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Heading out on a road trip family style (private with Danny)


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Dan smiles at his daughter before making sure all her stuff was packed before carrying her downstairs to watch some television before they go but he completely forgot about Alfie so he sees his wife in Harry's room "hey honey can you take Scarlett while I check on Alfie?"

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Tammy turned looking over. “Oh sure, come here honey” She said reaching over picking up Scarlett and moving to hold her close before turn back to Dan. “Can you make sure Alfie’s all packed as well and make sure we got all of Scarlett’s medications?” She asked back as she took Scarlett closer smiling to her and starting to rock her. Right away Scarlett relaxed into Tammy’s chest starting to close her eyes but then opening them again looking over seeing Harry giving him a wave as she liked her older brother. He was nice to her and helped her with things. Soon Scarlett was reaching over to him but Tammy kept a hold on her still trying to rock her knowing she could get Scarlett to sleep as she had to be tired without a nap yet at that point in the day but now how would she get Scarlett to rest so she would be in better shape for the car ride. It then hit Tammy. “Harry honey..do you mind lay down with Scarlett for a few minutes? You can read to her or whatever you like?” Tammy said back thinking it might help.

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Dan nods "sure. And just to let you know that Alfie pooped again during the diaper change so I think she's pretty much emptied out. No more stinky diapers from her for the time being"

Dan makes sure they have all of Scarletts medications and that everything is packed and ready. He notices something crinkly sticking out the top of Harry's shorts "is Harry wearing a diaper?" He asks Tammy 

Harry nods and lays down with his sister and cuddles her "love you sissy" he smiles 

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“Oh good…I mean good that its all out before we take off and yes Harry is wearing a diaper. Its from that pack I got for Amber but they were too big for her” Tammy said as she laid Scarlett down next to Harry on the bed, Right away Scarlett wiggled close to her older brother. “Love you too..” She then started to softly suck on her thumb watching him smiling.

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Dan smiles "I am sure she will surprise us with her diapers, she always has something extra stinky in store I am sure she is planning something"

Harry smiles as he sees his sister sucking her thumb "You want a paci sissy?" he asks her

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Tammy nodded. “Yup always has something for us” She then turned to Harry. “You two going to be okay while I go help Daddy pack so we can get driving?” She asked giving as Scarlett nodded to that and to Harry. “Paci..Teething ring” She said back looking to her older brother while still sucking on her thumb.

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Harry looks at his mommy "scarlett wants her teething ring mommy.  What if she uses her pamper when you and daddy are gone?" 

Harry nods nervously though and his diaper crinkles.  

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“I’ll get her teething ring and if she uses her pamper for a poop just call for me or daddy” Tammy said knowing Scarlett had no control over when she peed so it just kind of came out whenever. She soon exited the room walking over to get Scarlett’s paci and a teething ring making sure also to put a pacifier clips on each before taking them back over clipping them to Scarlett’s shirt. “There now she can’t lose them. If you need anything at all just come find me or daddy. I love you both and you’re so sweet to help like this Harry” Tammy gave them both a kiss while patting their butts checking if there diapers seem off in anyway before going.

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Harry nods and smiles "okay that's fine mommy. I'll look after baby sissy"

Dan smiles "buddy she's had a stinky diaper so I think the chances of her going again in such a short space of time are very low. But as your mom always says... who knows" 

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“Thank you” Tammy gave Harry another kiss before walking of the room to pack the last few things. Scarlett watched their mom leave but then just picked up the teething ring putting it into her mouth starting to chew on it while watching Harry. It didn’t take too long for Scarlett to move closer smiling. “Car ride” She softly said from around the teething ring.

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Scarlett smiled back happy about the idea of the car ride. “Sit by me?” She asked next while reaching down pulling at her diaper and dress. She wasn’t using her diaper just trying to take it off as it was something Scarlett would do from time to time even if she couldn’t feel when she was wearing one or not.

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Harry looks at his sister "no take your diapee off sissy. Otherwise there will be potty all over the carpet" he says as he cuddle her as he's trying to distract her from pulling at her pamper 

Soon enough, the car was all packed and they were ready to get on the road. The car ride would take about 6 hours. But they would share the driving and whoever wasn't driving would do diaper changes to make it fair 

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Scarlett stopped pulling and just cuddled into her older brother smiling some even when the door opened and their mom came in. “Alright lets go everyone, I already got Alfie into her car seat so you two are the last” She then reached over picking up Scarlett. “Can you carry your bag Harry?” She asked softly as Scarlett softly reached wanting to go back to Harry liking her older brother. “He will be next to you soon honey” Tammy told Scarlett as she turned carrying the girl down the stairs and out to the waiting car. She then put Scarlett into her car set in the middle since she was the smallest and both of the other kids would like the windows or at less that’s what Tammy was thinking.  

