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College Mom (private baby_james and hya123)


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Hailey thought about. " and so do you. I'm sorry but the baby doesn't have anything you have a lot of toys at home " Hailey said with a stern tone. She wasn't giving James anything at store because they were going to the movies

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James pouted thinking it wasn't fair but knowing better than to through a fit in public or he would be in big trouble. He sat there in the cart watching as Hailey bought his brother more and more things

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Hailey finished and went to check out for the new baby. " okay I got everything we need. " Hailey said smiling. Then put everything in the car. " okay lets go back in the mall to go see a movie " Hailey said taking James hand.

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Hailey looked at James. " mommy knows best " she say then brings him to the car and they drive home but stopping by Ryan job to surprise him. Hailey took James and brought him up to the office. " hi honey " Hailey said smiling at ryan.

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Ryan looked up from his work and kissed Hailey "hey why are you guys doing here. This is a pleasant surprise" as James ran over and climbed in Ryan's lap "hi wian!!! I see wego batsman!" James was bouncing off the wall from all the side he had st the movie

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Hailey smiled. " well I wanted to ask you what color the nursery should be light green or baby blue " Hailey said looking at the choice she has. Then saw James was bouncing up and down. " okay calm Down this is we don't have soda."

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Ryan smiles "I like the light green that was the color of my nursery when I was a kid"

James giggled "I wove it mommy!" As he jumper up and down. Ryan rubbed his head "you gotta let him blow off some of this energy some how"

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Hailey liked the color to. " yea I like it and I don't what to do with him " Hailey said grabbing James hand. " okay see you at he house later love you " Hailey said then kissed Ryan and left. She saw alittle field near Ryan office and a bench. " okay James go run the field really quickly. "

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James ran off playing around and running in the fields. The was a little hill that he rolled down as well getting covered in dirt and grass not caring as he loved it and after a while came back out of breath but laughing "me firsty mama"

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Hailey watched him run around and burn some energy. Hailey grabbed water out her purse. " okay take one more lap then we need to go so I can set up the babies nursery" Hailey said letting James drink the water and dumping some on his head/

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Hailey put James in his car seat. They drove home and Hailey got James and laid him on the couch. While she started to paint the nursery. She painted half of it before she got tires so she went to her room and laid down for alittle while.

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