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From Little Thief to little Baby ( for diaperboy


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"Mira this isn't funny ! I don't need diapers and I'm not going to daycare !" Keiko was shouting at her assistant clearly not too happy to find herself being dropped off at daycare. Like Hanabi Keiko was a youthlock though she was a very powerful business woman. She had short black hair done in pigtails, sharp purple eyes, and had recently been feeling very stressed. The grouchy youthlock was still in her business outfit of a black jacket and skirt and a white button down shirt. Keiko had agreed to let Mira help her find a way to deal with her stress but had never in her wildest dreams expected to find herself enrolled in the daycare for a trial period of one week as she watched her assistant fill out the forms required to enroll her.

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Mira just smiled as she held the youthlock in her arms before setting her in a chair while she handed the receptionist the filled out paperwork "Ohhhh but didn't you say you looking for a way to relieve your stress? Well this is the best solution for you to get you away from your troubles." She said with a smile "So you don't need diapers huh? Well let's check your pull up and find out.' she said lifting her skirt up and slipped a finger inside the waistband of her pull up.

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"This place is for babies ! And leave my Pull-Up alone !" Keiko snapped at Mira not wanting her to discover she was wet. While it hadn't been entirely her fault upon seeing the daycare and her assistant taking her inside had shocked her enough to have quite the accident. She couldn't stop the diaper check though as it was discovered she was not only wet but messy as well. Keiko wondered what Mira had put on her paperwork as she tried to figure out how to convince her to give making her go to daycare.

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"Which you'll soon will be."  She said before smirking "Hmm it seems someone's wet and stinky no wonder why your so cranky well not to worry Im gonna make it all better." She cooed and started to remove her business suit then ripped the sides of her pull up before grabbing the baby wipes and started to wipe her down"My my you sure had to go didn't you." 

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"You tricked me ! I thought you were going to take me to a spa not a daycare ! I can't stay here ! I have important work to do !" Keiko continued to fuss as Mira removed her business suit then tore off her Pull-Up. She squirmed around trying to avoid what was coming as her butt was wiped down. Despite her small size the youthlock executive was in good physical shape making it a bit harder to make her hold still. "Stop it ! I'm not a baby ! I can clean myself up ! I don't need to wear diapers !" Keiko continued to protest while trying her best to stop Mira from putting her in a diaper.

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"Not today you you don't  today you'll be an adorable little girl ." She replied before noticing the youthlock squirm and fastened the restraints to keep her still then placed a pacifier in her mouth to calm her "Just relax Kiki It won't be so bad if you behave yourself maybe I will take you the spa after.' Before unfolding a pampers baby dry diaper under her and started to powder her up using liberal amounts.

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"No ! Cut it out ! This isn't funny ! This joke has gone on long enough ! I'm not wearing a" Keiko continued to protest until Mira strapped her down and put the pacifier in her mouth. She tried to spit it out but her mouth refused to cooperate and she began sucking on it. The worn out executive continued to struggle as the baby powder and baby diaper were brought out. Keiko blushed as she noticed the Sesame Street designs and wondered what character was on the diaper.

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Mira brought the front up before taping it up smiling at the Elmo designs before pulling out the sundress and slipped it over the youthlocks head "There all better now try to make some friends here I'll finish up your work for you while you play." Undoing the straps and lifted the girl up and brought to the playroom where Hanabi was who was just sitting on the rug while staring out the window while she had a pacifier in her mouth "And look there's a little playmate for you why don't go try and play with her.

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Keiko frowned as she saw Elmo was on her diaper and was redressed into a yellow sundress decorated with flowers. She pouted upon being put in the playroom and refused to go play. "I'm not pwaying with a bunch of dumb babies and you can't make me !" The powerful employee told her secretary refusing to go have some fun and make some new friends. Mira would need to give Keiko some reason to try and play with others or she would just sit around in the daycare doing nothing.