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Harry smiles as he cuddles his sister. He would do anything for Alfie and Scarlett. He just wanted to look out for them and he there for them if they needed him. 

Dan smiles at Alfie who was sitting in her car seat "you excited for our little adventure honey?" He says as he sits in the drivers seat and waits for Tammy and the kids. 

Harry brings his bag out and sits in his seat ready to be strapped in.

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Alfie nodded. “Yes daddy all ready and excited. I want to see snow!” She said as Tammy came down making sure to lock the house before taking Scarlett to her seat putting her doing up her car seat harness she then moving to do Harry’s seat belt and checking Alfie’s. Once everything seemed set there Tammy handed over sippy cups to both girls and a cup with a straw to Harry. Everyone got apple juice but the girls where cut with more water to help them stay hydrated. “Alright away we go” She then closed the back door and got into the front set turning to Dan with a smile. “Let do this.”

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Dan smiles as Tammy helps the girls with their car seats and gives them drinks to keep them watered.

"Alright, lets get on the road" I say as I turn to Tammy "We can stop about halfway and swap if you want to drive and I help with the bathroom break?" I suggest as I start driving down our road

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“Sounds good we should also use that time to hand out snacks at less to the girls if Harry doesn’t want any.” Tammy said back before turning to watch the road and the kids in the extra mirror that was mounted to the windshield.

Alfie watched out the window for most of the ride. At times she did turn getting bored and stated to poke at Scarlett witch made both girls squabble. “Girls stop please” Tammy said and then handled back some picture books to them before looking to Dan with a half-smile thinking maybe she shouldn’t have made them all ride that close..  

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Dan listens to his wife as he drives and nods "yeah that's fine. I don't mind. I'm sure the girls will want a snack soon anyway. It's a long drive"

Harry looks at the girls and tries to help calm them down. 

Dan looks at Tammy "maybe we should sort out the seating arrangements. I'll try and find a place to stop"

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“Yeah I thought they could handle it…guess not since they are stuck with each other.” Tammy said knowing at home the girls got along very well in fact from what she knew all the kids got along very well but being in the car and feeling squished would make things harder.

Alfie started to look at some of the books as Scarlett just sat there chewing on her teething ring and now turning to Harry trying to get him to read to her as she liked stories just couldn’t read herself yet.

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(Can you say when Harry uses his diaper? I'm not as good at that)

Dan nods and looks in the back "I'm sure they'll calm down once we get on the road. Luckily we have a 7 seater. I'm sure moving things round won't be difficult. Just make sure we have the diaper bags at hand" 

Harry looks at the girls and starts getting a book out of his bag and starts reading to the girls hoping they'll calm down 

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Tammy nodded. “Made this trip away easier to do.” She then looked to the back smiling as both girls where listening well Scarlett was still chewing on her teething ring but overall listening things where quit. When Tammy turned back she looked to Dan. “Remind me when we get home to make an appointment for Scarlett I want to know if the teething ring isn’t good for her being she’s close to starting school..”  

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Dan nods in agreement and looks back and sees the girls calming down "we should reward Harry. What did he say about wearing the diapers and being treated like the girls?"

Harry was busy reading the girls the story that he didn't hear what his parents were talking about 

Dan nods "she's at that age where she's teething bless her. I hope she'll be okay while we're away on holiday though"

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“He seemed to be okay with it. He did want to make sure that he was still a big boy but after I told him he will always be our oldest and our big boy he willing put on a diaper. I don’t think he would wear like the girls do but overall Harry seemed to be happy to have some time to be treated like the girls in the way that they are always coming first with their needs.” Tammy said looking back seeing both of the girls weren’t listening either smiling she then turned to Dan. “I think Scarlett will be fine while we are on holiday, I might not let her have the teething ring as much as at home but mostly I just want to make sure there isn’t another reason as to why she still puts things into her mouth and chews when most kids have grown out of it by her age.”  

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Dan looks at his wife and nods "that makes sense. He still wants to be a big boy but wears diapers. Maybe he wants you to feed him like you did when he was a baby. I know you don't feed the girls anymore. But it might be good for you two to bond again. I know how hard it was for you when he was potty training" 

"She's still young.  She's just struggling and most babies are like that at her age. I'm sure she'll be fine"

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