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Did We Have A Baby Over?

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i just had a conversation with my mom as she walked back in from taking the trash out. this literally happened less then 3 minutes ago and i'm getting a kick out of it. but i'm also a little worried.

mom- i just found dirty diapers

me- what???

mom- i found dirty diapers , did we have a baby over?

me- where were they?

mom- in the trash

me- huh, weird

then she walked off. i think this proves she's not the one taking from my stash.

i know you most of you have experience in dealing with this, so i thought it best to play dumb until i get some advice on how to proceed. i was tempted to say that since i'm sick i have been worried about diarrhea but i'm not sure if that wold be the best course of action.

i know that she will bring it up again and she's the type to talk in circles for hours if i say the wrong thing so if you've been in this situation and have successfully talked your way out of it, your advice will be greatly appreciated!

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In light of the fact that you think someone is stealing your diapers, I have to ask, were you the person who put the diapers in the trash? ;)

If they're not messy, you could always claim a temporary episode of bed wetting. My mom found my diaper stash when I was about 15, and I claimed that i'd started wetting the bed again. In my case, however, I had wet the bed fairly frequently until I was 11 or 12, so that was a believeable claim...

The downside to claiming bedwetting would be that she might force you to go to the doctor. Not fun. But I see that you're 18, and if you were planning on moving out soon anyway, that might be a good option...

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first of all thanks for your quick reply, i was amused about the situation, but now that i've been dwelling on it for a few minutes, i'm just freaked out about it.

yeah i was the one putting them in the dumpster, i got careless and was just tossing them in the thing when there was nothing else in there. about 10 accumulated at the bottom and due to me being sick a little less then half were messy ontop of wet, i usually don't mess but why fight diarrhea when wearing a diaper?

she went out there with a small black trash bag to throw away, and because the garbage man was on our street she looked in to see if it was worth it to bring it out. she left it in the garage due to the fact that the only existing trash was my diapers, which worrys me that she will bring me out there to show me.

she's gone to bed now which buys me 8 hours, maybe a little more to come up with what i will tell her.

just so you know a little more about the situation i'm pretty sure she's caught me in the past a few times, such as me falling asleep on the couch with my bottle and pacifier right below me, i woke up with her sitting on the couch next to me watching tv. one night my depends super plus lost a tab and it fell on the floor, she found it and asked what it was.

another time that i'm not sure if it was her or a friend, but i had just ordered my first case and i was getting pretty careless with disposal, i had a trashcan outside my window where i was tossing them into. some time while i had about 5 friends over it got put in the trailer i have in my back yard, i'm still not sure if it was a friend or her because i smoked alot and was having too good of a time to pay attention.

theres more times where she's asked me what the crinkling was when i walked past her ect. but i'm probably making this post too long already.

todays slip-up is the worst she's caught me and i know i have to come up with something good this time.

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Crinkling, bottle, pacifier, diapers in the trash, I'd lean towards saying she probably knows already although maybe not. I was living with my GF for a year before I told her about my diapers. I was convinced that she'd caught on but she had no idea. Now that she knows I'll often have a diaper on but unless I tell her, or take my clothes off she usually doesn't know.

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i'm banking on the power of denial, but that's probably not smart. so assuming that she does remember i am hoping if i give her a temporary answer like i've been having diarrhea or a recent bout with bedwetting that she'll accept that answer and not bring up the other times due to the embarrassment of the issue.

has this worked for anyone else or is this a bad idea? is there another excuse i should use?

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i'm banking on the power of denial, but that's probably not smart. so assuming that she does remember i am hoping if i give her a temporary answer like i've been having diarrhea or a recent bout with bedwetting that she'll accept that answer and not bring up the other times due to the embarrassment of the issue.

has this worked for anyone else or is this a bad idea? is there another excuse i should use?

If i were you i would probably put all my efforts in the bedwetting answer. Denial at this stage would just be too obvious and would hurt your cause more then it would help it. Now for the level you should go in this excuse ... don't go too far, just say i've been having some slight problems with my bladder and bowels, but its starting to go away, BUT its starting to come back to normal and i can hold it more and more. I think its clearing ... and tell him that you would like to wait a little further to see if it goes away naturally before taking any meds.

