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College Mom (private baby_james and hya123)


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Ryan turned and smiled "yea we should do this more often its really relaxing" as they try the next posiition

James was starting to get scared when no one came for him and he finally climbed out of bed as he cryed and screamed as we waddled through the house "MOMMY!!! WIAN!!!!" he yelled as he looked everwhere

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Meg smiled "im glad i could help you with this i told you im available whenever you want me to come by especially now that you live close" as Ryan hears a faint sound "do you hear something babe?"

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"Oh damn I forgot it inside" as Ryan rushed inside and saw James red faced crying and screaming thinking everyone had left "hey shhh it's ok we are all here ok!" Ryan picking him up trying to help call him down but at this point james is having a full blown meltdown

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Hailey ran and saw James screaming crying. She took him from ryan trying to calm him down. " it's okay mommy was just outside doing something for the new baby. I'm sorry " she said rubbing his back trying to calm him down. She knew the only thing that could calm him down was his pacifier but she wasn't going to give it to himZ

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James continued to scream and cry his throat even hurting a little from crying and screaming so hard. He wasn't good with handeling his feelings and emotions yet and couldn't calm himself down.

ryan felt bad seeing them james like this feeling it was his fault and looked at Hailey "Maybe this one time let him have it" as Ryan knew Hailey was probably thinking the same about how James always calms down when he has his pacifier

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Hailey looked but was going to give in just yet. She went and grabbed James favorite stuffed animal and went to the couch and tried to cuddle him rubbing his back. She looked up at Ryan. " no then he going to want it all the time when he cries" she said. She cooed at James rocking him.

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James put his thumb in his mouth since it felt so much better and curled up in Haileys arms and shook his head no "me no hafsa go potti" putting his thummb back in his mouth as he snuffled and wiped his eyes on his sleeve

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Hailey nodded her head." James I know your upset but you can't suck your thumb" Hailey said taking it of his mouth. Then sat him up." How about we go outside so you ride your tricycle "
She said trying to get his mind off his thumb.

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James sighed when hailey pulled his thumb out but looked up when she said he could ride his trycycle and nodded "can i mama?" as he sniffled from all the crying and held his arms up.

Ryan looked at hailey "think we should try out the big kid undies we got him"

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Hailey found James and put the undies on for him. " okay James there's are big boy undies and big boys don't potty themselves and tell mommy when they need to go " she said to him pulling his pants up. Then goes over and gets his shoes and puts it on his feet then his paw patrol helmet.
" okay ready to ride your bike. "

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James giggled and gave a thumbs up about getting to ride "trywce mommy" as he didnt really pay attention to the part about him wearing big boy undies now they felt a bit different but was more focused on riding.

Ryan got his trycle out of the garage as they went outside to the driveway as james climbed on top of it all on his own and looked at mommy and ryan to help as he was still learning how to use it

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Hailey knew James didn't really pay attention to what she said. So she watched as he got on his bike and struggled so she gave him a little push to go and ride.

" so I was thinking we should through the baby shower next week then take James to a water park for his birthday the week after " Hailey said making a check list in her head of things she needed to do.

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James was making motor noises and trying to move his legs as much as possible to go faster. Turning his head to see if hailey and ryan were watching. He started to get the familar feeling of having to go but thought he could hold it in for a bit

Ryan nodded his head "thats a good idea it would be good to get the gifts now and start to know what we need to prepare and than the part the week after would not make james as jealous about everything

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Hailey smiled. " yeah he might get jealous when we go shopping for the nursery which you still need to clean out your man cave " Hailey said raising here eyebrow joking. She looked at James and waved and smiled. " so tomorrow the appointment is at noon James will be at daycare "

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Hailey kissed Ryan back. She was about to take James to the potty then he had an accident. Hailey sighed she got frustrated. " really James this is your second accident today your suppose to be a big boy " she yelled at him.

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HAiley didn't take the in sorry this time she was sick of this James was doing so good then wants to have accidents all the time. So she waited for ryan to change then sat him on the couch so she could talk to him.

" James you are become a big boy and you keep trying to potty yourself. From now on if you do have an accident I'm taking one toy away so today I'm taking the new toy you got. And you can earn it back if you are a really good boy " Hailey explained to him. Then got up and walked over to his new toy and put it in the box.

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James stomped his feet "Noooo fair!!!!!" As he jumped up and down wanting his toy back "you meanie!!!!" As he threw a tantrum. He was furious with Hailey for taking that away from him. He hated the new baby coming since everything was going good until this happened.

he stormed off to his room and slammed the door kicking and screaming red faced as he threw fit as he started to think there was no point in even trying to be good anymore if this is how Hailey was going to react.

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