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Had Trouble Sleeping

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I'm usually not one to put up these posts and really, this will add nothing to your life ... you won't read it and go "Wow" so if you're NOT bored, stop reading :P

But anyways, just because of how different it was, I'll tell you what happened.

Basically I've had the "Have to get into a diaper" thought on my mind the past few days, maybe over a week ... these last few days it's really been on my mind and even increased how often I've been on the boards these past few days.

Anyways yesterday was the day to finally solve this. On my way home from school I made a stop at the drug store (one out of my area since everyone knows me around here :P) and bought some cheap store brand diapers. Just wanted to see what they were like.

As soon as I bought them, pack of diapers in the bag and all, I took them into the washroom to unpack. Opened the package, put all of them into my backpack in various places so I could sneak them home and left one out to put it on. In the washroom, in the handicapped / larger stall, I stood up against the wall and put it on. Luckily I was alone, otherwise I think all the opening and closing of tape sounds might have been obvious as to what I was doing. Anyways, I put it on and was comfortable immediately. Pulled up my jeans, put my coat back on and I was ready to go.

I made it home with nobody in … I really just wanted to wear the diaper for the ride home since it’s been so long and even that would be enough. Got in, put all the diapers away and took off the one I had on, put it in a hidden but accessible place, along with 1 Abri-Form X-Plus for later that evening and the plans I had.

That night, I had planned to put the Abri-Form on and wet, possibly sleep after doing so since I’ve never had the courage to do it before (sleep wet). With the mission in mind, I made it up to bed when everyone was sleeping to do my business. I decided to put the store brand on as 1 layer and then the Abri-Form on top with the 2 pairs of plastic pants I own on as well. I can tell you that I was one padded baby, that’s for sure! I loved it :)

Anyways, with the wetting in mind, I drank a lot prior to and actually had to pee before the diaper but with it on, I think I was so nervous that I couldn’t.

With these nerves, I was laying in bed for literally hours, just staring at the ceiling. Sometimes touching the padded thickness, other times just with my hands on my side, eyes closed, eyes open. I couldn’t sleep.

After hours I finally got sick of everything and figured I must force myself, so I went back downstairs to my kitchen to get a drink. An entire can of pop and then I HAD to go.

Back in my bedroom and prepared standing up, I let it go. I peed a lot, as expected and it pretty much held.

After doing so and relieved, I laid back down and honestly, I can’t tell you how quickly I fell asleep. Maybe 10 minutes, at most and slept for some time comfortably.

I read on the site that the layers help to keep any scents in … yeah right, in that short amount of time that I was sleeping, though layered, I could smell urine which was not pleasant. Long story short, got rid of everything, cleaned up and febreezed everything so that I got rid of any smells.

But wow, how unexpected that I had to actually wet to sleep, to sort of release that stress and built up anxiety or whatever you want to call it. AND NOW, it’s not even on my mind. Since I relieved myself of the want to wear the diaper, I’m good now for what I would think would be some time (lets say a few days or who knows how long).

As a DL, I can really see the comfort level I have in the diapers which was totally unexpected for me. Don’t get me wrong, I find them stimulating and it does great things for me but now that I’ve done it I feel like I’ve hit my ‘needed quota’ and now I’m set for some time.

Anyone else experience the want and then afterwards they’re good for however long?

It just really surprised me, that’s all. Surprising because I'm not one to wet to be relieved. I'm very much a happy camper by putting on the diaper and enjoying myself with the thickness but this time, I almost had to wet to be satisfied. I think I'm getting deeper and deeper now! :P

Anyone have any ideas or opinions on my situation?

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Haha, so a lot of people took a glance but very LITTLE had something to say. I don't blame you guys :P

Heck, when I see people putting up these personalized stories and things, I don't even know what to put down sometimes. Maybe more the issue at hand was that it seems to me that the pleasure factor or lets say interest factor is actually increasing ...

Guess that happens ... I just thought it would remain constant or something ...

Now I'm just stuck in the "Do I like this or do I like this," which I'm sure many users around here can relate to in one way or another. One day you like something, the next you don't, especially with AB's and DL's.

