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Family Holiday to Lapland (Privet Danny)


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 “I know love. All the girls know as well that if they act up they could get a timeout.” As Sue said it Darcy kept crying and fussing about her legs kicking as she wanted down. “Let me take her Dan” Sue said reaching over for the screaming toddler. She didn’t think she could really help but maybe taking her away from that spot would help or at less they could do a cool down together intend of her getting into deep trouble.

Both of the older girls looked over before going to Dan leaning into his sides.

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I look at Sue and hands Darcy to her before taking the older girls hands and leading them to the bus that takes us to the terminal where we have to check in. 

"She doesn't need a new diaper?" I suggest. "Does she want a pacifier?" 

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Sue reached into one of the bags pulling out her pacifier that had a small stuffed cat on the end. “Here Darcy put this in for a bit and when we make it though and to the car I promise you can move around some more.” Sue said getting her to take the pacifier but she still was crying just not screaming anymore. “Dan honey when we get though all the check points can you watch the other girls.. I’m going to take Darcy over to let her walk around some.. I think its also getting close to her nap time again.” Sue wouldn’t say it a lot but Darcy still took two naps every day.                       

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When Sue saw them about go though she jumped in with them getting though as well. She followed to get their bags. But before the conveyor belt started to go Sue took Darcy over to another part that was pretty much empty but close enough so she could see her family. She then let Darcy get down and walk around some. This made the once crying little girl stop as she ran around making happy sounds as Sue watched her.

Both of the older girls looked up to there dad. “Daddy can we go play with mommy and sissy?” They asked back smiling a little.           

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Dan smiles and nods "girls. We need to get going. Your mommy is just trying to stop Darcy from crying. We need to go to our hotel room and then we can go to the park and see Mickey mouse" 

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Both of the older girls gave nods and went to wait for their bags. When they could see them they pulled them off and put them to the side. “Okay daddy..we got everything but your bag and mommy’s…they are too heavy” Addison said back watching the bags going around and around.

Sue was off still watching Darcy as she saw people clearing out after there their things. When she could see her family was one of the last she picked up Darcy and started to walk over. “Hey you guys..we good?” She asked to Dan but did smile to the girls who hugged her legs. “My girls and loving husband what more could I ask for.” She said back.

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I make sure I have all the bags and we are soon on the bus that takes us to the airport terminal so we can pick up our car and make our way to the hotel.

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Sure held Darcy and Effic’s hand as they walk to the bus. Once there she put them both in seats and turned to Dan. “Honey…what do you want to do about nap time?” She asked softly. “Both Darcy and Eff slept on the plane but its also getting close to her nap time” She said as Darcy got up walking away from the family to another family close by trying to play with there kids.

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Sue give a nod. “Okay sounds good” She then turned walking over getting Darcy saying sorry to the other family before going back. “Might also want to get some kind of lead or something for Darcy..she won’t be happy to be carried all the time or in the stroller. She 3 and wants to walk..” Sue softly said even just holding Darcy right then was making the little girl mad.  

Both of the older girls watched, Effie ended up laying down on one of the bags getting tired or just still tired from the trip..

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Looks at you and nods "we can try and get one when we're at the park. Just so she doesn't run off" 

Dan sighs and they all head to the car service place after checking out and Dan pays for the car that they've rented and he gets given the keys "right then. We all ready?" I say to the girls.

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Sue nodded helping the girls to follow along before smiling to Dan as they made it to the car. “Nice pick honey” Sue said as the older girls nodded about to get in  “Wait girls!” Sue said as she went over putting in the car seats for all the girls making sure that Darcy’s was facing backwards and the others where set before nodding.

Addison and Effie got in the car moving to their car seats in the back and sat there trying to do them up themselves. “Can you help the girls Dan honey?” Sue asked as she put Darcy into her car seat starting to hook her in.

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Dan nods and helps the girls into their seats and gets them strapped in and kisses each of them before getting into the drivers seat and waits for Sue. 

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Dan starts the car and heads down the road to the motorway.

I look in the back and smiles at my three girls sitting together. 

I smile at Sue "aww. I love my girls"

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Sue smiled looking back to the girls soon finding Effie and Darcy sleeping again as it was close to their nap time. “I love our girls and I love you” She said back softly smiling to Dan while reaching over patting his leg.

Addison just watched out the window finding everything so exciting to sleep even if she was tired.

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Dan saw the girls "aww our little princesses are asleep. Our sleeping beauties. I think Addi is trying to stop herself from sleeping bless her. We will be there soon. It's only about a half hour drive" Dan says as he follows the directions that he has been given to the hotel car park

"Have you got the hotel information?" I say to Sue.

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Sue looked back before turning back smiling. “Yup I got the hotel Info and our magic bands. They need to be programmed once we get there for our room and stuff.” She said back looking over. “When we do get there should we let the girls take their full naps or maybe something shorter?” Sue asked knowing they would all want to have fun but also knowing waking up sleeping kids wouldn’t be a good idea.

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Dan smiled "I think we should see how they are when we arrive at the hotel. The older two might be fine but Darcy might be a little sleepy still. So I'll make sure we have the double stroller. It's just to be cautious" 

"Looks like we're almost there"

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Sue smiled when she saw the gates. “Wow that’s amazing!” She said softly before looking back to see Addison seeming like she was so happy smiling from ear to ear. Sue then turned back nodding. “Double stroller sounds perfect and I’ll see if Effie wakes up when we start.” Sue said back smiling.

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Dan looked in his mirror and saw Addi "hey honey. We're almost there. What can you see ahead?" He says as he started to see images of the rocky mountain roller coaster that stood out and the big princess castle. 

"We should see how Effie if when she wakes up. We should let Darcy sleep as we know she can be a little moody if she gets woken up"

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“Yes daddy!!” Addi said back looking at it all so exited. “Are we there now? Can we get out! I want to see our room and the park and meet everyone!” She said not keeping her voice down and ended up waking up Effie.

The girl didn’t cry or anything just rubbing her eyes wiggling into her seat. “D-Daddy…mommy?” Effie called softly the sound of her diaper moving as she peed was easy to hear yet Effie didn’t seem to care as she started to wiggle around more seeing everything but still being tired.

Sue turned back to the girls. “We are almost there girls! But shh don’t wake Darcy okay..” She said turning back to Dan. “Honey when we stop will you take Effie to the bathroom and check her diaper I think she had a big pee.”

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"Almost there honey" I reply so I don't wake Darcy. 

I do hear Effie waking up "we are almost there okay sweetheart. You'll be in a nice dry diaper before you know it. I think the three of you will all need fresh diapers" 

Dan looks at Sue "sure. I think Addi might need one too. Not sure about Darcy" 

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Sue nodded back. “Yeah I think they could all use a change and I’m going to let Darcy sleep if we can…” She said not really wanting to fight a tried toddler.

Both of the older girls looked around so ready for what was to come. “Daddy! Are we closer!?” Addi asked still trying to keep it down for her little sister.

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