I hope this helps, and for godsake take better care of your disposable method lol, after all this you'll probably be under close watch and should probably stop wearing diapers for a few days to prove the fact that it went away.


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If I were in your shoes right now I'd play dumb. I was never in a situation of semi-confrontation like that but if I were I wouldn't want my mother knowing because its simply none of her business (even under her roof - at the age of eighteen I'd argue that what happens behind a closed bedroom door should be private)

In my opinion, her asking you that doesn't eliminate the chance that she's trying to get you to 'fess up. Has it occurred to you that she may think that her primary plan (removing diapers until you confront her) has failed and she's trying something more direct?

Don't want to scare you but I think I'm starting to see what's going on now.

Golden rule when you're sharing a bin with someone who you don't want to know (memories from my student days here) always, always, always double-bag used diapers and mix them with other trash!!!!

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If I were in your shoes right now I'd play dumb. I was never in a situation of semi-confrontation like that but if I were I wouldn't want my mother knowing because its simply none of her business (even under her roof - at the age of eighteen I'd argue that what happens behind a closed bedroom door should be private)

Hmm. Feel like I should add a bit more to that. By play dumb, I wouldn't tell her the DL truth but equally, I wouldn't lie to her (e.g. bedwetting etc). It's a bad idea because (1) it'll worry her if she thinks you're becoming a bedwetter or incontinent or something and (2) you'll probably find yourself in an even more awkward situation having to explain yourself to your doctor (whether you decide to be truthful with the doctor or not!).

About 4 years ago, still living with my mum and when I first got bold enough to try diapers, I made a decision that if I was caught, I would say something like this "I don't have any medical problems that you need to worry about. I don't want to talk about it any more." I'd recommend something like that over lying to her any day.

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Hmm. Feel like I should add a bit more to that. By play dumb, I wouldn't tell her the DL truth but equally, I wouldn't lie to her (e.g. bedwetting etc). It's a bad idea because (1) it'll worry her if she thinks you're becoming a bedwetter or incontinent or something and (2) you'll probably find yourself in an even more awkward situation having to explain yourself to your doctor (whether you decide to be truthful with the doctor or not!).

About 4 years ago, still living with my mum and when I first got bold enough to try diapers, I made a decision that if I was caught, I would say something like this "I don't have any medical problems that you need to worry about. I don't want to talk about it any more." I'd recommend something like that over lying to her any day.

I guess that would work too. Actually some parents would take it better this way as well, they'd be less worried. BUT in some cases some parents would take it VERY badly and ostracize the poor chap. It really depends (no pun intended) on the character of your parents, do you think they could understand and be ok with it or at the very least respect your choice even if they don't agree with you? If so then i would totally come out and say it. I would plan first though, but i would definitely tell them. If you think theres no way they could understand then i would suggest the lies, as twisted as it may seam it may be your only hope of living your last years with your folks in peace. But like i just said ... it is probably your last few years ... it wouldn't be too harsh saying it like AutieAB said.

It all comes down to you in the end of it all. We're just here to give you advice ... do with it as you see fit.

?_? Necros~

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Rarely, very rarely, would I ever recommend coming out about this to your family.

But, you fucked up. You fucked up pretty good.

You have no easy choices right now, so take the following into account.

Option 1: Lie

It doesn't matter what the lie is, there's the possibility that you will get caught. Saying you have had incontinence problems is likely to get your parents very worried, even if you say it is "going away." If it were my parents, even with me being 25, I would expect them to hound me until I went to the doctor.

This also presents the possibility of them seeing through the lie, or, figuring it out on their own later. Then when you have to explain it to them for real, they will see you having a deviant interest (which, in their eyes, could be something that will get you in trouble, or something they will ignore), and as a liar.

Option 2: Tell the truth

Tell them the truth. I suggest you include here an apology, because you are an adult and your mother shouldn't have to take your diapers out; she shouldn't have to be exposed to your diaper wearing, really. Keep it concise, don't go into details. Don't get into causes or reasons or excuses -- it may well only provide fodder for pointless suggestions to rid you of this interest. This conversation by no means has to be with both of your parents, if the situation permits.

