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From Little Thief to little Baby ( for diaperboy


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Hanabi huffed as she was let out of the highchair "Finally! Never thought you wou... Hey what are you do... Mmmph! The girl had no choice but to suckle the bottle of formula as she struggled to get out of the woman's lap the youthlock girl glared the whole time while she drank before the bottle was completely empty her tummy now completely bloated.

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Once Hanabi had finished the entire bottle Heather put an old rag over her shoulder. She then proceeded to try and burp the toddler sized woman sure that she needed it. To help make sure the girl burped she bounced her a little giving her tummy some slight encouragement. Heather waited for Hanabi to burp before finally putting her down in the living room and turning on the tv.

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"Hey! What are you.. she gasped when she let out a huge burp and spat up alittle blushing heavily at what she just did "That was a one time thing I assure you that will not happen again." She said turning away after wiping her spit up with her sleeve and to have what dignity she had left but it did certainly make a small dent in her pride. When the woman turned on the TV she to reach for the remote.


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Heather only giggled in response while keeping the remote out of Hanabi's clutches. She soon picked out a show for babies and turned on the childlock so the thief could only go to channels that had a certain rating. Unless the Disney Channel had Disney Junior she wouldn't even be able to watch the shows on it. Only then did Heather allow Hanabi to take the remote.

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Hanabi grumbled at the babish shows that was put on for her before Heather gave her the remote and immediately tried to change the station "Hey! What the hell!' only little babies watch these shows!" She complained "I want to watch an 'adult' show.." she grumbled and started to walk away refusing to be stuck watching something that was childish.

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"Maybe once your attitude improves I'll unlock the Disney Channel but for now these are the only shows you'll be watching" Heather informed Hanabi as she watched her try to get past the childlock. She grabbed her preventing the girl from getting away and gave her a big hug. One way or another the bank robber would adjust to being treated like a baby again. Heather forced Hanabi to stay with her and watch a baby show whether she liked it or not.

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The youthlock squirmed while she was basically being hugged "Let go of me I told you I'm not watching shows that are for babies!" She complained while still struggling to get free not noticing the playpen that was set next to the couch which she could end up being if she continues to put up a struggle  like the small child she acting that she denies to be.

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"You should be grateful I'm letting you watch any tv at all ! So far you've done nothing but act like a baby so this is what you get" Heather told Hanabi as she still refused to loosen her grip. She decided to teach the little brat a lesson and every time she squirmed hugged her tighter and turned up the volume. Unless the thief wanted to end up being forced to pee and poop in her diaper while listening to a baby show it was in her best interest to remain calm and stop moving. Heather wondered if Hanabi would learn the lesson in time to avoid an accident.

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She glared at her "I'm not a baby!" She hissed before squirming as the woman hugged her tighter before a familiar feeling hit her bladder as well as her tummy started gurgling and it was stronger then usual "No! Not now! Lady let go I need the toilet and I need it bad!" Squirming more as she felt her control slipping and could burst at any moment.

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Heather ignored Hanabi's demands to be let go so she could use the bathroom instead turned up the tv and hugged her even tighter. She was definitely not going to let the bank robber use the bathroom while she continued to refuse to use her manners or show any hint of gratitude. It seemed however the youthlock had grown up she wasn't used to manners or acting nice. It all just confirmed Heather's resolve to reraise Hanabi into a sweet kind little girl no matter how long it took.

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Hanabi groaned "No! Still! You're gonna make me..." Her eyes widened and grew silent as she felt a warm mess enter the back of her diaper "I.. I'.. I..." Her eyes started to water up and began to wail like the little baby she was denying to be as she couldn't believe she had went into diaper.


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Heather let Hanabi cry and sit in her mess until the baby show was finally over. She then decided to have a bit more fun and began bouncing her on her knee making sure her messy diaper got every inch of her butt. Perhaps a case of diaper rash would help the lesson sink in a bit better the police officer thought to herself. At least it would be two hours before Heather gave Hanabi a fresh diaper.

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Hanabi began to whine  as she bounced and tried to get away "No stop! Your getting it all over me."  She whined as she started  to squirm she didn't want to sit in the mess before the youthlock got on her hands and knees "Please don't force me to sit in this it's really gross!"

