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I’m interested in a interactive role play


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Remember the books or games that would tell a little story then they would have options... For instance 

My partner would say after I spanked him serval times I..

A. Made him stand in the corner

B made him suck his thumb 

C hugged him and said mommy loves her baby boyfriend you just have to remember you’re now a baby not a big boy...


Then I would say 

B..  James was so embarrassed being spanked my his girlfriend and it really hurt then to make things worse she made him suck his thumb.. After several minutes he hoped he could get out of this and he didn’t wanna talk cause the thumb would  make his talking sound so babyish.. He 

A asked if he could go to the bathroom 

B took his thumb out without permission 

c Told her he was sorry and he’ll be good..

You pick one of the options and you role play off the option you picked then you leave me three options..

I think it could be fun let me know if interested..

Thanks, K 





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