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Heading out on a road trip family style (private with Danny)


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Harry didn't seem to mind his mommy checking his diaper. It was dry though although he felt his bladder needing to release.

Dan smiles at Scarlett and tickles her tummy "aww is that better baby girl? All that icky poop off your bottom?" I say as I finish wiping her bottom. It's taken a while though.

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Tammy smiled pulling Harry close and softly rocking him. “Good then we will have some mommy and Harry time sounds lovely.” She said softly and patted his diapered bottom as she would with the girls in hopes to help him relax and release.

Upstairs Scarlett kept wiggling throughout her change seeming to be getting back to her normal giggly state. She moved a little before looking to her dad smiling. “No diaper.” She said softly wanting to have some time to just be naked still at the age where being fully naked was nice and the house was warm enough for it just until they went outside..

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Harry just smiles at his mommy and cuddles her.  

Dan looks at his youngest daughter "hang on sweetie. Almost there. You sure do make a lot of stinky poopy don't you baby girl. No nakie time today okay. We need to make sure you don't make weewee on the floor" 

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Tammy held Harry close softly patting his butt and watching the TV.

Scarlett gave in to it but did nod. “Poopies!” She said smiling and giggling there until the giggles stopped. Almost right away Scarlett started to cry and grunt her face red.

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Dan looked at Scarlett and quickly got a diaper under her bottom, knowing that face and grunting noise all too well. 

"Baby girl. You gotta go poopy more?" I say as I cover her up and waits for her to go again" 

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Scarlett gave a tiny nod as she kept grunting and pushing laying there. Soon she was crying harder and reaching for her dad wanting to be held as she worked it, Her face red and strained in tears.

Hearing the cries Tammy looked up from downstairs but didn’t move thinking if she was needed she would be called.

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Dan got Scarlett into her fresh diaper and picked her up and cuddles her as he goes to the bathroom and washed his hands after cleaning the changing table the best he could whilst holding his daughter.

"It's okay baby girl. Daddy's got you"

Harry looks at his mommy "mama. Sissy is crying?" He says as he sees his daddy bring her down.

"Honey. She's going again. I think she needs some help though" Dan says as he holds her.

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Tammy turned to Harry about to say something when she saw Dan and Scarlett hearing the little girls cries. “Scarlett honey its okay..” She said softly moving to stand and go over to Dan. “Take her to our room and lay her down in just her diaper..I’ll come over soon.” Tammy said softly before turning back to Harry getting down to his level. “Mommy will come back for more cuddles I just need to help sissy feel better.”

Scarlett though all this just kept screaming and crying trying to get it out but not getting very far.

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Harry nods and looks at his sister "sissy not well?" He says as he smiles at her "you going play in snow with daddy?" He asks her 

Dan tries to comfort Scarlett the best he can but knows Tammy is better at making her feel better. He comforts her and waits for Tammy, wondering what she's going to do.

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“No sissy might not be well or she’s just having a hard poo.” Tammy said back before going to the diaper bag getting out some rubber gloves and then to get a little olive oil before going to find Dan and Scarlett.

Once inside the room she closed the door. “Dan do you want to help her or me?” Tammy asked softly holding out the glove and oil thinking he could guess what her plan was.

Scarlett kept crying giving small nods to Dan wanting to go play.

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Dan looks at the oil knowing she's going to make it easier for Scarlett to poop. "I'll help you both in any way I can. I hate seeing any of my three babies uncomfortable" he says as he rubs Scarletts tummy to try and soothe the pain.

Harry saw what his mommy had got out and nodded "sissy not poo poo?" 

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Tammy nodded. “Yup sissy isn’t making poo poo on her own right now so I have to help her.” She then moved close pulling down Scarlett’s diaper and getting on the glove. With the littlest finger oiled Tammy slowly pushed it in trying to help Scarlett. It took a good few minutes before she pulled her finger out and closed the diaper. “Lay her down on her side and keep rubbing her belly..it should work.” Tammy said pulling off the glove.

Scarlett cried a little more but just the change in presser made her feel better and she started to lean into Dan pulling at him while trying again a piece or two did come out and into the little girl’s diaper.

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Harry nods as he sees his mom go upstairs knowing his baby sister has trouble going and knows toddlers and babies sometimes can have this trouble.

Dan tries to comfort Scarlett as much as he can and sees her pushing "I think something come out. Probably only two tiny little pieces. We better be careful or that diaper might fill up again quite badly though. Maybe I should tape the nappy up. She might be able to squat then" 

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Tammy nodded. “Give her a minute or so to try on her own..” She said back watching Scarlett try a few times on her own but really only getting a few pieces out. Tammy sighed getting another glove on and trying again. “Dan if this doesn’t work we should try a warm bath or something.” Tammy said softly taking her finger out again and taping up the diaper.

Scarlett pushed hard still crying and pulling at Dan unable to get comfortable even if a few more small pieces came out.. “Try rocking her love I’ll go run the warm bath.”

