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Haunted Nursery (Private with Ophelia)

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17 year old Cole and 22 year old Honey were best friends since childhood and began to start liking haunted houses in Middle school. One day Cole and Honey decide to investigate a haunted house for themselves. But little did they know that inside would change their lives forever

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Cole takes a peek through the door and inside is a fully stocked nursery. "Why is there a nursery here?" Cole asks

"For two little babies who need it." A voice said

Cole gets so scared he starts wetting himself as the front of his pants start to turn dark

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Honey gasps as two ghosts swoop by and land in front of the pair. She hears Cole's pants hissing with pee, she sucks her thumb more and has tiny tears forming. Thee gosts don't feel negative and harmful, but why does she feel so scared?

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Cole blushed hard "I was scared! You frightened me" He yelled

Cecilia places a pink pacifier in Honey's mouth. "I think the baby needs to be quiet so mommy can focus" She removed her shirt and bra and levitated a razor over to her. "First we need to get rid of all that big girl hair"

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"Oh good idea sister," Elizabeth watches as the razor comes out. She pulls one out herself. "What a silly baby boy, babies don;t have hair there!" she giggles

Honey screams behind her pacifier and tries to get away but wets more. Her flat chest is exposed.

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"No!! Let me go!! Let me go!!" Cole yelled as he tried breaking free

"Uh oh, it looks like your baby is being cranky sister." She levitates a blue pacifier over to Elizabeth and starts shaving Honey's legs, arms, and crotch until there was nothing left but the hair on her

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Elizabeth puts the pacifier in coles mouth. When it comes in he can't spit it out. "Now stop resisting baby or else I might cut you!" She says as the razor removes hair from his crotch and privates, his legs arms and underarms and the stubble he finally was able to grow

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