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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

punishmet for baby all summer (private for garenin and danny


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"He seems a nice boy. Is he the same age as you? I know you are 11, but is he same age. he didn't seem to be a toddler" I laugh

Gets you powdered and diapered, I wash my hands and we head out to get food

"What do you want to eat my little munchkin?" I ruffle your hair as you hold my hand

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" ya he was nice and hes 10 tho i think hes a toddler like me "

* walking out of the bathroom well more like waddling due to the bulky diaper in my pants *

" um can I have the MC nuggets prease wiff ketchup and pum sauce ?"

* I ask nicely trying not to draw attention to my self, after I ask I hide in your legs feeling shy *

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*smiles at you*

"You dont need to be embarrassed. No one will notice your diaper under your shorts honey"

*to cashier* "can I have the chicken MCnuggets please with fries and a bottle of milk and a cheeseburger meal with a tea please"

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* the moment you mentioned my diapers I jump and get super shy not wanting to shuffle at all *

" mommy nooo "

* I say hidden in your legs, not wanting to draw any attention to my diaper I make uppy hands *

" prease mommy I no want walk no more "

* feeling small and unsure *

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* when mommy scolded me i felt so bad , i was only being shy about my diapers being in public and shes getting mad at me

* when we get to the table i eat my lunch sulking in silence, all i wanted was so others couldn't see my diapers im 11 and tho im small its embarrassing, my mind having issues with the little within fighting my older side since we have been out in public, the daycare was one thing this a different story it seams , my shy level skyrocketed *

" im sowy mommy "

* i say after my i finish my lunch *

"my just feelings shys due to my diappees here , im afwaid they gona make fun of me if they see "

*looking around McDonald for people laughing *

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* not really remembering this person but trusting you *

"no mommy my not member is she nice ?"

*feeling very full my stomack sticking out over my trousers , i feel a familiar rumble ,i also let out a toot *

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"She has looked after you before honey. You are only 11. and she is only 30"

*Sniffs the air*
"baby boy making poopy huh?" I ask you? I don't look unhappy about it though

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Smiles at you as we arrive home and I take you upstairs to your toddler bed, not your crib

"Night night mommys little stinker" I say referring to the smell of your toots and I get your clean pamper and wipes ready.

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*I pick you up and rock you gently and I gently rub your back and pat it*

"let it all out cutie pie"

*sits you on my lap over my shoulder with one hand rubbing your back and the other patting your diapered bottom which is covered by a sleeper*

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* my stomach finnaly gives up what it had stored , with your patting my bum and my back made is easyer to let go*

'fwwooppp "

* is all you hear from my diaper as i flood it with semi solid poo , afteri had emptyed my boules i let my bladder go as well filling my diaper to max almost over filling it *

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I smile as I lay you in the crib

"night night stinky bum" I say as I close the door "mommy will change you when you've emptied out completely"

I head down to pump some milk for your feeding.

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* feeling very sleep i dont even hear you leave , i lay down feeling warm and very tired that poo really took it out of me *

"nini mommy "

* half asleep i mutter into my nursery*

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* wile im asleep i dreams of white clouds and funny faces , tho my stomach begins to feel very full again i couldnt tell if it was the dream or just me , i begin to toss and turn in my sleep *

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* my stomach realy hurts now , in my dream im talking to a floating diaper he asked me if i need to use him and i happily agreed, in the real world i grunt and moan as i fill the remaining space in my diaper full now of poo *

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