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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Escape (private RP with Ishigreensa)


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Alice frowned as she looked down at the floor for a few moments then she finally nodded. "F-fine." she murmured as she started to undress.

With the clothes in a not so neat pile on the bathroom floor, Alice climbed into the tub and sat down, curling up a little as she waited for the water to rise all the way up. She was kinda wondering how many baths she had had to taken because of her little accidents since fleeing to America.

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Alice looked up at Mike as he spoke. It was still hard to follow what he was saying but she thought she maybe understood what he was meaning. It was both embarrassing and reassuring to hear. She nodded meekly then rested her chin against her knees, just before Mike kissed the top of her head. She smiled shyly, getting that warm feeling inside her again. "Thank you.." she mumbled then started to wash herself thoroughly.

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"More importantly, did you make any friends and use English at all at school today?" Susan asked her.

Mike smiled and looked down at her as the two women talked, not knowing exactly what Susan was asking her.

Mike swayed a bit with her to rock and relax her since she was clearly happy in his arms.

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Alice nodded, head still resting against Mike's shoulder, she really was very light. "I guess... but everyone probably thinks my english sounds weird.." she replied with a small sigh. "But I met someone who was really nice." she then added with a smile.

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"Well, it's going to take time for people to get used to you, but you are not the only kid that doesn't speak English the way a native thinks it should be spoken in America, honey."

Mike was lost, but if he had been included, he could have told them that at that very school, he had seen several students who didn't speak English as their first language, and they they spoke made it quite clear.

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Alice shrugged as a response then looked up at Mike. "I'm hungry." she chirped, even bouncing lightly in his arms before looking back to Susan. "What's waffles called in english?" she asked. "I wanna make waffles." she then added with a grin, letting go of Mike's neck to reach with one arm towards the kitchen as a gesture that that was the next destination.

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"Waffles..." Alice repeated quietly, then looked up at the exchange between Susan and Mike.
She nodded up at Susan, it was a small prince to pay for waffles after all! Alice then started to squirm and wiggle, trying to get back down to the floor, already eager to start. "I help make waffles!" she announced happily.

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Alice giggled as she ran off into the kitchen and the two left behind could hear the feint scraping of the girl pulling out a chair that she could stand on.

Susan smiled at that but then sighed, concerned about what Mike had told her. "Maybe we should try to talk about diapers with her again?" she said, leaning against Mike. "I mean.. it's easier to hide pull-ups than an accident in her panties I'd imagine." she went on. "And I'm also worried about her bedwetting." she added, looking up at Mike. "She's going to be really upset at us for mentioning it though.."

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Susan smiled. "Yeah, you can be a bit of a dummy sometimes." she said jokingly before getting serous again. "But when was the last time she wet the bed? She has only been here for a little over a week or so now, right? There's still probably lot of nerves and insecurities in her head." she said with a sigh. "Let's just say that were replacing her panties with pull-ups for a little while until it gets better."
And with that, she took Mike by the hand and entered the kitchen.

Alice was standing on her knees up on the kitchen counter, trying to reach the flour up in the cabinet as they entered. "I can't..." she paused looking deep in thought before looking over at Susan. "Hur s

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Mike looked at Susan for a minute, his heart breaking when he saw that sad look on her face that admitted defeat.

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Alice quickly clung onto Mike when she was switched over to him and she did feel a little better hearing that.
She grabbed the flour bag with both hands and held it tightly as she looked up at Mike again. "O-okay." she whispered in a hoarse and weak little voice

The girl sniffled one more time as she was put back down on the counter and she put the flour down by the rest of the ingredients and the mixing bowl. She was really careful as she measured up everything. Cracking he eggs was a bit harder though. One had to be thrown out after a little mishap but she still insisted on cracking the replacement egg and that one went better.

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Alice blushed at how Mike praised her and she smiled up at him shyly.
"Me and mom made..." she thought about the name. "...waffles a lot." she said with a mix sadness and happiness that can only be brought out from missing a loved one.

She didn't fuss too much about Mike insisting to use the waffle iron. She thought the funnest part was the mixing and the pouring the ingredients and that kind of thing, so instead she sat and dangled her legs over the edge as she watched Mike cook up the yummy waffles. "I helped... cook and.. and and.. and bake!" she smiled brightly.

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Alice let out a yelp as she realized she lost control. It happened so fast and without warning too! She was completely stiff in Mike's arms and her eyes wide open as she felt it.. a lump in the back of her panties. She started to tremble, then tears formed in her eyes again.

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"Y-yes." Alice squeaked in the weakest little voice, tears now rolling down her little cheeks. She wished she could just sink through the floor and disappear right now.

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