I would also suggest that you close with something like the Forrest Gump line, "And that's all I have to say about that." Let your parent(s) know that the discussion is over, and that you hope they won't bring it up again as long as you don't do something stupid like, say, wearing a diaper when they are home so they ask you "What's that crinkling noise?" or leaving your bottle and pacifier out where they can find them, or, putting your diapers in a trash receptacle that your parents take out. These are all invitations to have your parents bring the subject up again. To be honest, I also view exposing your parents to your interests as somewhat of a lack of respect for them too.

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i downed some nyquil and went to sleep as soon as she woke up to buy myself time, i didn't expect myself to sleep that long but oh well, it helped alot because now she's at work.

well i don't lie so all that's out but the whole truth is also out. i can't tell her about my dl interests because ontop of talking to me about it she's the type that deals with things by talking to everybody that will listen, it's her form of therapy. on top of that she's on a chatroom with my aunt daily, which is really bad because that particular aunt is the type to tell all relatives she's in contact with any gossip she can in hopes of sounding interesting.

if i keep it vague i know she will probe endlessly to try to get why i am wearing them, and in the case she doesn't get anything, she will worry way more then you expect. i have a bloodclot from my ankle to halfway up my thigh in my left leg, before i turned 18 which removed me from her insurance i stocked up on the shots i have to take twice a day to take care of it. i ran out of the shots 2 weeks ago and she's freaking out that a piece will breakoff and kill one of my organs.

knowing her she will think a piece traveled to my bladder and has damaged it, in which case she will be shoving me in the car and speeding towards the hospital. so i'm not sure the vague answer thing will work morv, although i do share your sentiments on keeping them out of their way out of courtesy.

auntie ab your idea of telling her i dont have any medical problems to worry about won't work because she would probe until she got a reason, failing that she would do her usual assumptions of the worst. which will probably lead to her assuming sexual deviation and with peoples usual ignorance about this fetish, her views on it will be extremely skewed from the truth, and you can imagine that can lead to bad things.

i still think the temporary excuse of since i'm sick and you know it, i've been having diarrhea so i went to the store and picked up something up to deal with it. i think she will drop it at that because hearing that your son is shitting himself isn't a conversation anyone wants to carry further. but if she does i think something like i used to wet the bed and was way too embarrassed to bring it up or admit it should be planned.

i did successfully wet the bed about 10 times in the past while wearing diapers so it wouldn't be a total lie, granted the bedwetting wasn't the cause of the diapers but it's easy to skirt around that detail.

i'm pretty sure the diarrhea thing will work the best because it's the truth why i've been wearing more often then usual. but for the long term excuse i'm not sure bedwetting will be the best so i'm leaving that open for your advice.

thanks everyone, it really is great advice although some of it doesn't fit my situation, but it's still helping alot.

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not good, but it is hilarious. :roflmao: i still need to come up with something to tell her if she asks about the other times.

i can't believe i got this careless, when i was just starting out i would go well out of my way to hide them like throwing them away in other peoples dumpsters on trash day, and peddling my bike out of town to buy from drugstores where no one's likely to know me.

i agree with morv, i messed up, i messed up big time.

although i was more careless in certain points in the past, this is the time i got caught and she's curious enough to bring it up. i need to treat this with all the seriousness it deserves.

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it's 5:00 AM where i am and my mom will be home in about 2 hours i need suggestions fast on what i should say, i've already settled on telling her that i've had diarrhea for a temporary answer, but if she asks about the times that she's caught me in the past, the best answer that the community or I can come up with is that i used to wet the bed. which isn't something that will go over well at all, so i still need some suggestions.

i'm freaking out about this, i feel the fire under my ass to come up with something before she gets home, but i cant think of anything.

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1 hour left until she comes home, i probably should go over to a friends house but i doubt any of them are up yet. i think i'll take the laptop into my room and lock the door to buy myself as much time as possible.

