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Diapered by little brother (private)


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Ray woke up to the sound of his room's door closing, but when he blinked his tired eyes open there was no one in the room. First he thought he must've still been dreaming, but then his train of thought was quickly interrupted when he felt the wetness around himself. Sitting up

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Ray narrowed his eyes at Tyler when he spoke, a tint of an embarrassed blush creeping onto his cheeks as the words reminded him of what had happened last night. "That's not true!", he snapped at him, feeling like hitting something, "I'm not a kid, I can use the bathroom on my own. And like you could make me do anything!" He stuffed the rest of his sandwich piece into his mouth and glared at the wall on the opposite side of the room from where Tyler sat. He was so annoying! Acting like Ray was a little kid just because he was shorter. So what, Tyler was tall? Big deal! He hated it when Tyler acted like he was the older one of them.

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Ray was seething by the time Tyler was done speaking. "You're not all that great, you narcissistic as- idiot", Ray caught himself just in time as he was about to curse again, knowing from experience his mom would wash his mouth, "And what are you nodding about mom? Pretty much everything that just came out of his mouth was completely wrong! I'm the older one of us."

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"I don't really care either way, but you might reconsider because you will only have the embarrassment for as long as it takes to dry and others will probably think you just spilled water anyway or not notice entirely as they are either busy or distracted with something else.

If I tell our parents, do you think mom will keep it to herself.

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Ray followed Tyler around the mall, sucking on the pacifier in his mouth and shuffling his feet in embarrassment as people pointed and laughed at his wet pants. He glared at Tyler with tears in his eyes when his younger brother started pointing his accident out to others and humiliating him, but he knew he'd have to suck it up or Tyler would tell their parents. When he started speaking about toddler potties and diapers, Ray could feel his cheeks burning, "I don't need diapers!" They walked around for quite a while, and even when Tyler humiliated him by telling about his accident to teens around his own age, what Ray found most embarrassing of all was when little children would point him out to their parents. Eventually it started to dry, but the smell of pee still clung to him. As their mom send him a message they were on their way to the

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