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Family as we know it (Privet with Danny)


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The Saturday morning started off pretty normal for the family of 5 Melissa was running around making sure all the girls were up and also getting the bathroom ready. Even if it was the weekend all the girls needed diaper changes as they still all would wear and wet in their sleep so letting anyone sleep in too late would only make more work later on. Soon all 3 of the girls walked to the master bathroom still sleepy but they knew what to do. They all pulled off there pj bottoms before waiting there Harper the youngest at 7 going first. She went over to the changing mat laying down as Melissa started to change her diaper. “Only wet this morning” She as she cleaned up Harper before having her stand. “Try to use the potty please” She said and then turned her attention to the next girl.  “Maddie your up honey” She called as Maddie came up having just turned 10 but still a heavy night time wetter. So right away Melissa knew that it would almost dripping wet and it was. As she pulled it off putting it into the trash she looked to Penelope the oldest at 12. “Honey do you want to use your diaper again and go ask daddy for help?” She asked knowing to clean up the younger two would take some time and she didn’t want Penelope to have to wait. “Okay mommy” The oldest girl said walking from the master bathroom and heading to go find her dad. “Daddy…?” She called walking around some before a feeling hit her and she started to squat in the hall way.  





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Dan had the best family in the world. Him and his long time girlfriend had been together for almost 15 years. When Dan was 18 and Melissa was 17, they found out they were expecting a baby. Now almost 30, he has three beautiful daughters.

He doesn't mind if they wear diapers. They are three very well mannered girls and he would just want everything for them to be happy. 

He woke up, letting his wife have a lay in after a late Friday night hosting a family get together, and headed downstairs to make some coffee. He knew the girls wore diapers and preferred their mom to change them. 

Although he knew they loved him changing them as well, and he saw his eldest daughter Penny in the doorway and smiles at her, seeing her squat down, he was about to offer her a coffee but decided to wait until she had finished releasing her bowels. 

"You okay there sweetheart. You made daddy an early morning present?" I say, not bothered by the smell as I had been used to it since she was born.

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Penny looked over to her dad grunting and pushing until the back of her diaper expanded outward. When it was all out she nodded and then ran over to her dad. “Good morning daddy..yes I made poop..Will you change me please? Mommy asked me to ask you as it was taking too long to wait for her to do it..” She said smiling as her already full diaper filled out a little more as she started to pee standing there looking to her dad.

Upstairs Melissa had gotten the diapers off both of the younger girls along with their pjs putting them into a bath to wash them before getting them both out and dried off. From there she put clean diapers onto both and some shirts before standing them downstairs wearing only that. She knew that maybe they should be wearing pants but she also had a feeling that by the time breakfast was over she have to change at less one of them because they still hadn’t had there morning bowel movement.

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  • 1 month later...

Penny smiled following upstairs and to her room. “I made stinky diaper” She said back before going over getting the changing mat and wipes and a new diaper. Having it all laid out she laid down on the mat. “Daddy…are you going to clean me with only wipes or do I need a bath?” She asked softly knowing that baths came a lot after a loaded diaper.

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I look at Penny "yes honey. I think a bath might help. This sure is a messy one" I say as I open the diaper and gets you cleaned up the best I can with the wipes before helping you to the bathroom and I start the water, making sure that it's not too hot. 

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Penny followed without a fuss. The only fuss came when the water started to run. “Need to go potty” She said as something about running water always made her have to go even if she had just gone. With the feeling only getting worse Penny turned to the training potty but when she couldn’t fit she looked to her dad. “I-I need to make potty..” She said not wanting to use the toilet.

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Dan looked at her "Okay honey. I'll stop the water and let you use the toilet. And I'll let you have your privacy so I'll leave the room" 

I turn the taps off "The bath is ready for you honey. So once you've used the bathroom then you can have your bath" 

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"But daddy.. I don't want to use potty.." Penny called back still dancing around until she just couldn't hold it anymore. Soon there was a small puddle on the floor yet Penny just moved to get undressed and into the bathtub.

