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Escape (private RP with Ishigreensa)


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Alice blushed as she had her wet panties pulled down and she was sat up on the potty again. She didn't have to pee this time though..
So instead she pulled her feet up and tucking her knees in under her chin as she watched Mike.
"Jaha, ett bad." she said, smiling shyly as she noticed him filling up the tub with warm water. "Kan jag f

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MIke turned around and he smiled at her.

"You are such a cutie," he said picking her up. Then he gently put her in the bath.

"Okay, let's see," he said putting some bubbles in for her.

He looked around for the bath toys, and remembered they hadn't had a chance to get toys yet for her.

"Honey, there's just bubbles for now, but we'll go out and get you some toys later today."

He started to clean her little body.

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Alice sighed a little. It was hard to make herself understood without Susan around. So instead she turned her attention to forming the cloud-like mounds of bubbles with her hands as Mike washed her.
She squirmed and blushed bright red of course as he washed her below the waist of course, but she knew that protesting in Swedish would probably not help that much..

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Actually, after her having slept with them, and having wet herself again in bed with them, he probably wouldn't have even listened to her protests even in English.

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There wasn't much Alice could do as Mike picked her up out of the bath and put her down on his lap. Not that she minded that though. She smiled a half-shy smile up at him. "Vad betyder daddy?" she asked innocently as she swung her legs slowly back and forth.

She giggled a little as he picked her up again, she being wrapped up in the big fluffy towel and clinging on to him was pretty nice. She smiled again as she was settled on his lap, looking up curiously to him as he coaxed her arms up.

"Betyder 'arms' armar?" Alice asked, pointing to on of her arms as he let her put them down again.

She blinked up at him, then slowly raised her arms over her head again. she was pretty sure she was doing what he was trying to get her to do... but you never knew with this strange language,

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The girl smiled proudly, it did sound like Mike was praising her anyways... and when he kissed the top of her head, she felt all warm inside. It was something Alice hadn't felt in a while.

She looked up at him, shrugged and put her arms down. Arms must mean 'armar' it was so smilar.

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"Arms up," he said again so he could put her pink shirt on her.

"You are such a good little girl!"

After he got her shirt on her, he patted her thigh.

"Stand up.

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Alice grinned as the pink shirt was slipped over her head. It reached about halfway down her bum but it wasn't as oversized as what she had worn otherwise up to this point.

She looked up at Mike and tilted her head to the side. Oh, right! Stand up..

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Mike laughed lightly at her attempt, and he reached up and picked her up and put her on the floor, gently, then he held out her panties so she could step into them.

"There, that's better, isn't it?" he asked her.

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Alice blushed even brighter as Mike laughed at her, but she smiled as she was able to step into her undies and her jeans.
She looked up at him and smiled meekly as he took her hand and led her downstairs. She climbed up on a chair, not the one she sat in yesterday, it was too high to climb up in by herself. So she sat up on her knees to comfortably reach the tabletop as Mike placed the bowl of cereal in front of her.
"Tack!" she chirped happily and reached for a spoon.

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Alice sat up and rubbed her eyes with a yawn. It had been hard going to sleep last night. Too many butterflies in her tummy. But at least she had been able to stay dry tonight!
She hadn't drunk anything before going to bed and she had gone potty just before as well, so now she was pretty thirsty.
"Mornin'" she said, laying back down underneath the blankets, it was just so warm and cozy under them.. and she was still pretty sleepy.

She looked up at Mike with a shy smile as she curled up, hugging her knees as she laid on her side. This was really going to be her first day of school in a whole new country. It was so exciting and terrifying at the same time. "I'm firsty" she whispered, looking up at him pleadingly. Maybe she would get a glass of milk or water before having to go out of the safe bed..

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Mike patted her closer to between her legs thinking something was off when she didn't feel wet on her butt, but as soon as he realized she had not wet in her sleep, he smiled and pulled her over to him to hug her.

"Good girl," he said proudly.

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The girl blushed brightly as Mike checked her again and she squirmed away a little, but she did smile when she was praised.
She curled up, pulling her head in under the blankets as well, just peeking out from under the edge as she waited for Mike to return, and when he did, Alice sat up on the bed, blanket wrapped around her so just her head and part of her arms poked out.

"Fa.. thank you!" Alice chirped as she reached out for the glass. Just one hand first but then both after repeatedly being told so.
she closed her eyes and took a deep sip, swallowed then sighed happily. "...It.... t-tasted....... good!" she said, looking up at Mike and bounced lightly on her bum. Sh had to think a bit to remember the right words.

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Alice grinned proudly up at Mike before finishing her juice. Then she reluctantly krept out of the warm bed and took him by the hand.
She tip toed next to him into the bathroom, looking up at him with big eyes as he spoke. It was hard to understand. Sometimes Mike forgot to speak slower and to not use so many words at once.

But she understood the jist of it. She really did have to tinkle too, so she quickly scurried over to the potty, pulled down the panties from under the nighty and climbed up. She let ouft a relaxed sigh as she started going pee, sitting knees together and eyes closed.. then afterwards, just letting her panties fall off from her feet and she wiggled out of her nighty before hopping off the potty and heading to the tub.

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He only stayed long enough to make sure she went to the toilet, but once she started to pull down her panties, he left her so as to give her some privacy.

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Alice blinked up at Mike. "I..." she looked down and chewed her lip as she tried to remember the word. "....aaa... already! I already potty" she said, blushing slightly. She wiggled into her skirt, then her shirts and socks before standing up again and heading downstairs to eat breakfast.

She sat up on her knees on her chair, eager to dig into the pancakes. She looked up at Mike with that clueless expression again. "eat one..?" she pointed at the pancakes. "... eat one?" she pointed to the strips of bacon. She shrugged and giggled.
She started to cut up her blueberry pancakes.

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