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From big Brother To Baby Brother


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"No need to be upset honey, you are a good boy, but there isn't any more milk left. so I will have to produce some more okay. now go and sit up the table like a good boy and I will bring you your dinner okay"

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I also have a special oneise with the slogan "I am a wittle diaper stinker" on the front with an arrow on the back point to your diaper saying "diaper soiling in action"

I put a small bowl of pasta on the table and hand you the cutlery "eat up, mommy has a special onesie for bedtime here.

I get some more formula so that I can feed you in the morning

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I smile and then grabs a wipe and cleans you up before lifting you out of your highchair and carry you upstairs where I lay you on your changing table, not changing your diaper but change your onesie to the new one I got you.

"There we go honey, all clean and ready for bed" I say as I lift you up and put you in your crib and kiss your forehead

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I turn the light out and close your door, leaving you to sleep.

heads downstairs to relax with a glass of wine, keeping the monitor nearby just in case.

Around 11pm I head upstairs to sleep. I peek in and see you sleeping like a baby.

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I wake up around 8am and go and make breakfast, whilst listening to the baby monitor

As its a Saturday, Dan stays in bed as he was out late. He is seeing his girlfriend again in the afternoon. His mom is taking Gabrial to the park.

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Looks at you and smiles "What would he be doing? You two are normally upstairs at this time so I don't know. I know he'd normally have a shower"

"Upstairs as in normally getting ready for school or to go out somewhere"

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I sigh and nod "Okay, its almost done, just make Gabrial something and mush it up, but there are some tablets for him to have in his bottle, its already made up. I will be back shortly"


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