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The Unplanned Babysitter (Private with Katyadiaperlover and maximusdignitas)

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I am a 16 year old boy and I tend to always be in trouble with my parents for something and there's almost no punishment I haven't received.  I was grounded for sneaking out a few weekend back and after being grounded, I went to a party which got my parents deciding on a new punishment for wetting the bed.  They told me diapers at night for a week.

I got lucky though because they always leave together for a weekend trip for four days.  I decided not to wear diapers, surprise surprise and I had free alcohol, so I invited a ton of people on facebook and talked to some personally.  We have a huge back yard and no need to limit the size of the party.  I used my parents food too for the party.

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My parents placed an ad in the paper a few days ago without my knowledge and didn't mention my age or name so I wouldn't get suspicious.  They are leaving in a couple days and I so wish it was a couple hours.  It sucks being diapered at night and I am afraid they might tell someone like a cousin or friend that their 16 year old is diapered at night.  I've wet the bed once more after diapers but changed myself so they didn't know.

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My dad had the freshman stop by when I was out hanging with friends.  "Hey my name is Craig and I am looking for a babysitter for my son who is in trouble and has recently had a few bedwetting accidents.  He goes to the same school as you, but 16.  Not sure if that is too much for you or if you are interested.  It would be nice if you could and I'd be willing to pay by the diaper and give free food as well as a bonus.  My wife and I discussed it and for the time you are here, he should be diapered all the time and use them fully for wetting and messing which give you a lot of work I know, but it would be worth it.  What's your name?"

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My dad led James to my room.  "This is his bedroom and the diapers are over there on the shelf."  He points over to a stack of diapers which have a babyish print, but large enough for a 16 year old.  "Do you have any questions James?  My son's name is Matt."

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Tonight I have my party starting after my parents leave.  I get home from buying some stuff for my party to make it extra cool with all the high school people like games to play while drunk and other odds and ends.

My parents had already left when I got home, but they texted me to let me know.  I started setting up stuff outside for the barbeque to make food for the party.  Then I brought out drinks and ice.  I used an outside fridge to keep stuff in.  

Kids started arriving and I started barqueing chicken and burgers.  Pretty soon there were about 100 people out there and I felt it was a sucess

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(Please do longer posts)

I am eating food while talking to other guys from school about the party and how much fun they are having.  I set up a dance area around the grass and there are a lot of people there.  There are a lot of cute girls around there with their boyfriends.  Most are drinking beer, but there's also hard alcohol which is what I am drinking mixed with punch.

All of a sudden I notice someone come up to me, but I don't recognize him and I'm wondering what he is doing here or if he is someone's younger brother.  I turn to him and ask, "What are you doing here? And are you someone's brother?"  I laugh when he says something about little boys shouldn't be drinking because I am older than him and I don't hear the diaper comment due to background music.

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"I'm your nanny and they told me to look after you, and they gave me full authority so that you obeyed me.
I so assumed that you are unlikely to obey me so I'm sorry "
I take out a hidden stick and stun you on her head. 

And I watch you fall unconscious at my feet.

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I'm dragging your feet into the house. "It's not the order of the little one, this clothes does not suit you at all."
I'm starting to undress you.
I take off your shoes and socks, then pants, shirt and finally see the diapers.
"They are completely wet." I take diapers, butter and powder, tie you to the stroller. Then I plug your mouth with a pacifier and stick it with adhesive tape. "Now your friends will see you baby .You're heavy I need help with changing diapers"

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I feel myself being drug into the room while this stranger is continuing to undress me.  Eventually he gets to my wet diaper and I'm wondering how he knew I had a diaper on.  Then he ties me into my stroller and puts a pacifier in my mouth and my eyes go wide in shock with me only in a diaper that is wet and it was such a good party to start with.  I shake me head no trying to get him not to.

I know everyone will laugh at a 16 year old wearing a diaper right in front of everyone from school.  Especially when they noticed I was wet with pee like a two year old.  Nothing could be worse.  Then he mentions changing my diapers and I hope he is joking.  A younger guy changing my diaper?  I definitely will never hear the end at school.

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I bring the stroller with you straight to the place where the party is going. I see how you resist. I gently stroke you on the head. "You're a big kid and I need help to change you. "If your friends help me, it will be just fine."
I see that the party is already in full swing and loudly shouting "Guys, hello could you please be quieter I put the baby to bed." He worried and I need help to dress an change diapers the baby. Who will help me? "

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I can't stop him as he wheels me outside or try to beg with my mouth plugged with a pacifier.  My mind is spinning and I am wondering why he is being so forceful.  I also wonder how he found out about me wearing diapers.  

I look over at him sternly to get him to realize that I mean business.  I'd do anything to get out of this right now.  Then he stops the music and gets everyone's attention and my face goes red while he has everyone looking at me and my wet diaper.  He also asks the crowd for help changing me and a shiver goes down my spine.

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Out of the crowd came two guys and one girl. "I say thank you to you, the rest can just see how we will change the child." With these words, I and three of my assistants are taking you in a stroller to the bench. A small crowd from the party follows. She put an infant diaper on the bench. I unbuckle the straps that connect you. "And we put you on the bench.
The girl and the guy are holding your hands and stroking your stomach, and the second guy is helping me.
I unbutton the diaper. "Oh, where does the child's pubic hair come in. This is not order. Bring someone from the house a razor and a shaving foam." I gently rub your belly. "Now a child, I will rid you of these hair."
The rest of your friends are someone who comments on the actions, who is filming the video, and who is doing the photo of the child.

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