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"Honey. I had taken your diaper off tho-" I notice the puddle "Okay honey. I'll clean this up. You need to get washed" I say as I clean the puddle and sighs "you should use the toilet when you can"

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“But I don’t like the potty it doesn’t work.” She said starting to wash up. As Penny washed the other two girls came running in mostly to hug their dad. “Hi daddy!” They both said wearing nothing but there diapers with shortly followed by Melissa. “Hey honey hows your morning going?” She asked smiling. “Are you willing to change diapers after we eat?”

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Dan sighs and nods and let's his eldest daughter clean up before seeing the two ypjnber ones coming in "Hey girls. You two ready for breakfast?" I ask them "we need to let Penny have some privacy. Can you just call me or mommy when you're done?" I say to her. 

I kiss Melissa "of course I can honey. Why would you ask me? I would always help anyway I can"

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Melissa kissed Dan back before getting to two younger girls out of the bathroom and heading down the stairs. “Because they both haven’t pooped today and after they eat I think it will be a full load.” Melissa said back said back smiling over as the girls ran down the stairs and over to the table taking their seats. “Oh no both up..” Melissa said putting down plastic and then towels over the seats. “Now sit” She said knowing or at less having the feeling that they would start to go as soon as more food got into there systems.

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Dan smiles and followed them downstairs "so who's going to clean them up when they do?" I ask, knowing what the girls will say. 

I start making breakfast.  I make pancakes.

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“Daddy” Both of the girls said as Melissa smiled. “The party has spoken” She said half joking. “We can work together on it” She then went over getting the girls both juice mixed with water and then plates and so forth ready for breakfast. Melissa was just about to sit when she heard the call. “Coming Penny” She then went up to go get Penny.

Soon they where both coming down the stairs Penny wearing a t-shirt and some sweat pants that showed the diaper under it. “Hi again daddy” She said going to take her seat.

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Penny smiled having wet hair. ‘I washed hair” She said being pretty proud of herself as she waited for the food to come.

Melissa smiled. “Good girl now girls” She said back smiling to them all.

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All the girls started to dig into their food eating quietly. “So today is a school holiday so what do you all want to do?” Melissa asked looking to the girls and then to Dan unsure if he had the day off or not but if he did they could go out as a family.

“Park….” Harper said smiling wide loving to go to the park and play but the other girls shook their heads having kind of grown out of the love for the park.

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All the girls nodded to shopping and the theme park idea. “I think daddy was talking about one today?” I say back knowing if we push it we can make it to everything but then again would it work well? Melissa shrugged a little as she kept eating.

When Harper got done with her food she sat there for a minute or two before starting to wiggle some. “Mommy.” She said as Melissa looked over. “Not at the table okay? Go to the other room and if you need help ask daddy” She said softly as Harper jumped up running to the next room.

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Looks at my wife "we can get ready now and leave as soon as possible. The theme park isn't too far away. And we won't be too long shopping"

I watch Harper run off and turns back to Melissa "what's wrong with Harper?" 

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Melissa smiled some. “Sounds great..I’ll get the girls fully dressed and myself soon” She said back looking over. “She needed to go number 2…rule of the house no doing it at the table.” Melissa said softly back hearing Harper making noises from the other room. “Do you mind changing her when she’s done?” She asked looking over again seeing Harper working it.

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Dan smiled "I should have known that rule by now. Yeah I'll change her. We should get ready to leave soon. We can take some lunch with us and I'll pack the diaper bags" Dan says as he hears Harper "she sure did need to go" he says as he wishes he hadn't offered.  He knew the girls liked him changing them as he made funny gagging noises if it was stinky. He would always help out when he could as he knew Melissa changes them a lot more than he does so he wants to do his share of messy diapers.

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Melissa nodded. “Sounds like a lovey day bring some lunch and the diaper bag. Also some changes of clothes for all the girls.” Melissa never left the house without a change of clothes even if all the girls where well diapered she never knew when something would come up. Hearing the grunting again Melissa turned looking over. “She did have to go..I had a feeling it might happen that way” She said as a new noise and small filled the air as Harper came back.

The youngest of the three girls walking to her dad smiling. “Daddy I need change” She said softly her diaper out in the open and now bulging in the back with a easy to see brown/green color. It made Melissa even look over and then back. “Might want to give her an bath or at less use a lot of wipes.” She said doing it most mornings If Dan was at work so getting one morning off sounded really nice.

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