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"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't. You've fought with me and refused to obey my rules. Now you've got to pay the price. If I give you a fresh diaper you won't learn a lesson" Heather told Hanabi as she waited to see if she could come up with a good argument. So far the bratty youthlock had done nothing to earn a fresh diaper but quite a few things to deserve a diaper rash. She waited for some possible reason while enjoying watching the adult squirm. Heather got ready to continue bouncing Hanabi on her knee as another baby show came on.

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Hanabi whimpered "Please!" I don't want to get a rash... I get them really bad!" Hinting she may of wore diapers in the past and then decided to sink herself low "Okay! I'm just a cranky big baby who just went in her pants that clearly needs diapers.... Now please change me ill do anything... I'll even wear a babyish outfit." She pleaded it seems the older woman had the youthlock right where she wanted.

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"You'll follow all my rules even if you think they're unfair ?" Heather asked Hanabi glad to see she was finally starting to learn who was in charge. She still had no intention of changing her for a few hours but didn't tell her that yet. Being left in the dirty diaper would quickly reveal if the youthlock meant what she was saying or was just trying to get out of the stinky diaper. Heather had plenty of diaper rash cream for Hanabi so wasn't the least bit worried about her getting a rash.

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Hanabi quickly nodded her head "Yes! yes! I'll behave please just change me outta this I don't want to sit in it it's really gross!" She pleaded clearly not liking being in a stinky diaper for long periods of time as she started squirming alittle as she felt the mess spreading on her bottom which caused her to whimper more.

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"Fine you can be changed" Heather told Hanabi only to add "After two hours if you've been good" She expected a huge fit or for the youthlock woman to try and remove the diaper but was ready if she did. Any misbehavior would result in another half hour stuck in the messy diaper waiting for a change. Heather would gladly let Hanabi watch baby shows or a movie to pass the time assuming she remembered her manners. 

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Hanabis eyes widened "No! Please that's too long it's too icky!" She begged "Please I'm sorry for being bad I'll be a good girl just please... Just change me now don't force me to sit in this for 2 hours." She pleaded not bothering to attempt to take off the diaper since she had the locked  plastic panties on.

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"I think if I change you now you'll go right back to being a brat tomorrow. I gave you several warnings and chances to behave but you refused so this is your punishment. Now if you keep whining I'll extend your time so try to be good and watch tv" Heather told Hanabi not the least bit swayed by her begging. She let the little girl have the remote after unlocking the Disney Channel for now allowing her to enjoy some slightly more mature programs. For now it was best if she kept quiet and tried to forget about being stuck in the dirty disposable undergarment. Heather would gladly get Hanabi a snack so long as she asked politely.

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"But but but  I won't I promise!" Before clamping her mouth shut and turned her head away at Heather not happy she had to sit in her own filth. For now she just turned her eyes to the tv not caring what was on she just wanted out of the messy diaper she was  forced to sit in knowing most likely she would get a rash on her delicate skin this definitely felt worse then prison or worse this definitely felt like prison in her mind.

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Heather didn't seem to realize Hanabi could care less what was on but was glad she was staying quiet. She checked her diaper after an hour to see if the girl had made any attempt to use it again. It looked like she had yet to wet it though it might not be too long of a wait. Heather had to wonder though if Hanabi could make it another hour without whining though.

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Hanabi eeped as she was checked which caused her to wet her diaper alittle "Why you checking me the diaper is already soiled enough." She said  before blushing heavily and didn't bother to tell her that she had just used it again to give her the satisfaction the youthlock just turned her eyes back to the tv after her diaper check was done.

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"It's my job. I don't want your diaper leaking everywhere. Now you still have one hour left. Would you like a snack ?" Heather asked Hanabi as she saw the wetness indicator turn blue. She grinned glad that the girl was getting used to the diapers even if it was taking a while. Despite it only being an hour the police officer had doubts as to whether or not the youthlock would last that long. All it would take was some whining and Hanabi could forget about having a fresh diaper once the hour was up.

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Hanabi blushed and shook "Not hungry." She grumbled she was just wanted out of this dirty diaper she was trapped in as the smell from her mess started to grow stronger before she noticed the older woman grin at her "What's so funny are you laughing at me?" She asked in a annoyed tone clearly not amused about her situation.

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