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Another "scrubs" Diaper Moment

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So I was doing some ironing while watching an episode of "Scrubs"--the one in which Turk's wife Carla is going to have a baby--when I heard something that stopped me in my tracks. I backed it up just to make sure I heard what I thought I heard. Sure enough.

Elliott, the blond female doctor on the show, is taking over all the baby preparations, edging Turk out. Finally, Turk confronts her and she finally says, "I just love babies so much." Elliott's boyfriend, standing beside her, confirms this by saying, "It's true. Sometimes she makes me wear a diaper." Elliott then responds with, "Jake, private!"

This episode aired on 12/7/06 and is called "My best friend's baby and my baby's baby" in case you run across it again. I still have it on my TiVo. :thumbsup:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you catch the very beginning of that episode.

Dorian and his pregnant hot girlfriend are asking if they are ready for a baby. His girlfriend mentioned that she changes her 45 year old cousins diaper. I played that so many times since she said diaper so beautifully!


So I was doing some ironing while watching an episode of "Scrubs"--the one in which Turk's wife Carla is going to have a baby--when I heard something that stopped me in my tracks. I backed it up just to make sure I heard what I thought I heard. Sure enough.

Elliott, the blond female doctor on the show, is taking over all the baby preparations, edging Turk out. Finally, Turk confronts her and she finally says, "I just love babies so much." Elliott's boyfriend, standing beside her, confirms this by saying, "It's true. Sometimes she makes me wear a diaper." Elliott then responds with, "Jake, private!"

This episode aired on 12/7/06 and is called "My best friend's baby and my baby's baby" in case you run across it again. I still have it on my TiVo. :thumbsup:


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Did you catch the very beginning of that episode.

Dorian and his pregnant hot girlfriend are asking if they are ready for a baby. His girlfriend mentioned that she changes her 45 year old cousins diaper. I played that so many times since she said diaper so beautifully!


No, I didn't catch that part, Phil! I'll have to go back and check it out. Thank goodness I still have it on my TiVo. Thanks for the update.

So, here's a follow-up question. Are mentions like these helping or hurting us? Why does Carla's 45-year-old cousin wear diapers? If the assumption is that he's disabled somehow, it does nothing for us. But what about the Elliott reference? Does a mention that she's into that sort of thing play our fetish for laughs and hold us up for ridicule? Or does it make a joke about something unusual, but at the same time chip away at the taboo of such an unusual practice? This time people laugh and say, "What a freak."

But what about the next time and the time after that, after the shock has worn off. Will people still be as shocked? As repulsed? Will there come a time that people simply don't think it's that big a deal anymore? Does each mention of adults wearing diapers for non-medical needs help our cause to become accepted?


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That wasn't Carla, this is JD and his girlfriend, the cute blond from the 40 year old virgin. She's the one that works in the bookstore showing her thong. Super cute!

She mentioned something about him getting kicked there.

I guess with Elliot it came into the story line because she's feeling maternal. I think that today's younger folks growing up with the internet and social websites like myspace are being exposed to all of this. Maybe one good thing is that they may grow up to accept that there are so many things out there to float one's boat!

When I search myspace for diapers, I just look at profiles of those 18 or older and I'm finding many women who are into at least pull-up's. Also what about this recent popularity with celebrities wetting their crotches!



No, I didn't catch that part, Phil! I'll have to go back and check it out. Thank goodness I still have it on my TiVo. Thanks for the update.

So, here's a follow-up question. Are mentions like these helping or hurting us? Why does Carla's 45-year-old cousin wear diapers? If the assumption is that he's disabled somehow, it does nothing for us. But what about the Elliott reference? Does a mention that she's into that sort of thing play our fetish for laughs and hold us up for ridicule? Or does it make a joke about something unusual, but at the same time chip away at the taboo of such an unusual practice? This time people laugh and say, "What a freak."

But what about the next time and the time after that, after the shock has worn off. Will people still be as shocked? As repulsed? Will there come a time that people simply don't think it's that big a deal anymore? Does each mention of adults wearing diapers for non-medical needs help our cause to become accepted?


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That wasn't Carla, this is JD and his girlfriend, the cute blond from the 40 year old virgin. She's the one that works in the bookstore showing her thong. Super cute!

She mentioned something about him getting kicked there.

I guess with Elliot it came into the story line because she's feeling maternal. I think that today's younger folks growing up with the internet and social websites like myspace are being exposed to all of this. Maybe one good thing is that they may grow up to accept that there are so many things out there to float one's boat!

When I search myspace for diapers, I just look at profiles of those 18 or older and I'm finding many women who are into at least pull-up's. Also what about this recent popularity with celebrities wetting their crotches!



Thanks, Phil! I'm not at all sure why I thought you said Carla and Turk. Oh well, I still have it and I'll check that out.


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