I promised myself not to answer this thread but. If your mother didn't even know how to distinquish between a nappy for adults and one for babies, and she thougt the nappies were baby nappies just tell about it, you had a girlfriend over, she had to change her baby, and maybe she even had some other dirty nappies from changes out of house. You didn't see what she did whith it but it seems she have dumped them in your dumpster.

End of story.

Besides, I don't see it's any of her bussiness what you do and who visits you, it could even be an incontinent friend that had been there visiting, you don't go around and check if they wear nappies do you ?.. it can happen, and you definately don't go around checking what they throw in your dumpster... may be they even hide heroin in it without your knowing..

So case is clear, the answer nah.. I don't know.. it could be.. some friend...

Only problem, if she is the one taking your nappies, she may want a further explanation about that, but if your friend visit you often, there shouldn't be much wrong in having a stock at your house too..and maybe even ask you to give it back to him because he is just a poor guy with no steady income :-)

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^_^ that's a great idea! that way i don't even have to admit it was me wearing them.

i'm kind of opposed to it because i havn't all-out lied in a long time, but oh well people don't usually notice or appreciate honesty anyway, especially girlfriends and parents. and she's lied to me before so it's fair game.

now the question is which friend do i say is incontinent? i'll just go with the one that i have the strongest suspicion about in the diaper theft. she tends to talk to everyone about family but usually keeps quiet about friends and strangers so i think that would be the last anyone hears about it.

this is all coming together and yes writing down my thoughts is helping me focus.

out of curiosity why did you promise yourself that you wouldn't answer this thread? when you give serious advice you come up with really inventive stuff that sometimes rivals the advice of morv. you have a great mind, why hold yourself back from using it?

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^_^ that's a great idea! that way i don't even have to admit it was me wearing them.

i'm kind of opposed to it because i havn't all-out lied in a long time, but oh well people don't usually notice or appreciate honesty anyway, especially girlfriends and parents. and she's lied to me before so it's fair game.

now the question is which friend do i say is incontinent? i'll just go with the one that i have the strongest suspicion about in the diaper theft. she tends to talk to everyone about family but usually keeps quiet about friends and strangers so i think that would be the last anyone hears about it.

this is all coming together and yes writing down my thoughts is helping me focus.

out of curiosity why did you promise yourself that you wouldn't answer this thread? when you give serious advice you come up with really inventive stuff that sometimes rivals the advice of morv. you have a great mind, why hold yourself back from using it?

I didn't want to answer this thread because I couldn't joke about it and that is what I like most around here. I would have liked to advice you to put an elephant under your mothers pillow and wait for the explosion when she went to bed, but deep down I don't think it would solve your problem rather worsen it since you would have to learn sign language too..

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If I were you I would tell her that you use them, because you like them, plain and simpel, the more you try to fabricate a lie, the more tangeled it gets, and when it all over you will loose her trust, she had in you.

If diapers were missing, who else could have found them, I think it was your mom, so she already more than likely has an idea already, and is waiteing for you to tell her about it.

What is the worst that can happen, she takes the diapers, and yells at you. just my $0.02

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Another thought, is your mom ever (often?) sarcastic? The who had a baby over comment could have been sarcasm, and she did realize the difference.

If you use a friend, be ready to have to let the friend in on this little secret, lest they get blindsided and you end up in a scene that the writers of Frasier would come up with.

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If you use a friend, be ready to have to let the friend in on this little secret, lest they get blindsided and you end up in a scene that the writers of Frasier would come up with.

Or you could invent a "friend" to blame. Just claim it was a guy from school/work/wherever that she has never met before. I'd be hesitant to claim a friend is incontinent, just due to the possiblity that she might let it slip out when the friend is around...

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well she's in the other room right now and so far hasn't mentioned it. she seems to be in great mood right now so i'm debating if i should be the one to bring it up? you know start the conversation on my terms instead of waiting to hear it in a few hours when she's in a confrontational mood.

i don't know if that plan is too cocky or if it's actually a good idea.

another thought i had is i'm getting too worked up about this and she really doesn't care. that would be great but i'm not sure it's wise to count on that. if this is the case and i do bring it up when she never was going to then i just lied to her for no reason at all and invited drama into my days.

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