hair gently. He can't belive he made it, she is completely helpless and mindless. The bottle is over and a sound comes from the pile of clothes laying next to his bed.

Her phone is ringing in her soaked wet pants laid on the floor Logan answer still cuddling the babbling adult baby that now is sucking her fingers slobbery.

"Hello" says Logan answering the phone.


A. Is Kayla's mother, Logan explain the situation and she is happy about it
B. Is Kayla's best friend and after Logan explain her the situation she asks to come over to see the new baby
C. Is Kayla's boyfriend and when she is explained the situation he just leave Kayla for her best friend

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Kayla continues to drink as her new daddy strokes her and rocks her and pats her diapered bottom as he coos to her.. Kayla gets fussy as she’s moved around and she hears him talking to someone but it’s not in baby talk.. She starts to suck on her fingers and points at the lights laughing.. After answering the phone and telling Tiffany her best friend about the baby he.. 

A Brings Kayla back and shows her the videos of acting just like a baby drinking her bottle and being a baby.. 

B Puts her down for a nap

 C gives her some subliminal messages and code words that will Make her act like a baby or need and want to wear diapers..  

D he will Show Kayla off as she is the assignment.. Logan regressed her.. 

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