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Potty training RP


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I'm a bit shy so I hold your hand tight as we walk around seeing everything but I see some kids playing with toys and some games that look like they could be fun. I'm sucking my thumb which j now do a lot whenever I'm nervous or scared. We walk into Logan's classroom to observe as Logan runs over and tugs my arm "come play!" As I giggle a little and look at daddy as he smiles and encourages me saying he'll be right here.

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I always enjoy getting to be the helper as I go around the room and pass out snacks to everyone "here u go" I say to each kid as I come over and hand one to daddy too "here daddy yummy" as he sits with Logan eating his crackers and sipping juice from a sippy cup

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DL: "One last thing. we don't allow sippy cups or pacifiers here. Even in the bridge program. We are adamant about that because they promote bad oral development and can ruin teeth. Box drinks and straw cups are encouraged. He can stay with it today, but I just thought I'd let you know"

*she gives me the application and leaves*

*the teacher announces the morning potty break, asks the children to form a girls line and a boys line. Then asks if he would take Jamie and the boys to the bathroom*

"Come on, boys, let's take a bathroom break"

*He lets all the boys go ahead, and they all go to the bathroom and use the toilets or stay in line. He takes Jamie in last. Daddy senses Jamie might be shy, so he calls Logan over to make him more comfortable. You see Logan's underwear while he's in the stall and get jealous*

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"Part of me is really shy and scared as daddy knows i hate using the public potty since they're big scary and make loud noises but also i see logans undies as he has superman ones too "Dat not fair daddy say i no wear superman" as i point to them the little laxative you gave me for breakfest starting to do its work as i squirm as i wait my turn but another part thinking i can try to hold it till i make it home and use my safe little potty at home

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*i figure out what you're doing, and I can kind of tell you have to go*

*I tell the teacher to take the other boys back to the classroom*

"Jamie, these potties are small for little children like you. There's nothing to be scared of. They're just like the ones at your play group.

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I shake my head no squirming a little "no please daddy i dont wanna i can wait i wanna go home please daddy" as i start to get more desperate in my voice really conflicted between facing my fears and using the public potty and trying to hold it till i make it home as i let out some really wet and stinky farts

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I pull the lever down and clap my hands "i did it! i did it daddy!" i say proudly and hug your leg "Can i be big boy and wear big boy undies no please like logan" as i figure since i used the potty i can be just like logan since ive now seen all the cool stuff he does that i dont

*we come out of the bathroom and logan hi five's me for using the potty "see you like me and now you can play with the cool big kids" as ii go over and play with logan and his friends as it gets late and we come back over ro you "otay daddy what we do now?" as i suck my thumb and hold my arms up to be carried

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"I tell you what, I'll let you wear them when we get home. I don't have any for you here"

*I take us to the sink to wash our hands. there sinks are child size so i have to bend down*

"I think it's time we get home for lunch and your nap. I think I'm going to come back later to pick up Logan"

*I take you and the rest of the boys back to the classroom. The girls the boys that didn't go to the bathroom are sitting in a circle singing along to the teacher who's playing the guitar. I pull him aside and tell him that Jamie and I are leaving*

*He starts singing "Let's say goodbye to Jamie", and the kids join along. You get scared and run behind me*

"It's ok, buddy. Say goodbye to all the nice boys and girls"

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I blush bright red and stay hiding behind you shaking my head no as I rub my eyes sleepy and reach up for you to carry me.

*i rest my head on your shoulder sucking on my pacifier as I get placed in my car seat and taken home as I think about how the daycare was nice but also wish I could just stay home with daddy all day long.

*i play in the kitchen around daddy's feet while he makes lunch and I play sigh some pots and pans. Giggling as I bang on them making music

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"Come on little guy. time to eat"

*I fix him a plate of stir fry noodles with veggies and chicken. and a straw cup filled with chocolate milk*

*I pull you up to the table in your booster chair and cut your noodles up for you into small pieces*

"Use your fork, Jamie. And try out your new cup. you just such on the straw, but it's still spill proof"

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James tryes using his fork although the noodles are hard to stab so he uses his hand for that and shoves food in his mouth "mmm nummy daddy" as he reaches for his drink and sees the straw and holds it up to you "daddy where sippy" as I put the cup down and go back to eating a little messily

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Thomas try's scooping it up with a spoon but noodles fall off as it hits his mouth so he uses hands instead and sips from his straw slurping down his milk.

"what daddy? What you tell me? Will I be happy?" I ask curious now my little mind racing as to what the surprise is

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"How would you like to try going to preschool with Logan by Daddy's job? You're not quite old enough to go all the time, but they have a program for 2 year olds.

We can eat lunch together, there's a lake and we can go feed the ducks. And you get to see your little friend Logan everyday. And you can make more little friends. Would you like that?"

*I clean up from lunch, and wipe your face and hands*

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*I get ready to diaper you for your nap*

"I have to use the bathroom. Did you want to take a trip to the little potty before your nap? We could have some potty time. Then I'll tell you a story"

*I get ready to diaper you for your nap*

"I have to use the bathroom. Did you want to take a trip to the little potty before your nap? We could have some potty time. Then I'll tell you a story"

"Of course I'll come see you at preschool. And you can make all kinds of arts and crafts for me and grandma and grandpa. They really want to see you"
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You still have to help me with my shorts getting them up and the zipper. And my shoes are Velcro so you show me how to get them strapped on as we go back to the daycare as you sign off on picking up Logan Ana hand in the application for the bridge program.

as soon as Logan comes out I hug him and start telling him about how I'm gonna come here too so we can play more

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*I walk you both to the car. Logan gives you a lion mask. I open 1 door and Logan goes over to his side and straps himself in while I strap you in*

Logan: "Do you have games on your phone, Uncle Mike?"

*I kind of fumble with the phone over him calling me uncle, but I manage to put the phone on kids mode and turn a game on*

"Here you go, kid. We're going to my house. I made you some food"

*Jamie zones out most of the way pretending to be a lion"

*I drive home and let you guys in the house*

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I chase Logan around in my lion mask making roaring sounds as he acts like a tiger with his mask and we mess with each other tackling each other and rolling around on the floor. All in good fun though.

*logan comes over a little bit later "uncle mike can I have a snack please?" He says polietly

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