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Be my mommy pvt Bluebird92

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Kayla walked into her office just like normal. She had blond hair green eyes she stood 5'6 130 she was very attractive, she was 23 and had been at the job for a little over a year. She had met this cute girl who was 19 or 20 she had a bad childhood and she was going to try regressive therapy on her. Today was a special day as she had just gotten back from babies r us and she had bought a lot of baby things. Her maternal instinct really kicked in as she now wanted a baby and with any luck she'd soon have one. She looked at her watch.

"Ok just enough time to get everything ready." she said walking over to the bags getting out a bottle and the canister of baby formula she read the directions.

"Alright just like when I babysat." she said as she made the bottle.

Once she was done it would only be a few minutes before her client checked in.

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Jordan waited patiently in the waiting room, nervously jumping when the secretary called her name to inform her it was her turn to see the doctor. She grabbed her pursue and moved into the room, where she saw a beautiful young woman waiting for her. "Hi! My name is Jordan, thank you for taking the time to see me!" Jordan shook hands and sat down nervously on the couch, "so, how does this begin?"

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"Oh hi I'm the new secretary." Mrs Sanders said. As she looked up Jordan's information in the computer.

She called Kayla.

"Ms. Green your noon appointment is here.

"Ok thanks send her in." she said cheerfully she looked around to make sure everything was set up and ready.

She was still surprised Jordan agreed to the regressive therapy but she was happy and little did Jordan realize Kayla had big plans for her.

"Hi Jordan how are you?" she said flashing her welcoming smile as the girl walked in.

(I thought she had seen her several times)

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(You're right, I'm sorry, I misread)

"I'm doing well Ms. Green.." Jordan said nervously. She had never heard of regressive therapy before, so she was a little anxious about what would be taking place. Kayla seemed to trust that t would work, and Jordan trusted Kayla.

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(No problem)

She smiled at how nervous the girl was truth be known she was nervous herself.

"Well first here take this it will help relax you." she said handing her a pill and a cup of water.

She picked up her notebook.

"Well this is how it works since you've had a bad childhood we're hoping to take you back to make it better so we're hoping to replace the bad memories with good ones.

She looked at her trying to read her reaction.

"Does that make sense to you hun?" she said leaning over to rub her hand trying to make her comfortable and relaxed.

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Jordan stared down at her feet, swallowing the pill quickly and sitting down across from Kayla. "I mean, I guess it makes sense... I guess I just don't know what it will look like! But I'm sure I will soon, thank you so much again for doing this!"

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"Oh you're welcome sweetheart how are you feeling?" she said writing down some notes. This was Kayla's first time at regressive therapy and she was hoping it would work.

She watched Jordan to see how she was feeling and what she might be thinking. She decided to see how she'd react to a few things.

Kayla reached over into a bag without saying a word and placed a diaper on the table along with a pacifier.

"What do you think baby?" she asked in a sweet soft gentle voice

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"I feel funny..." Jordan replied softly, "My stomach feels really weird." Jordan locked eyes on the items Kayla set on the table and took a sharp intake. She didn't understand why she felt so tingly looking at them, but there was this overwhelming desire to utilize them in her life. She could barely hear anything Kayla was saying.

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Kayla smiled her face lit up with maternal pride.

"That's nice I'm happy you feel relaxed and comfortable enough to say that.

She picked up the pacifier teasing her lips with it.

"Do you want it baby?" she asked cooing at her.

Kayla's mind was going so fast her plan was working perfectly.

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The pacifier grazing her lips sent tremors down Jordan's spine, and she felt her body convulse. She didn't understand what was going on, but she knew all she wanted in the world was that pacifier in her mouth. She opened up, and found it entering to be the most pleasurable thing in the world. A loud moan escaped her mouth from behind the pacifier, and she began to suckle intensely, her eyes closed in solemn pleasure. Lost in her thoughts, Jordan was unaware of the puddle forming underneath her as her bladder released itself.

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Kayla loved it this was so great at how quickly she was going for it. She's buying into this whole thing! She thought to herself.

"Ok baby if you like it so much, there's just a few things you must do!" she said pulling the pacifier out. Before she could say or do anything she herd a hissing sound.

"Oh my baby look at you, I'd say you definitely need diapers!"

Kayla got out her clipboard.

"Jordan if you want your paci you need to sign these papers." she said cooing at her. Little did Jordan know it was a power of attorney

"Come on baby just sign the paper." she said cooing at her.

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Jordan felt her source of joy being removed from her mouth and it brought tears to her eyes, "My... My paci! That's my paci!" She was close to throwing a tantrum, but realized that she could have it back upon signing those papers. She grabbed the pen and scribbled a toddler-like version of her signature, still not realizing that she had peed her pants.

"Paci! Paci!" Jordan cried.

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"Ok baby calm down sorry this won't work I need a legible signature I know you can still be a big girl come on the quicker you sign the quicker you can have your paci." Kayla said sternly empathizing how important it is.

