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College Mom (private baby_james and hya123)


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Hailey smiled and put James down to go run and play with Gabe.

Gabe smiled and hugged James. " wanna see my woom" Gabe says grabbing James hand and brining it upstairs.

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Jams smiles "yea and I pack my toys!!" As he runs off and follows gabe to his room.

Megen "gabe has been asking all week if today was the day james was coming." She goes to the kitchen and pulls out the cake to let it cool

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Hailey follows Megan. "James pretty excited good to have someone around his age to play with " Hailey says.

" otay let's pway super man " Gabe says grabbing his cape.

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Hailey was surprised when her parents came in. She smiled. " hi " she said hugging her parents.

Gabe ran over to gram and papa. " papa " he says smiling. " wis is James "

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James came out but shyly went to Hailey. He had never really met his grandma and grandpa so didn't know who these older people were.

james went behind Hailey's leg as haileys Mom bent down "why aren't you a handsome little guy" James still confused held his arms up for hailey

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Hailey smiled and picked up James. " can you say hi James " Hailey said giving him reassurance.

" he is a bit shy but when he warms up to you he will be good. "

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James saw Hailey being friendly and waved to Hailey's parents "hewo me wames" still unable to say his name right

haielys Mom smiles "well that is a great name james. I'm your Grammy. I'm your mommys mommy"

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James was slowly learning numbers and thought about it "umm I dis many" as he holds up 2 fingers.

"what there's no way you can be old! The last time I saw you you were a little tiny baby not such a big strong boy" as Hailey mom tickles James making him laugh and feel better as he moved around in Hailey's arms

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Hailey smiled " yup and he even started. To use the potty like a big boy " Hailey says. She puts James down to go over to her mom to tell them all about.

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James smiles big "yea I go potty and I gots my big boy bed it weally weakly big" James climbs on the couch and crawls into grammys lap as he loves the attention he's getting from your parents

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Hailey helps Megan set the table for dinner. She gets Gabe in his high chair. Then puts James in the other one.

"I'm glad I came out her to see you guys i know James like it "

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Megan smiles "we're family we should be around to support each other more especially for the kids they get along great together"

james sits in his high chair next to gabe as he talks with him and he points what he wants "mommy I want dat and dat and dat!" As he laughs and Hailey's parents join them

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Hailey puts what James wants on His plate then gets herself some food. " yeah this is great maybe when I graduate I will move back home"

Frank smiled at Hailey. " well that will be great to have back " he says

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Hailey sees Megan disciplining Gabe. She just lets James eat his food how he is. Then cleans him up when he is done.

" James do you have to go potty"

Gabe eats his food with his fork." I'm a wig boy " trying to please megan

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Hailey cleans James off and feels his pull up. She sighs and takes James to the other room.

" James did you have an accident " Hailey says already knowing. " why didn't you tell mommy you had to go"

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" James that no excuse for not trying to go potty now you can sit in time out for two minutes " hailey says brining him over to the time out corner.

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Hailey lets James cry in the corner. She felt bad but he needed to learn.

" after his time out Gabe " Hailey says.

Gabe sits and waits for James timeout to be over.

Hailey let James up but first changed him to a dry pull up.
" now Remember to go potty "

Gabe took James hand and ran off to play with him.

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Hailey sighed. " well I guess but im trying to get him to use the toilet first then I will get rid of his pacifer " Hailey says. She took a bite of her cake.

" Megan when did Gabe start going to the bathroom fully "

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