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The Roommate! (Private With Diaperboy187)

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She was sound asleep, as she was exhausted from what just went down. She was curled up in a ball, cuddling the unicorn as tiny snores could be heard through the baby monitor. She had no idea what you were doing at that time. She soon started to suck on the pacifier in her sleep. 

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Jessica finished looking through all of Makayla's panties setting aside the ones with stains. She looked at the clock seeing it had only been an hour since she put the small girl in her crib. Instead of waking her up the new girl decided to let her sleep for another hour while she unpacked. Jessica had yet to hear any signs of trouble over the baby monitor so figured Makayla was still sleeping peacefully.

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She continued to sleep, peacefully. She was dreaming of the beach, her and her sister having a good time swimming. As you went through her clothes, she slept not knowing the wetness that was spreading throughout the diaper.

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Once Jessica had put her clothes away in her new room she saw it was time to wake up Makayla. She went back to the nursery and turned on the light before approaching the crib. The young lady didn't even have to touch the baby diaper to tell it was soaked. Jessica didn't seem too surprised though as she picked Makayla out of the crib and put her down on the changing table making sure to restrain her with the strap again.

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She slowly woke  up, the pacifier was still in her mouth. She rubbed her eyes as she looked around seeing she was on a changing table. "Huh?" She squirmed on the table before spitting out the pacifier. "No! I'm not getting another diaper on!" She said struggling against the restraints.

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"We had a deal and you soaked your diaper. It seems only fair you wear another diaper just in case" Jessica told Makayla her tone making it clear the subject was not up for debate. She pushed the wet diaper against the tiny kid's butt letting her feel just how soaked it was. After letting her feel the accident she untaped the diaper, balled it up, and threw it in the diaper pail. Jessica then got out the baby wipes and quickly wiped down Makayla's butt while wondering when Ashley would be back.

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She lets out a squeak as you show her her accident. "I-i dont need another diaper" She stammered, trying anything to get out of what is about to come. She lets out a small blush as you wipe her down. She began to squirm, really not wanting this. She will definitely get her sister back for this. "Let me go!" she yelled at you, trying to get out. She wasn't going to get diapered again, and she was going to try to do everything she can to follow that. She kicked her legs and tried to un-clip the restraint, but fails. Tears started to flow down her face as she realizes that she won't be able to do anything as she goes limp. She started to cry, wanting this to be over with.

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"Sorry but the diaper from your nap says otherwise. Now stop squirming and I'll have you cleaned up in just a minute" Jessica told Makayla as she waited for her to tire herself out before continuing. She got out a new baby diaper this one had Big Bird on it before putting it under her butt and applying a fresh coat of baby powder. Before the lying kid could stop her she had taped it up. Jessica let Makayla free from the changing table only to put her in a playpen filled with baby toys.

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She continued to trash around, soon tiring herself out. She laid limp on the changing table as she covered her face. This was the second time she was getting a diaper change and she hated it. All she could do was blush as you diaper her up. She squeaked as you picked her up, setting her in the playpen. "I'm not a baby! I dont need to be in a playpen!" she said protesting as she glared at you.

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"Go play while I take care of some adult stuff" Jessica ordered Makayla giving her a sharp warning swat. The message was clear play with your toys like a good girl or get a spanking. She waited to see if the naughty child would continue trying to defy her or give in and be good. Jessica could spank pretty hard and with Makayla's small butt it would be hard for her hand to miss it.

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