"Come on Jordan time to grow up again!" she said impatiently

She had another copy of what she signed and replaced it with the new one.

Holding the clip board out again for her to sign.

"Here you go just sign."

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Jordan blushed bash fully, and hung her head in shame. She felt her control returning as she took the Pen and signed the form, before sitting back sniffling, "I'm sorry..." She sniffed and inhaled something unfamiliar, before realizing she was still sitting in a puddle of her own urine, "Oh... Oh god... I am so, I am so sorry!"

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"Shh it's ok baby!" she said looking over the paper everything was in order little did Jordan realize she had just signed herself over to Kayla.

"There there you're ok." she said rubbing her back. She made sure the camera got this last part now she would have video documentation in case Jordan ever changed her mind.

"I need you to do one more thing then I can get you all cleaned up." she grabbed the diaper and made it crinkle opening it up it had that fresh pampers scent.

"How's that smell hows that feel?" she said rubbing it on her face then on her hands.

"Just say will you be my mommy, then you can have it." she said backing away aiming the camera right at her.

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Jordan felt immediately calmer as Kayla soothed her. She didn't understand why she was so emotional today, but she was thankful to be with Kayla and she felt so relaxed!

"What's that?" Jordan responded, before snapping into attention at the sight of the diaper, and all she wanted in the world was this diaper.

"it smells so good... It feels so good..." Jordan moaned, trying to grab the diaper. Hearing her stipulation, Jordan moaned, "Your my mommy... I'm your baby..."

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"That's right I am!" she said joyfully shutting off the recorder as she had everything she needed now to keep Jordan with her. If she ever complained she could threaten to have her committed as she had the power of attorney and now her on video..

"Well if I'm your mommy and you're wet I need to get you changed and cleaned up."

She laid her down giving her the pacifier.

"Are you ready baby, the first diaper for your 2nd babyhood." she said patting the diaper.

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Jordan, with great joy, took hold of the pacifier in her mouth and began to suckle ferociously, as if her life depended on it. She begs the to rock on the floor in genuine pleasure, oblivious to the camera and how she looked to Kayla.

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"Oh know you do baby but part of the regressive therapy is I need to help you." she tickled her and cooed at her like a real mommy with her baby at diaper time.

"First whenever I say little you will automatically feel like a infant, you'll wanna do nothing but lay there and make baby sounds and play with your toes kick your feet, now when I say mommy's girl you'll be a toddler. No matter what you'll always need your diapers and pacifier ok baby." she said making sure she understood.

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Jordan giggled at the tickling and found herself staring directly at Kaylas eyes, unable to break eye contact. All she knew was that she would do whatever Kayla told her without hesitation.

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After Kayla was sure she understood the word suggestions she started to put her in her diaper.

"Ok baby girl let's get you cleaned up." she said cooing at her.

She unbuttoned her pants revealing her pink satin thong panties.

"Oh someone thinks they're a big girl." she said in a mock tone. Then she pulled her panties down.

"Baby is nice and shaved!" Kayla said smiling

She then lifted her legs taking a baby wipe, wiping her from top to bottom and she wiped her diaper area paying special attention to try to get Jordan worked up.

Then she unfolded the diaper slipping it underneath her taking out the baby powder sprinkling and rubbing it it, before bringing it up tight between her legs taping it in place.

"How's that feel baby!" the new proud mommy said patting her diaper.

Then Kayla decided to test her word suggestions.

"Jordan baby "LITTLE!"

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Jordan giggled as her Kayla began to diaper her. She had so much elated joy bursting within her. She felt at such peace and was so excited about her diaper and her pacifier! There was a shiver as her jeans came off, followed by her panties, leaving her completely bare and exposed before her therapist. As Kayla began to work on cleaning her, she felt a special pressure between her legs and she began to mason with pleasure fro, behind her pacifier. Before she could enjoy that for long, however, it was over, and a diaper was taped into place.

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Kayla smiled cause she knew everything was working perfectly one minute she was an adult wanting to enjoy her diaper and pleasure herself which was good cause she wanted to condition her to love her diapers. Then with her word suggestion hypnosis she was taken back to a time to change her childhood now filled with good memories.

"That's it baby enjoy your second babyhood." Kayla said cooing at her.

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Jordan just gurgled and cooed up at her mommy and a long stream of drool drizzled out from beneath her pacifier. The gas continued, and soon Jordan's cheeks grew red as she began to push a large, big-girl sized mess into her plush white diaper.

The mess felt so warm and icky, but despite that, the girl felt inclined to place her hand on the front of her diaper and rub it instinctively.

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"Oh my baby are you making a stinky!" she said patting her diaper. She thought the baby was getting too hot and bothered. So she decided to test her and see what her reaction was. She knew she was responding well to word suggestion, Kayla was ready to test it out.

"Jordan baby, BIG GIRL!" she said cheerfully wanting to see how she would react to being dressed like a baby sucking a pacifier in a messy diaper.

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