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Big difference ( private)


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Cody had just turned 18 and moved out his parents house and was living good he had a girlfriend who he loved and was planning staying with for along time. Cody had got a call one Kent about his younger brother who was found. Drunk in ally.

Cody picked him up and Brought him to his apartment. When he went in there it was horrible beer bottle everywhere it smelled horrible and everything was disgusting. 

Cody decided that his brother was to immature topics on his own called his parents and talked to them about what was on and decided that Chris needed to be taken care of.  Cody decided when he woke up he would take him back to his apartment to be take care of. 

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Chris was having a bad summer, first he got kicked out of college then he couldn’t find a job now his stupid parent left for a month and left him with no money so he resorted to the same thing that got him kicked out of school drinking the day his parents left he used his fake is to go to a bar and get drunk . Be barely remembered the night and the next thing he knew he was waking up in his younger brothers apartment with a splitting headache 

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Cody came over to Chris with a glass of water and a some headache medicine he knew he would have a hang over when he woke up. 

“ Chris when your headache goes away we need to talk then you will clean yourself up “ Cody said to him in a stern voice so it would make him wince with how deep his voice was.

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Chris took the medication from his younger brother and nodding frankly he was a bit intimidated by his brother even though Cody was two years younger then Chris he was over a foot taller and looked much bigger and older than Chris which always bothered him.

chris took his meds and went to the bathroom he was embarrassed to find his pants slightly damp though no now would have noticed. He quickly cleaned up and left the bathroom going over to his brother be sat down “what’s up man”

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Cody looked at Chris when he walked to the bathroom he noticed a wet spot on his pants he would address that later.  Cody sighed and moved closer to Chris. 

“ Chris this is like third time this summer I had to pick you up.form being drunk. I also found out you got kicked out of college. How have you been living and you don’t have a job. I have decided that you will be staying here with me. I will be taking care everything that involves you. You are to listen to  everything I say” Cody said 

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Cody  got up when Chris went for the door her brought him over to the couch. “ now little boy if you do not listen to me right now I will have to spank you do understand “ Cody said smacking Chris bottom hard one time.

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Cody sighed he didn’t want to do this but he put his big brother pants down and started to spank his bottom. “ you are going to listen to everything I say. You are just a little boy. If you could take care of yourself you wouldn’t get a spa king “ Cody said he kept spanking Chris until he got to twenty.

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Chris screamed and cried, he couldn’t believe this was happening “stop!!!” Yelled “leave me alone” finally sobbing he went limp over Cody’s lap “I’m sooooorrrry I’m bad, I’m bad that’s why no one loves me”

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Cody pulled up Chrispants then out him in a hug. “ oh sweetie don’t say that because I love you a lot. Espically when your a goody boy. You just need someone bigger to take care of you that’s all” Cody said softly patting Chris back. 

“ now listen to me we are going to talk some more and you going to listen” Chris’s said.

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“ oh honey that’s what I want to talk about.  You will be living with me from now on. Also you were never the big brother I was always looking after you.  From now on I will be taking care of you. Your job is going to be a good boy “ Cody said. Cody he rubbed Chris bag. 

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 Cody sighed again. “ okay Chris sweetie calm down you don’t need another spa king so you “ Cody said getting stern addressing him like he was five. 

“ Now can we talk or are you to littl to do the “ Cody asked Chris.

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“ oh just because.” Chris said letting it past. 

“ that’s another  thing. You no longer older than me your six years old. To everyone that’s what you will be six years old. You need to do this because you can’t take care of yourself your undies were wet because you had an accident no adult I know had accidents” Chris said to him.

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Cody went over and picked up Chris. “ okay baby calm down it’s going to be okay. Now you were you had a wet spot on you pants it wasn’t a lot. From now I will help to make sure you are well taken care. “ Cody said softly then looked up at him “ Now can you be a big boy for me tell my why I’m making six years old “

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Cody held Chris to him and not letting him good. “ it’s not stupid it’s jus I know your safe. Now if your going to be good buy I want to go over some rules then we clean you up and go shopping for your room “ Cody said.

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Cody smiled down at Chris. “ good bky@ 

“ 1. Your will always listen to me no matter what. 

2.  You are six year old and will act like one 

3 you will always have me take you to potty which means you tell me when you have to go. 

4. You have bed at 9. It can be lowered if you fight or tired in the morning “ 

cody looked at Chris. “ do you understand baby” Cody’s asked.

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  Codylooked at Chris with a stern look. “ this language we are going to have to do something about it. Yes you will baby boy I need to make sure you clean now let’s get cleaned so we can do shopping l Cody said taking Chris up to the bathroom. He set him on the floor and started the water. 

He snapped his fingers. “ strip “

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