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Camper vs counselor ( private)


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Jack smiled at the little boy and sat beside him rubbing his back “hey baby how was your nap” he kissed the boys hair “now then if your ready to be a good boy daddy will get you dressed and we can go down to the caf. If your still feeling fussy Daddy made you a nice healthy baba then you can go right back to bed”

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Matt looked at jack like he was crazy bottles and wanting to call him daddy. “ umm jack do you know I’m 18 right I don’t need a bottle. I’m just going to cafe after I get dressed to grab food. “ Matt said he got off the bed and went to his suit case to. Put some clothes on. 

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In a stern voice Jack said “freeze little boy! I didn’t give you permission to get up and just so you know that case is empty I’ve alrea unpacked you and umm disposed of any unsatisfactory clothing. Now I’m about one second away from giving that hiney another spanking. Daddy already gave you your options, you can either do as your told and I’ll take you to lunch or you can have a baba in bed because that’s where you’ll stay until you do as you’re told baby”

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Matt decided to swallow his pride seeing no other decisions then to do what jack wanted. “ umm can you we get lunch please daddy “ Matt said looking to the grind. His face was bright like a tomatoe. If only he could disappear at that moment. He felt so little and not like himself. 

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Jack walked over to the little boy sweeping him into his arms. “There’s my good little boy, such a good baby for Daddy” he kissed Matt’s hair as he carried him over to the dresser full of clothes

”let’s see what does daddy have for his little prince to wear” he pulled out a pair r of pale pink shorts with a teddy bear on them followed by a matching tee shirt 9here we go baby this is just adorable “

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Matt looked at the outfit. “ I’ll we’re anything but that. Do you think I could wear something else. My favorite color if green “ Matt said stepping away from the outfit. “ I’ll wear anything else but that “ 

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Matt just frowned that outfit was worst. “ actually I’ll just stay in the cabin. I’m still tired “ Matt said letting out a fair yawn he just didn’t want wear any of those outfits they were way to babyish. 

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oncevagain Jack shrugged “ok my baby that’s just fine” he carried the boy to the front step and settled them down. He positioned Matt so he was cradled in his arms and teased the nipple into the boys lips drink your baba baby then it’s back to bed”

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Matt didn’t want the bottle he just wanted to lay down and think about it. So instead he held His lips together then closed his eye pretending to fall asleep in jack arms. Hoping he bought it so then he could Sneak to the cafe.  

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Jack gave the boy in his arms a gentle shake “Matty it’s not nite nite time now, it’s time for yum Yuma, you know you wouldn’t have to drink the baba if you would just do as daddy wants and get dressed like a big boy. It’s totally your choice baby but this is your last chance little one”

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Jack gave the boy a little squeeze and dropped a kiss on his hair “of course baby, well as long as Mr grumpy doesn’t come back, anyway let’s find something for you to wear. I think I have a cool Batman outfit how does that sound” he stood and out the boy in his feet offering him a hand”

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Jack rubbed the boys hair “whatever you say sweetheart “ he watched the boy but on the yellow and black shirt with matching yellow shorts. He then bent down cupping the boys chin “ok baby so when we are walking to camp you will hold my hand or I can carry you.and you will follow instructions like a good boy”

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Matt got dressed then listened to jack. “ I will hold your hand and do you have to treat me like a baby when we are our. I am suppose to be counselor. “ Matt said before leaving he was looking for his Shoes not wanting to go out bare foot. 

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Jack watched the boy dress and smiled “there a good boy, look sweetheart your my littke boy, I’m not going to hide that and baby I’d like to remind you that my title doesn’t change, call me Jack even once and there will be a consequence” hehugged the little boy then packed his backpack. He offered the boy his hand “what are you looking for baby”

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“ please just this one time. Then I ll call you daddy when we’re in the cabin not I. Front of everybody” Marta said with a slight whine. Matt stopped looking through this suitcase.” I’m looking for my shoes. “

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Jack shook his head absently as he packed his backpack “no baby I’m daddy all the time, you need to get used to that anyway if I take you to the fire tonight you’ll have to get used to it it will be dark and you’ll have use your words al sone point”

he hoisted the bag on to his shoulder “I told you already sweetheart no shoes or socks all summer, they’re just gone your my barefoot little baby now”

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Matt knew there was no point of arguing. He was frustrated about no being able to wear shoes .  “ why that’s not fair. I m a bug boy who can wear shoes like you “ Matt said grabbing jack hand anyway. 

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Jack simply shook his head “  no sweetheart I’ve already gotten rid of the shoes you brought, they were silly and way too grown up for you. Beside I want you barefoot to remember that your only little and shoes are for grownups boys besides it’s summer  so it’s no problem and it’s actually good for your feet” he offered his hand again “now let’s go baby I could carry you if you like”

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“ I don’t think that’s fair. I am a grown up “Matt said as he grabbed his hand he was ready to go eat. “ where nick and Cody “ Matt said as they walked out the cabin. He knew it was early so maybe after he ate he could go swimming. 

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Jack smiled down at the little boy “well I didn’t ask did I baby, now your uncles are still at lunch we’ll see them in a minute” they walked the path to the main camp and to the cafeteria and spotted Nick and Cody “go sit with your uncles baby I’ll get our food”

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