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Dan looked at her and nods "okay. We need to do whatever we can to make her feel comfortable again. She hasn't had this problem in a while"

Waits until the diaper is back on before comforting her.

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Tammy got the diaper fully back on before nodding. “Yeah last time we had to really help her..” She said back before going to turn on the warm bath and then walked back. “Honey…should we just give do a small enema for her?” Tammy asked softly.

Scarlett was still crying and pulling at Dan still trying but not getting anywhere.

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Dan looked at Tammy.  He knew neither of them liked enemas but it was this bad and was their only option. 

"I think that's the best thing we should do. Although could you sort it for her? You know how it works as you normally do it for her. We'll have to be careful though. May need one of Alfies diapers" 

Harry looked at his sister "mama and daddy still with sissy? You otay?" He says knowing she was planning to go sledging again with daddy.

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Tammy nodded. “Sure love I’ll do it just can you get one of Alfie’s diapers ready and some towels on our bed?” Tammy asked as she went to turn off the bath and then turned to Dan taking Scarlett to undress her fully and put her into the warm bath. “Here honey try to relax here” I say passing her some toys and then start to get the enema ready.

Scarlett didn’t play with any of the toys just kept watching what was happening and trying to go.

Downstairs Alfie looked to her bother. “I okay and yes mommy and daddy are up with sissy! I want to go outside and play with daddy but sissy got in the way!” She said knowing her little sister needed their parents it just was hard to share sometimes.

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Dan nods And tries to comfort Scarlett a little more "okay I'll go and get one of her diapers"

He heads to Alfies room and takes one of the diapers from her changing table And heads back to the bathroom And opens the diaper so it's ready when Scarlett had been given then enema as she'll probably go as soon as she's had the enema. 

Harry looked at Alfie "me know. Scarlett is a baby and needs lots of attention from mommy and daddy. I want to play with mommy but I'm sure we can play when sissy is better" 

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Tammy got the enema ready having had to do this before for Scarlett. She then turned picking up the little girl holding her. “I know love its not coming out mommy will help” She said taking Scarlett to the changing table and diaper having her lay on her side. “Dan.. will you hold her arm and talk to her…you know?” Tammy asked as she started to put a little lube on the bottle and then slowly pushed it in.

When it first went in Scarlett scream and tried to reach for it but as Tammy slowly pushed the liquid in Scarlett stopped looking over to her dad starting to relax some. “Dan I think its helping.” Tammy said softly.

Downstairs Alfie nodded. “I know she’s little and needs mommy and daddy more..but she always does…Mommy makes her bottles or lets her nurse..mommy doesn’t let us like Scarlett…she doesn’t even have to walk!” Alfie said back looking up at the scream. “Harry..are they hurting her?” She asked now a little worried for their little sister.

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Dan gently rubbed Scarletts tummy and talked to her "It's okay baby girl. Daddy's here and mommy will make it all better for you honey" 

Harry nods at his sister "she only a baby though Alfie. She needs mama and daddy more. We are older and can care for ourselves" 

He hears her worried "nooo.  They trying to help sissy go poopy. It nothing bad. They wouldn't hurt her" 

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Tammy smiled as she kept pushing the liquid in slowly. When all of it was done Tammy pulled the bottle away and put two diapers onto Scarlett one of her own and then one of Alfie’s as it was a bit bigger and would get anything that leaked from the first one. “Go ahead and rock her Dan love I’m going to go clean up the bottle and my hands..She should start to go soon.”

By this point Scarlett had stopped crying or mostly fussing. She just looked up seeming to be unsure what was kind of going on as her distended slowly started to go down. It wasn’t long after that some small toots could be hard from Scarlett before a rush of liquid. She did tear up again pushing but it was working well.

Alfie just nodded looking over. “Will you take me outside since mommy and daddy can’t?”

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Dan looked at Tammy as he comforted Scarlett "I'll take Alfie back outside after we've helped Scarlett. She wanted to go sledging again and I've promised her. It's still light" 

Harry looks at Alfie "me not sure if I can though"

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Tammy got her hands and the bottle washed before going back over smiling to Dan. “Sounds perfect love I got Scarlett from here. You go have some fun I’ll take care of this diaper its going to be a bad one I know.” She then went over taking Scarlett softly rocking her as it worked Scarlett was pooping and a lot more then Tammy would have though could happen.

Alfie sighed. “Please?” She asked softly before looking up thinking she heard something. “Oh you think they are coming?”

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Dan  looked at Tammy. He didn't like leaving her in case something was really wrong "okay. But if you're sure. I'll make up for it with the diapers. I'll change her next bad ones. I'm sure this won't be the last bad diaper today" he says as he heads downstairs to see the older two kids "okay Alfie  let's go". He says as he can hear Tammy with Scarlett, and he wondered how bad this diaper will be. 

Harry wanted his sister to spend time with their daddy and he wanted to watch his favourite tv programme and normally there would be too much noise, although he loved his sisters a lot he wished he could have a bit more quiet time. 

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