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Mira gave the youthlock a look "Find if you don't go play right not only will I put you down for a nap but I'll extend your stay longer by telling the office  that your taking a leave of absence... All I have to do is make the arrangements with a push if a button." She told the youthlock holding her work cellphone.

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Keiko growled in frustration knowing Mira would definitely do it before telling her "Fine ! I'll try to find a playmate if it will make you happy. She began to walk only to fall as the diaper was much thicker than her training panties. The little adult wouldn't let herself be stopped though as she stood up and began waddling over to the baby sitting on the rug. Keiko turned around once she was by Hanabi to see if Mira was still watching to make sure she played with somebody.

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Mira couldn't but hold back a giggle as she watched the youthlock waddle and fall a couple of times and kept a close on her. Hanabi just grumbled counting down when it was time for Heather to come get her. She noticed Keiko waddling as she assumed she was coming over to play before taking the pacifier out of her mouth and looked at her "If you'we wooking to pway kid fowget it but thewes pwenty of toys fow you to pway with." She told her this is something a toddler wouldn't say.

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"I'm not a little kid ! Now shut up and pretend to play with me !" Keiko whispered to Hanabi trying to boss her around thinking she was a little kid. She grabbed the nearest two toys a couple of dolls and shoved one into the other youthlock's hands.

Before Hanabi could do anything Michelle came around and asked her "So Hannah did you finally make a friend or are we going to the nursery ?" It was pretty clear both small girls needed the situation to work out at least until they were left alone.

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Hanabi just grunted before being handed a doll it was clear this girl wasn't a toddler but was unsure before seeing Michelle walk over  "No Miss Michelwe I found someone." She lisped pretending to play with Keiko.

Mira just smiled and decided with Keiko occupied she could catch up on some office work before going to the other side of the daycare.

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Keiko waited until Mira had left and Michelle was busy with another toddler before shoving the other doll into her arms. "See you later baby" She told the young girl as she got ready to try and escape though she didn't stand a chance. The tiny criminal could just let her try it but would have to find a real toddler to play with to continue avoiding being put in the nursery. Unknown to Keiko Michelle was keeping a close eye on her and Hannah.

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Hanabi glared as the doll was shoved  into her arms it was clear this wasn't an ordinary toddler. Hanabi quickly dropped the doll  before grabbing the hem of Keikos dress "Not so fast cwinkle pants  you twy to escape you'll end up in da bouncew wike I did or wowse you'll be put in a fuckin nuwsery." She warned her before saying "Take my advice you'll end up wike I did if you cwoss these cwazy people."

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Keiko had to stop and hear what Hanabi had to say but then told her "Listen up my name isn't crinkle pants. It's Keiko. Can the baby say Keiko ?" She asked her in a mocking tone before continuing "And how bad can a bouncer be ? It's not like it can hurt you" Clearly the powerful youthlock had yet to realize how bad a baby bouncer or a nursery could be. Keiko waited for an answer from Hanabi not even bothering to ask her name or how she wound up in the daycare.

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Hanabi glared at her "And my name is not baby it's Hanabi you wittwe bwat." Before she smirked "Oh it's bad especialwy when youw fowced to shit in youw diapees now I suggest you be a good wittwe baby and heed my wawning." The youthlock warned the youthlock knowing she was just as stubborn as she was.

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"You're the baby not me ! At least I can talk like a big girl" Keiko shot back at Hanabi after removing her pacifier unaware it wasn't her fault. She was definitely not getting along well with her new friend due to both of them being quite stubborn. Just before they could continue arguing Michelle came by and told them "It's almost naptime. Are you both still dry ?" before giving them both a diaper check. She was just about to start setting the nap mats down but was checking all the babies in diapers first.

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"Not my fauwt da stupid officew used something to num my mouth up thats making me tawk this way and... The small gasped as her diaper was checked which was dry and clean "No! Im still clean I dun need a diapee change yet..." She said blushing "And I dun need a nap either!" Before Mira came over with a bottle "Look little Kiki I got you your naptime baba you'll need it before you go beddy bye." She cooed holding out the milky liquid for her.

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