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Babying the Babysitters (private)

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It was a beautiful summer day, and two teenage girls were driving to the house of their new babysitting job. Zoe, the 17-year-old redhead, was sitting in the passenger seat while her friend Cathy was at the wheel. "Can you believe it?" We're going to be babysitting twins for the whole summer. Our social lives are over!"

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Cathy chuckled as she listened to Zoe's whining rolling her eyes. "Zoe it won't be that bag." Cathy reassured. "Hey seem like little cutie pies from what their mother told us over the phone so don't be to down in the dumps"

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Zoe was equally impressed with the house of their charges. "Yeah, these guys are loaded, " said Zoe. "That's probably how they can afford to pay us so much for this. " Once the girls walked into the house, they were greeted by the twins' parents, who gave them the standard instructions for taking care of their girls, told them that there was two months worth of pre-cooked meals in the fridge, and gave them their numbers to call in case there were any problems. "Alright Cathy, let's go see the girls, " Zoe said, heading to the family room where the twins were once their parents had left.

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Mindy smiles ad Mandy and stands behind her. "Oh yer its going to be so fun! We'll be in charge then, and when mom and dad are back maybe we can convince them to let us keep the sitters as our big dollies!" Mindy giggles to herself and the thought of that.

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"Hehe," Mandy giggled at the compliment and the hair ruffling. By the end of the day, she and her sister would be the ones calling the babysitters cute. Mandy then saw Mindy wink at her, clearly catching on to what her twin was going for. "My sister Mindy loves to play house, so we could do that, " Mandy said in response to Cathy's question. "We could be the mommies and you could be the babies. How does that sound? " Playing house would make it so easy to get the babysitters diapered and regressed.

Zoe smiled at the suggestion. House was such an innocent game and she was unaware of the girls' ulterior motive. "Sounds good to me! What do you say Cathy? " she asked, turning to her friend and fellow babysitter.

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"Of course we'll dress up! " Zoe said in response to Cathy's question. These twins were both so cute that she couldn't resist going along with their whims. "What would you like us to wear? "

"We don't really have any dresses big enough for you two, but we do have diapers," Mandy said, heading towards the box of mentally regressing diapers and grabbing one for Zoe. "Would you mind lying down for me Zoe?" she asked the redheaded babysitter.

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Mandy smiled as her sister diapered Cathy. Mindy was a natural. When Mindy asked her if babies walked, she shook her head. "No, babies don't walk. Do you know what babies do Zoe?" Mandy asked the redheaded babysitter.

It was a simple question, but for some reason Zoe needed some time to think. Her head was feeling fuzzy. She sat down onto her diapered bottom, deep in thought. "They crawl, right? " she asked Mandy.

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Playpen! Zoe thought that sounded like a lot of fun. Happily, she started to crawl towards it. As she was crawling, she saw Cathy get scolded by Mindy for trying to stand up. Zoe giggled; she was going to be a good girl and crawl, not be a bad girl like Cathy. Once she and Cathy both crawled into the playpen, Zoe spotted a ball and eagerly crawled towards it. "Do you wanna

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There was no flipping between child and adult for Zoe; her regression had already started to take hold. When Cathy said her head hurt, Zoe crawled over to her. "Gotta boo boo?" she asked, concerned for her friend. The redhead then gave Cathy a kiss on her forehead. "Aww betta!" Zoe said happily, doing what her mommy always did when she got hurt.

Mandy was watching that whole thing with a smile on her face. "You're right Mindy, they're precious, " she told her sister, taking out some bottles for the baby formula. "Once we get some food in their tummies, we should totally take them shopping. That new adult baby store just opened right? "

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Cathy blinks as Zoe kisses her on the forehead and sucks her thumb more, the kiss had made her head feel better but something still wasn't right and she couldn't think on it. "Tank you" Cathy lisped and wrapped her free hand around Zoe hugging her and smiling. "wets go pwat wif da bwocks." She smiles and crawls over tot he foam building blocks and begins stacking them up.

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Zoe was glad she was able to make her friend feel better. When Cathy crawled over to the blocks, Zoe did as well. She then saw that the blocks had letters on them, and arranged three of them into a row. "Dats my name. Zoe," she said matter-of-factly, pointing to the blocks that spelled "DHT". Her mental regression had gone pretty far, but Zoe still thought she was a teenager pretending to be a baby.

