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  • 3 weeks later...

"Babies need milk to help them get big and strong so you're going to drink it" Jill told Shana as she took the pacifier out of her mouth. She was well aware of the fact that if the girl did drink the milk exactly the opposite was going to happen to her.


Shana gulps down the milk unwillingly unknowingly that there is mucle relaxents and laxatives in the milk and pees and poops the diaper 

Alexia watches this happen and cues "aww looks like our baby doll messied and peed her diapy" she says 


"Wow you used that diaper pretty quickly. Good thing we put you in it so you didn't make a mess of your silly big girl clothes" Jill teased Shana as she saw how quickly she had used the diaper. She was considering leaving her in the used diaper unless the girl asked them nicely to put her in a new diaper.


Shana blushes more and is still crying "P please can you take me out of this diaper" she says whimpering 

Alexia looks at Jill "should we because i think she's adorable in that messy diapy" she says teasing Shana


"We just put you in that diaper. Besides I think it can hold another accident" Jill told Shana as she refused to change her diaper yet. The girl would either have to use the diaper again or ask in the most babyish way for a new diaper.


"Pwease change my diapy i don't wanna be in this" shana says unknowing that she said it in a baby tone crying 

Alexia awws from that "aww she's just like a baby" she says teasing more


"We can't let you run around naked and after how quickly you soaked your diapee you're not getting your panties back. Just go play and let us worry about when you get changed" Jill told Shana as she still refused to change her diaper. She pointed over to the baby toys waiting for the former babysitter to start playing with them.


Shana blushes as shes sees them and tries to walk but falls on her butt and gives up on walking and crawls to them and plays with them thinking that she has no choice but to or she gets punished 

Alexia smiles as that happens and says quietly to Jill "it looks like those pills i got are kicking in faster then i expected but its going to make this interesting as it happens" 


Jill giggled as she watched Shana play with the baby toys and told Alexia "I'm sure she probably had plenty of accidentsor close calls before we gave her the pills" She didn't care that the poor adult was close enough to hear what they were saying and couldn't do anything to stop them.


Shana tried to ignore them which made her cry more quietly as they're saying 

Alexia nods "maybe she has but im glad thats she's actually listening to us" she says 


"True but it's not like she could actually stop either of us. Besides I think she enjoys her new panties" Jill told Alexia as she teased Shana. She wondered if she could get a reaction out of the girl or if she would just keep playing happily with baby toys.


Shana ignores them more knowing that she did a reaction it will not go her way and continues to play feeling that she needs to pee tries to hold it and bursted and starts wetting the diaper more making her red

Alexia smiles as this happens "it looks like she does since shes peeing more in her diaper like wittle baby she is" she says teasing Shana 


"Think we should change her now or let her stay in the diaper ?" Jill asked Alexia as if Shana was incapable of speaking for herself. She wondered just how far they could baby the girl before she tried to fight back.


Shana is still red as this conversation happens "pwease change my diapy i can't handle this ill do anything to get changed" she says embarrassed with a baby tone

Alexia smiles as shana says that "anything you said what do you think Jill should we take the offer from our new baby doll after changing her into a new diaper" She says to Jill look their crying baby doll


"I guess since she asked nicely we can do it. Now baby Shana crawl over to whichever one of us you want to change your diapee" Jill told Shana as she moved away from Alexia. She wondered who the girl would choose and if she would try to walk instead of crawling.


Shana whimpers more and crawls to Jill scaredly afraid of what they will do after shes changed

Alexia shrugs and lets her do that still knowing she'll be involved with making shana their baby doll 


"Silly baby you forgot to bring me a clean diaper. Go get one from Alexia and bring it over here" Jill told Shana as she pointed over to Alexia and the pack of diapers beside her. As if silently taunting the girl her panties were right beside the pack of diapers reminding her of what she had lost.


Shana gulps as she crawls to Alexia to get a new diaper not noticing her panties and crawls back to Jill 

Alexia smiles as she sees that and when Shana gets detracted she picks up her old big girl panties and throws them away 


Jill grinned as she saw Shana made no attempt to get her panties and thought she had chosen not to get them. She neglected to remind the girl to get the other changing supplies intending to make her crawl back over again to get them.


Shana notices that she hadn't gotten the other changing supplies and sighs and crawls back to grab them 

As that happens Alexia returns and walks to Jill "What should we do to her after we change her" she asks Jill


"Well what time is it right now ?" Jill asked Alexia as she waited for Shana to lay down so they could get started. She was going to make sure the girl was put to bed really early so she would be sure to have a wet diaper in the morning.

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Shana obediently lays down embarrassed that she's being treated like a baby and is going to be changed like one

"Its 6 minutes to 6:30 why?" Alexia answers Jill as she looks at shana laying down 


"I think we better put her to bed then. She is a baby and babies need lots of sleep. If you want you can get her pajamas ready" Jill told Alexia as she untaped Shana's diaper and began wiping her butt down. She wondered if her friend would be upset about putting the girl to bed so early.

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Shana obediently lets Jill change her as Alexia foes through the bag from the store and grabs an adorable pink onesie with a girly design on the sleeves and in a attachable skirt and has baby across the chest in her size and hands it to Jill

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