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Starting a new family (private with gta85)


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Katie nodded.  It always made her feel loved and cared for when they did small things like that for her, and she was a little jealous when Tommy got praised every time he tried to go potty, even when he didn’t quite make it and went in his pants.

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“All right.”  Sarah cleaned her up and pulled  her panties back up and fixed her dress for her.  “All set.  Let’s wash our hands.”

Meanwhile, Tommy was still playing, and he fidgeted a little as his little bladder started filling up.  He hadn’t wet his pull-up yet, but he would before long if someone didn’t take him to the potty.  It didn’t even fully register that he needed to go yet, and he easily ignored his growing discomfort.

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Spencer’s bladder was past the point of filling up, and he’d been trying to finish a tower before he went potty. Not to mention that the addition of Katie and Tommy was a distraction. He squeezed his crotch with one hand and shifted his position on the floor.  He was starting to regret being stubborn and not using the potty when he woke up from his nap like Mommy had asked him to.


John realized it had been a while since Tommy had pottied when he got up from his nap, so he went to the playroom and checked his pull-up, finding it to be dry.  “Hey, buddy, why don’t we try to go potty.”

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  • 4 months later...

When Katie came back in, John went to find Sarah.  “Why don’t you go see if you can get Tommy to try to go potty?  He wouldn’t let me take him, but he’ll probably need to go soon.  He was dry when I checked him, but he’ll probably wet his pull-up before long if we don’t take him.”

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“Okay.”  Sarah went to the playroom and knelt beside Tommy.  “Hey, sweetie, why don’t we go try to potty?”

Tommy shook his head.

“Did you pee-pee in your pull-up?” Tommy shook his head, so Sarah checked it.  “You’re still dry!  You’re such a big boy! Don’t you want to go to the potty so you can stay dry?”


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Spencer ignored the talk about going to the potty to stay dry. He was bigger than Tommy and could hold it like a big boy until he was finished with what he was doing.  He didn’t have to run to the potty the minute he felt his pee-pee like a baby.


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Tommy reluctantly reached for Sarah to pick him up.  She took him to the bathroom off of the kitchen and left the one in the playroom in case one of the others needed to go in a hurry.  It usually took Tommy a couple of minutes to get a stream going when she took him before he he had to go so badly that it was about to come out, so she left the more convenient bathroom for the toddlers in underwear, since Tommy would stay dry even if he didn’t make it in time.  The toddler squirmed against her hip, the pressure in his bladder finally registering, and his pee-pee stayed where it was supposed to for the time being.  “We’re almost there,” Sarah assured him, picking up the pace.  She hurried into the bathroom and helped him get his pants and pull-up down before situating him on the toilet.  “Good job, buddy, you made it!” She praised after checking his pull-up.

True to Sarah’s prediction, it took Tommy a minute to get his pee-pee to come out.  He would’ve wet his pants soon if she hadn’t taken him to the potty, but he probably would’ve been able to hold it for a few more minutes.



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With the grownups out of the room, Spencer openly squeezed his crotch with one hand and tried to finish his tower with the other.  He was so close to being finished, but he knew he was going to have to give up and go potty when he felt his control slip long enough to let a spurt into his undies.  He yelped and crossed his legs as he pressed both hands against his crotch as hard as he could, trying to regain control long enough to stand up and run to the potty.  He’d gotten desperate waves like this a couple of times already, but they always went away after a few seconds.  This time, his little bladder only pulsed harder and harder until a slow but steady stream was slipping past his clenched bladder muscles.  He held on as hard as he could, but his pee-pee picked up speed and rushed more quickly out of him, warming his hand and soaking his shorts before streaming down his legs and splattering against the floor.  He looked down at his crotch in dismay as his bladder betrayed him, hating the feeling of warm wetness spreading across his front and down his legs.

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Sarah noticed Spencer’s panicked expression and obvious trying-to-hold-pee-pee-in position immediately when she brought Tommy back to the playroom.  “Come on, Spence, run to the potty really quick—uh-oh,” she said sympathetically when she noticed that the front of his shorts were wet and that a puddle was forming around his feet.  “Too late, huh? Let’s go get you cleaned up and into some dry clothes.”

Tommy eyed Spencer’s predicament with interest.  Even though he had been around small kids all day until recently, the orphanage’s frequent potty schedule for his age group prevented accidents from happening too often.  He’d still seen a couple of other kids go potty in their pants before, and he’d definitely done it himself a few times, but he’d almost forgotten about how different it was when you didn’t make it to the potty and weren’t wearing a pull-up.  The yucky feeling of warm, soaked pants that quickly turned cold sticking to his legs and soggy undies rubbing against his crotch came back to him, making him appreciate the dry, thin protective padding between his legs.  A wet pull-up felt yucky, too, but not nearly as bad as wet undies and clothes.

Sarah took Spencer’s hand and led him out of the playroom toward his bedroom.  


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Millie was sipping a glass of wine when she saw Sarah leading a bowlegged-walking Spencer out of the playroom.  She recognized the awkward “I-wet-my-pants” walk immediately, but she was briefly in denial.  Spencer hadn’t had an accident during the day in a few weeks.  Not at home, anyway.  She sighed when he came around the counter and she could see the incriminating wet stain over his crotch and down his legs.  “Spence!  Why did you go pee-pee in your pants?”

Feeling overwhelmed and embarrassed that he’d gone in his pants and now had four grownups looking at him, Spencer buried his face against Sarah’s legs as tears filled his eyes.  “Couldn’t hold it,” he mumbled.  “Wanted to finish my tower.”

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“Having us and new kids here probably isn’t helping anything, either,” Sarah defended him.  “I’ll take care of him if one of you guys clean the floor.”  She guided Spencer to his and Hannah’s bathroom and knelt in front of him to help him get his pottied-in clothes off.


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  • 2 weeks later...

It’s okay, honey.”  Sarah swiped her thumbs under his eyes and pulled him into a hug.  “Your mommy told me you’re doing really good with the potty.  It’s hard to stop playing in time to make it to the potty sometimes, isn’t it?”  She started the bath and rinsed his wet clothes in the sink.  “You pee-peed a lot, so it’ll be faster to just give you a quick bath.  It’ll only take a minute.”

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  • 2 months later...

A couple of hours later, they’d eaten dinner, and the adults were cleaning the kitchen while the kids played in the playroom.  Sarah had reminded Tommy to come tell her when he needed the potty, knowing he’d probably need to poop soon, but he was still a little nervous about the new surroundings when that time came.  He held it as long as he could, debating between staying where he was and going to find Mommy, but he soon couldn’t keep it in anymore and felt it start to poke out and push itself into his pull-up.  Tears filled his eyes as he moved to a crouching position and went potty.  He hadn’t even realized he needed to pee-pee again, so he was surprised to feel it release and warm the front of his pull-up.  He didn’t like the yucky feeling of mushy poop filling his pull-up and smushing against his bottom.

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Hannah recognized the poop crouch and the unpleasant odor immediately.  She and Spencer both still occasionally had poop accidents, and she easily recognized when one was in progress.  “Ewww, Aunt Sarah! Tommy’s going poo-poo in his pants!” She called loudly in the direction of the kitchen.

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