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Cathy blinks staring at the blocks and sucks her thumb sounding the letters out before smiling happily. "Dats wight!" Cathy smiles and removes her thumb from her mouth and giggles clapping for Zoe before hugging her. "Bewst fwiend!" Cathy smiles much like Zoe her regression is now starting to pick up convincing her this is all a game.

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Zoe giggled at the hug and the praise. Of course she got her name right; she was a big girl after all! At least, that's what the mentally regressed redhead thought to herself.

"That makes sense. Hopefully they won't give us too much of a hard time," Mandy said to her sister, taking one of the bottles that she prepared. As Mindy entered the living room, Mandy did the same. "Zoe, honey, it's time for your baba," Mandy told Zoe once her sister unlocked the playpen.

"Baba!" Zoe instantly perked up when she heard that word. She eagerly crawled towards Mandy and sat down in front of her, waiting to drink the milky goodness. Mandy smiled at Zoe and went to feed her the bottle, but then Zoe pulled away from her. "Nuh uh! Me do baba! Me big giwl!" Zoe pouted, wanting to drink the bottle by herself. "Alright, if you say so," Mandy sighed, giving Zoe the bottle. Zoe's grip and coordination weren't very good, so she kept missing her mouth and dropping the bottle, but she was determined to drink every last drop. Mandy thought this was really cute, so she left Zoe to her own devices.

"Looks like Zoe still thinks she's a big girl," Mandy said, turning to Mindy. "We can probably use that to our advantage." Then, Mandy noticed Cathy giggling and holding her hands up in the air. "It looks like Cathy wants to be picked up," Mandy told her sister. She wasn't quite sure how an 8 year old was going to manage to pick up a 17 year old.

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Mindy smiles over at Mandy have got Cathy onto her feet and is holding her hand, Cathy si standing there sucking on her free thumb. "Sure Sis." Mindy turns to Cathy and smiles. "Now sweetie take your thumb out and hold Zoe's hand okay?"

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"Alright Zoe, it's time for you to be a big girl and lead us to the shop. Could you hold on to Cathy's hand for me?" Mandy asked, taking Zoe's other hand. Zoe, enthralled by the promise of being a big girl, took Cathy's hand with pleasure. "Me shop wike big giwl!" Zoe said happily. "We get chock-it?" asked Zoe, wanting to get some candy on their shopping trip. "Sure sweetheart, sure," Mandy said, walking along with her sister to the front door. On her way there, she picked up Zoe and Cathy's purses so that they would have money to spend on their shopping trip.

The group then walked out of the door and towards the adult baby store. Fortunately, the store was within walking distance, so the girls wouldn't have to drive or anything. Once they got to the store, Mandy saw that the shopping carts were outside. "Can we trust one of the girls to get us a shopping cart?" Mandy asked her sister. "I kinda want to see them try and fail."

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Cathy nods and keeps hold of Zoe's hand tightly and begins leading her over to the shopping carts, Cathy is forced to walk slowly with hide steps stopping every few feet to keep her balance. Once over at the shopping carts Cathy looks at them confused and stick her free thumb in her mouth. Zowee?" Cathy asks looking at Zoe the regression having done more to Cathy then Zoe "Wha we do now?"

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Zoe didn't like that Cathy was slowing her down, but she knew that she had to be a big girl and help her friend. When Cathy asked her what to do now, Zoe had to think for a second. "Oh yeah!" she said after figuring out what they had to do. "Puww da cawt!" Zoe then grabbed the handlebar of the cart with her free hand and pulled with all of her might. She managed to get the cart out, but the force of the pull caused Zoe to fall down onto her butt, and since she and Cathy were holding hands, Cathy would fall down with her. "Got da cawt!" Zoe said happily, clapping her hands on the floor. Her attention then turned to Cathy. "You okie?" she asked, wanting to make sure her friend was alright.

Mandy watched the events unfold with a chuckle. "I'd go and help them, but it looks like their diapered butts cushioned their fall," Mandy smiled as she spoke to her sister. "Don't worry. They'll be fine."

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When Cathy falls down on her padded butt her eyes begin to water tears starting to trickle down her cheeks. Cathy whimpers and sucks her thumb harder fighting back her tears starting to hiccup as they fight to spill forth. Cathy looks at Zoe but all that comes out of her mouth is unintelligible babel likely brought on by the falls.

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