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Hi, Fun. I too have tried to sleep wet before and it just feels wrong, maybe because I'm too afraid of leaks. Just about the only time I get to sleep in a diaper is when I'm traveling on business, so it's not my bed, and that would be even more embarrassing.

Now, when I put on a diaper just around the house, when I'm home alone, I wet as much as I can. For me, a diaper is a blank canvas, just waiting for me to make my mark. :P There's nothing I love more than a really wet, warm diaper. Put me in an X-Plus or a Molicare Super and I'm good for hours. I love it when it gets so full it's heavy and sagging. I love the bulk between my legs. I love the smells, the feelings, the warmth, I love it all. It's all part of the joy of wearing a diaper for me.

To each his own, eh?


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Haha, so a lot of people took a glance but very LITTLE had something to say. I don't blame you guys :P

Heck, when I see people putting up these personalized stories and things, I don't even know what to put down sometimes. Maybe more the issue at hand was that it seems to me that the pleasure factor or lets say interest factor is actually increasing ...

Guess that happens ... I just thought it would remain constant or something ...

Now I'm just stuck in the "Do I like this or do I like this," which I'm sure many users around here can relate to in one way or another. One day you like something, the next you don't, especially with AB's and DL's.

That change in mood smacks of a binge and purge cycle. Or maybe it's like eating, food doesn't taste so good when you are full.

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Lol. Keep on doing it, man. Maybe you can get used to the feeling and be able to wet more often.. Like at times when you barely have to go. Sometimes I have trouble going.. When lying down. Usually I have to sit or stand, and slowly change positions over time before I'm comfortable..

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I'm usually not one to put up these posts and really, this will add nothing to your life ... you won't read it and go "Wow" so if you're NOT bored, stop reading :P ...I think I'm getting deeper and deeper now! :P

Anyone have any ideas or opinions on my situation?

It may be helpful to know that what you are experiencing is very common. The initial reaction to the smell of urine is also normal. You are so used to being potty trained and conditioned to believe that urine is a bad thing in bed. So, naturally, you react with a sense of guilt for doing something you subconsciously believe is bad.

There is more to life than obeying arbitrarily set rules and meeting other people's expectations. One of the great things about wearing diapers and wetting in them is that it is an adventure. You're entering new and unfamiliar territory, both physically and emotionally. That is part of the thrill.

What is even more thrilling is that wearing and wetting in diapers actually does feel comforting. It causes a warm, gentle happiness from within, which is also connected to the hormone department. The more we get stimulated with the diapers and wetness, the more active the hormones get, which affects not only our sex drive but our overall sense of well-being.

You have a long life ahead of you. If you lose your sense of adventure out of fear of what you think others expect, then later on you will look back and feel cheated for not doing what you wanted to do. Learn to trust your feelings and support them. Be honest to yourself first, and then you can be honest with others about yourself.

It's never too late to explore your own emotions. But the more years you devote to exploring them, the more fullfilling your life will be. My goal is to fully enjoy my life and fully explore it. When I take my last breath, I want the satisfaction of knowing that I lived without fear, and with complete honesty toward myself.

This does not mean that diapers are for everyone or that everyone must accept me wearing them. But diapers are definitely for me and I'm going to enjoy them without invading the privacy of others or allowing others to invade mine.

Keep your sense of adventure and follow your dreams to their natural conclusions. And remember that no matter what happens, or what emotions you feel, they are all part of the adventure.

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I definitely wasn't looking for THAT type of response from everyone, but it was definitely appreciated. Just another opinion on the situation really, which I found very interesting, informative and encouraging.


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I definitely wasn't looking for THAT type of response from everyone, but it was definitely appreciated. Just another opinion on the situation really, which I found very interesting, informative and encouraging.


I hope I didn't over do it. I have a lot of passion for life. Today, unfortunately, that meant following my emotions when my little kitty died from natural causes. But even still, I did what I could to make her life good and comforatable right to the end. I loved her a lot.

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