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The new college in town (private w/ Gavin)


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“It’s okay, I won’t push you tonight. But tomorrow you are expected to tell the whole class when you poopied last and I just thought that doing it here first would be easier on you.” She hugged Yua again and urns to Lexie, “Lexie, when did you poop last?”

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Yumi hugged Lexie “thanks for sharing Lexie, now. When I change you into your clean diaper it is going to last until bedtime. So if you have any more pee pees or poopies do them now so you don’t to sit in a wet a diaper during dinner and playtime.”


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Yumi smiles and then picks Lexie up, “it’s okay if you can’t go right now. Let’s get that wet diaper off of you so we can go eat some yummy dinner.” She lifts her onto the changing table and removes her shorts. 

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Yumi takes her time and wipes Lexie with care, she slowly changes her friend. “It’s okay Lexie, you just pee peed this time, no biggie.” She notices that Lexie’s new wire is much thicker than her own and that’s it sticks out past her entrance and touches her diaper. Oh so that must be how she gets alerts to when Lexie wets or messes she thinks to herself.  She changes her friend into a new monster diaper and then slides her shorts onto her and lifts her down. “All set Lexie. Now hold Dawn’s hand while we walk through the hall to dinner.” She says as she opens the door and then takes Yua and dawn’s hands so they can get dinner.

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Dawn turns Lexie and squeezes her hand “it’s okay Lexie, we do this every day. Everyone does!” she hopes she made Lexie more at ease.

Yumi is planning on having a one on one talk with Yua after dinner during free time.

Yumi leads the girls to the cafeteria and as she gets to the front she sees Reina “hey Reina. Can you help me with Dawn’s highchair?” she asks as she puts Dawn into the highchair and then Lexie in another finally she put Yua into a third highchair and as she does she kisses her head.

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“I think we will sit at a table for 4, There is one by the window.” Yumi pushes Yua and Lexie in their high chairs to the table. She pushes Yua down by the windows and then Lexie down by the window on the other side of the table. She sat by Yua, “Reina, put Dawn at the head of the table and you can sit by Lexie. That way we will be able to reach any of them.” 

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Yumi knows there is something wrong with Yua. She picks Yua up from the high hair and leads her out to the “quiet room” where kids having temper tampers go. Once they are in the quiet room Yumi turns to Yua and asks “what’s wrong Yua. You can tell me anything.” 

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Yumi reads Yua’s phone and realizes it’s an emergency and hugs Yua. “Okay, we will go tonight, but let’s eat dinner first and then go. We don’t have to stay to the bell tonight, we can eat and hen run, but I need to come with you.” She says hoping Yua understands that she can’t go off of campus alone right now

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Yumi hugs Yua, “I’m sorry she is dying, but I can’t let you go alone and especially during dinner. Let’s go back and I’ll explain to Reina that she has to take over after dinner so I can take you. And I’m sorry you can’t eat right now, I understand, but let’s get you a snack for when you do get hungry when we leave, but for now you can rest your head on your tray and I won’t bug you okay, and I am planning on eating in 10 minutes then we will go okay?!”

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Yumi smiles knowing they will take a helicopter there since she is part of the school now. She eats and s s he does she tells Reina that she has to take Jen to see her mom. Reina knows instantly that this is a bad thing and nods her head. Once she is finished eating Yumi picks Yua up and carries her to the back of the kitchen, they get two packed lunches and they leave quickly.

Yumi takes her to Dawn and yua’s room. She packs a bag quickly, packing extra clothes, diapers, wipes and cream along with their packed lunches. “Come to my room so I can get some clothes too!” She says basically carrying Yua to the caregivers room, soon the bag is packed and yua isn’t on the phone with the dean. The helicopter is preparing for them and he thanks the dean and hangs up.

She turns to Yuma, ”ready to go on a ride of a lifetime?” She asks as she holds yua’s Hand.

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Yumi smiles down at her and hugs her “sweetie, you have no underwear here, I sent them all back to your mom on the first day. But I will let you wear a plain black pair of pants and one of your shirts if you want to, but the diaper is mandatory.”

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Yumi hugs her, “Yua, yes, I will change you into a thinner diaper, but only when we are close. But it’s a two hour helicopter ride and you will need this big diaper while we really in the air.” 

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