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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Escape (private RP with Ishigreensa)


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Alice could only cry into Mike's chest. It was like she had no control at all.

A mew moments later, when she had finished, she still wouldn't let go of him. Alice still cried against him, her face buried against his chest then finally she let out a little whimpering "I'm sorry."

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Mike rocked her back and forth until she was just breathing with a very small whimper of saying 'sorry.'

"It's okay, baby.

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Just as Mike thought, Alice didn't understand all that much of what he was saying, but she still nodded meekly. She was still trembling and shaking like a leaf in his arms when she finally looked up at him through her now messy bangs. "My undies are icky..." she whimpered with a blush before hiding her face again.

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"O-okay." Alice sniffled. She was getting tired of taking baths all the time. She cringed weakly and looked away. It was nice to know that she wasn't in trouble or anything but it was still so very embarrassing that she couldn't possible meet Mike's eyes. And what was worse was that there was no way she could argue against wearing pull-ups now..

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Mike put a hand hand on her shoulder.

"Honey, if you wear pull ups, you won't have to take a bath everytime you pee, okay?

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Alice cringed again when he pulled her panties down. She tried to think of the waffles that would be waiting for her when it was all over with.
"Please h-hurry." the girl whimpered as she was standing naked in front of him.

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Whimpering, squirming and fussing was the way that Alice endured the washing and by the time it was done she was shivering as she wrapped the towel around herself. Her eyes were so sad as she looked up at him and nodded meekly. "Y-yes daddy." she whimpered and leaned against him, resting her head against his chest.

After having a minute or two to calm down, she looked up at him again, pouting sadly. "I want waffles now." Alice said and tugged weakly on his arm.

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Mike nodded.

"Let me get you a shirt and some panties on first, okay?" he asked her.

He took her to her room and put her in a shirt and some panties.

"There you are, baby.

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Alice hadn't even realized it was the first time she had called Mike 'daddy'. She was just glad that she could finally get back into clothes and finally have her waffles. She curled up on her chair, her knees up underneath her chin and her eyes were still a bit red from crying, she didn't really mind being in just her undies and a shirt either. It was what she wore as a pajamas sometimes back home after all.
She reached out for a waffle and placed it on her plate, ignoring the the other food that Susan had cooked, at least for now.

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Alice smirked a little at that. She would probably be full after only two waffles anyways. "Okay Susan~" she replied sweetly before she started to nibble on her waffle.

"Do I... really have to kome with to the... store-thingy?" Alice then asked as she was playing with the last corner of her second waffle. "All there will know.. the....." she looked up at Mike. "Pull-ups?

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Alice smiled up at Mike. She was glad that she didn't have to tag along and she was also relieved that they didn't fuss about her not eating enough. So she nodded up at Susan then slid of her chair and took her by the hand.
She made herself comfortable on Susan's lap, and rested her head against the woman's shoulder.

"School will be... sc... scaa... scary tomorrow." she whispered after a while. It didn't really seem like she had focused on the story that much during the time that Susan had read it to her. The girl curled up slightly and played nervously with her long black hair. "Does pull-ups... see much?"

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Alice blushed as she hugged Susan back. "Thank you." she whispered back. Then she thought of Ruth. Her classmate already knew that she wet her pants... and then she thought of what Ruth had said about being her friend. Alice chewed her bottom lip. Would Ruth get suspicious? What would she do if she found out she wore pull-ups now?
She hugged Susan tighter, still feeling very nervous and uneasy about all this. "Will I wear pull-ups to sleep too?" she asked in her native tongue.

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Alice looked down. She wasn't really in the mood to fight right now, even if the thought of baby diapers were humiliating to say the least. But at least no one would see her wearing those except for Mike and Susan.. but it also meant she wouldn't be going to any sleep overs any time soon. She sighed sadly and nodded meekly. "Okay." she whispered, resting her chin against her knees, not at all looking forward to Mike coming home with her new underwear.

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Mike got back with her new things, and he walked over to Susan.

Susan looked up at him and he patted Alice's back.

"Honey, Mike is the one that's at home most of the time, so while I'm sure you are more comfortable with ME changing you, I think I'm going to have Mike take care of you when you pee your pants, just so you get used to him doing it.

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Alice nodded tentatively, although Mike had washed her many times now, this still felt... extra embarrassing. She let out a small "Eep" as she was handed over to Mike, making her feel even smaller as she was done so easily. Blushing, she wrapped her arms around Mike's shoulders and her legs around his waist, almost reflex like now.
"C-can't I do it self?" she asked timidly as she was carried into her bedroom and put down on her bed.
She sat down with her hands nervously fidgeting in her lap while her legs swung lightly over the edge of the bed.

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"No, baby, because I need to make sure the diaper gets on you right and tight so it doesn't leak so much in your sleep, honey."

He smiled at her.

"You don't want to sleep in a wet bed all the time, baby.

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Alice let out a nervous little whimper as she was laid down on her back on the bed and her undies were pulled down. Feeling a blush coming on, she grabbed a pillow and held it over her face, hugging the pillow tightly with both hands.

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Mike tried to be quick because he could see that she was a little embarrassed, but he knew he had to do it.

Mike wiped her off good, and then he powdered her.

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