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College Mom (private baby_james and hya123)


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Meg bends down to gabes level "can you show me what cools bones you found buddy?"

james coming back over "me wanna see more" as he wants to see other exhibits. He may be only 2 but james likes learning things

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Hailey takes James hand. " okay let's go to the planet exhibit " she says taking James to the planet place. There was stars all over the ceiling. " look James "

Gabe shows Megan then stops and takes her hand and starts to look at the planets.

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James eyes get big as he's memorized by them he keeps his eyes on them and looking around at all the stars as he lays his head on haileys chest

megan takes gabe and points out the planets to him "gabe do you know that there are people that go up to space and go on those planets?

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Hailey smiles at James and takes his picture she points out some. Constellation to him.

Gabe smiles no knowing people could go up their. " weally mommy " he says. He didn't know what they did up there but found it fastening.

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Hailey couldn't resist so she brought James the toy." What do you say" she says holding it back.
Gabe hugged Megan then lifted his arm to be picked up.

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Gabe starts to get frustrated. " no wis is better " he says taking apart James stack and building the way he wants. Gabe smiles when he is done.

" see" he says confidently

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Hailey looks at James. " yes you to need to share look since Gabe had his turn you take yours " Hailey says.

Gabe starts to pout " buttt he woes not doing if wight " Gabe sobbs.

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Megan talks to gabe softly "well than you have to help him buddy but you can't take it and do it for him. Mommy had to learn to share with aunt Hailey too when we were your ages too"

james takes the blocks back doing it his own way even if it wasn't right he wanted to try on his own

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Gabe looked at James and frowned. He didn't like anything to be wrong. He had to be a certain way. So he left the water table and went to the tornado station and started to make his own tornado. " look mommy it woes in a circle " he says holding it up.

Hailey smiles at James watching him try to create a dam.

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Megan smiles and kisses her sons hesds "yes it does. How about we check out the bubble station"

James kept trying but wasn't getting it right and sighed wanting to do it on his own but knowing he needed help. He turned around "mommy I can't do it" he said upset

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" it's okay we can do it together " Hailey says she walks James step by step. Until he finally did it right." Good job ". When they are done Hailey takes James over to the bubble machine with Gabe watching him dance around the bubbles.

Gabe smiles and started to dance around the bubbles.

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