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A Single Father(Open)

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"Go ahead and eat as much as you both wanna eat, I don't mind, I'm glad you both like it though." He told them as he watched them both eat, not even touching the rest of his plate, he had to make sure that they ate first, after all the needs of a child came before the needs of a parent, didn't they?

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The girls ate their fill, but a five year old could really not eat much more than one slice anyway, and a ten year old could eat three if you let her, but two was more than satisfying.

The girls frowned when it looked like he wasn't eating as much though.

"Why aren't you eating, daddy?" Bao asked him.

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Bao laughed.

"They always eat at the home with us girls, and there's always enough," she said.  "I promise, we won't go hungry if you are giving us food and eating with us."

She reached over to hug him.


Sue smiled and got up and carried her unfinished slice of pizza with her and put it up to his mouth.

"Eat, dada.  Eat!" she ordered.

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"Okay then." He said as he was surprised by the food being put in his mouth and just took a bite and thanked her but at the same time took his own slice of untouched pizza and took a big bite of it that left only half of the pizza slice left for him to eat. He chewed and swallowed before continuing on the same trend until he had finished half the pizza and all of the hot wings and then felt full as he finished off his fourth glass of soda, giving a big burp which he covered his mouth to do.

"Excuse me. I guess I was really hungry but didn't know it." He told them as he sat there watching them and then decided it was time for cleanup and got started on doing cleanup of the table while he let them sit there and enjoy the dinner that they had just eaten, once cleanup was done he got the ice cream out and a couple of cups as well as a spoon that he used to scoop out enough for the both of them to eat each and then placed each cup in front of them with a spoon to eat the ice cream with and got his own ice cream and did the same before sitting back down and taking a spoonful and eating.

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Bao and Sue giggle at him being silly.

Then Bao started to stand up to help him, but he was too fast, and before she knew what to do, he was already bringing back the ice cream.

She sighed and sat back down to eat her ice cream.


Sue smiled up at him.

"Can we watch teee beee after dinner?" Sue asked.

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"Sure you can watch TV after dinner, though only for a little bit, it's almost bedtime for my princesses." He told them as he smiled at the two of them and ate his ice cream and just had fun with them. 

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Bao frowned.

"I'm ten.  I usually stay up an hour or two later than Sue does."

Sue nodded already feeling a little tired anyway from all that they had done that day.

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"I know sweetheart and you can stay up for another hour if you want but its certainly gonna be bedtime for one of you real soon." He said as he looked at Bao and then went to sit down on the couch and watched tv with him if they wanted him to that was, if not then he would go and do something else and leave them in peace until bedtime, besides there was some work stuff he had to do.

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When he started to sit down with them, Sue reached up at him and hugged onto him wanting to put her head in his lap as she watched TV.

Bao also sat as close as she could get her body to him without being in his lap and grabbed a hold of his nearest arm hugging it to her.

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When Sue reached for him he placed her as close as she wanted to be and let her lay in his lap.

He smiled at Bao as he watched TV and just said "I'm really glad I was able to adopt the both of you. I'm happy you two are enjoying your time with me, I'm thinking tomorrow we can all go to the park and you girls can play around on the playground for a while and if there was something else you both wanted to do then we can also do that." He told her as he just put his arm around Bao and let her stay where she was.

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Eventually, even though Bao had insisted she had a later bedtime than Sue, they both fell asleep against him at around the same time.

They were really worn out from the big day they had had.

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He chuckled and picked up each girl and brought them to the bedroom and then let them get changed into PJs before he would tuck each one into bed and give each a goodnight hug and kiss before dimming the light so that if one of them had a nightmare they could still see where they needed to go and come to find him as he would be in the kitchen going over the maintenance report he had received on his laptop and took out his phone and just looked through the messages, responding to each as he needed to and soon enough he decided that a few hours of sleep wouldn't kill him and he put everything back where it was supposed to be before going to his own room which was right next to the girls room so all they had to do was walk into the next room to find him. 

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The girls slept through the night, but they both wet in their sleep.

The next morning, they both woke up and looked at each other.

They climbed out of the wet bed and started to play on the floor until he would come and get them.

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Soon enough Josh came to get them after having gotten up a few hours before they had gotten up and did a morning jog before coming back home and taking a quick shower and changing into fresh clothes before coming to get them and greeted them as he sat on the floor with them and played with them a little bit before he noticed the wet bed and knew they probably had wet the bed last night and he got to work on stripping the bed down and then brought them to get cleaned up and changed. 

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Bao was a little bit ashamed when he looked over at the bed and could tell that it was both of them that had peed.  She didn't say anything at all while he cleaned it up.

Susan, on the other hand, got up and tried to help him take the sheets off.

Bao walked quietly and nervously to the bathroom in her wet clothes scared that she was probably in trouble.

Sue didn't see anything wrong with wetting the bed and tried to get him to pick her up to carry her to the bathroom not thinking about the idea that her wet pajamas might get him wet even if he had put her in a diaper, it had leaked pretty badly.

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Once he was in the bathroom with them, he assessed the damage and then just helped each take off their clothes and did general cleanup on their bodies as he didn't feel like they needed a bath right now, but after breakfast, he could give them a bath and then take them to the park to play until lunchtime and then take them to go get lunch and do whatever they wanted to do for a while.

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The girls let him clean them as he thought was needed before time for breakfast.  

Sue was used to being cleaned up after a night's sleep, and Bao was just too embarrassed to think of anything to say or to defy his wishes at the moment.

When Bao was finally clean, she hugged him.

"Thank you, daddy," she whispered.  "I'm sorry I peed the bed."

Her voice was very quiet and there was a light sniffle between the words as though she could cry.

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"It was just an accident, sweetheart. that's not a bad thing, you will never ever be in trouble for having an accident, ever." He told her as he let them follow him into the kitchen for breakfast and asked them what they would like to have for breakfast before making it for them as he set about the task and soon enough he had juice for them both to drink and after that the food was ready and he brought the food to them and set his plate down with theirs and then sat down grabbing his fork and starting to eat with them.

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After some time, both of the girls were eating their breakfast, and Bao had forgotten about the wet bed.  She was really cheered up when he called it just an accident, and he didn't dwell on it at all.

The girls looked up at him after they ate.

"That was good," Sue said.

She ran over and climbed up into his lap hugging him.

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"Im glad you both liked it sweetheart, now why don't we start getting ready, so we can all go to the park, but before we go you both should take a bath." He suggested before he hugged Susan back.

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Susan nodded, but kept her hands around him wanting to be close to him.

Bao nodded about getting a bath.  After wetting herself in her sleep, even though he did clean her up a little bit, she did still feel a little dirty.

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"Come on then girls, let's go and get you cleaned up." He said as he took them to get in the bath and then undressed Susan before placing her in the bath and letting Bao undress herself before she got in the bath since he knew she was old enough to do that unless she wanted him to change her.

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Bao nodded and started to take off her own shirt and undershirt immediately, but kept her pants on until the bath was almost filled.

Susan just let him undress her as he wanted fully trusting he would take care of her.

Then before they knew it, they were both in the bath.

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Once they were both in the bath, he started to wash Susan and once he was done with her handed Bao what she needed to wash with and left her to it. Though he wondered if Bao wanted to be coddled and babied a little bit, after all, she had been in foster care for a couple of years, and he didn't know what her life was like before she came to him, so she probably needed a little bit of that every so often. But he didn't wanna make her feel suffocated by it like a younger child would want their parent to do for them.

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