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Escape (private RP with Ishigreensa)


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Alice nodded obediently as she followed Susan back up the stairs. "Okay.. but do I have to watch TV? It's boring, I don't understand anything. Can I play in my fort instead?" she asked coyly as she walked into the bathroom.

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Alice smiled brightly. "So when am I starting school?" she asked curiously. "Not for a week or two, right?" She sounded a little nervous.
She started to undress as she walked up to the tub, but stopping in her undies before turning on the warm water. Then blushed a little. "S-so.. um.. Can I bathe alone this time?" she asked timidly.

(It would be a hard time making friends when you poo your panties in class x) )

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(It would if everyone noticed, but what if she did it near the end of the day, so people were already leaving and didn't notice because she sat quietly for everyone else to leave after it happened?)

Susan looked at her for a minute, and then smiled.

"Yes, honey, you're ten years old, and there doesn't seem to be any reason I can see that you need someone to bathe you.

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Alice just soaked in the bath for a while. She was too tired to even consider playing around or looking for bubbles or anything. Instead she just closed her eyes and relaxed in the surrounding warmth. She eventually managed to wash up and later climb out of the tub though. She then dried herself off before darting across the hall to her bedroom.
She dressed herself in the undies and pajamas that Susan had laid out of her before tip-toeing down the stairs.

"All done." she said happily as she peeked into the livingroom, her long black hair still slightly wet but not dripping. She walked over to the couch and sat up, her feet tucked in underneath herself of course so her feet wouldn't freeze.

(I'll think about it =) I'm not sure yet how the first days of school should go yet~)

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"Okay" Alice replied sweetly, smiling softly as Susan hugged her then curled up a little more to get comfy on the couch before looking over to Mike. She smiled back to him.

"Start? Betyder det 'att starta'?" Alice asked then covered her mouth with her hands, blushing because the lesson had obviously started.

"Stand upp!" Alice tried to mimic, but the accent was of course still there, and she raised her arms over her head but remained sitting.
"Sitt do.. dou...down!" She grinned as she let her arms

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Alice tilted her head slightly to the side as Mike laughed. She must have gotten it wrong.
She smiled and stood up on the couch. "Stand upp?" she blushed with her hands behind her back. "Sitt down" she then said as she sat back down, on her knees this time.

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Mike clapped and smiled as he said "Very good!"

He then lowered his hands and he also sat as he said, "Sit down."

He worked on stand up, sit down, turn around, left and right for about an hour.

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Alice giggled as Mike applauded her. It was great to know that she had done good and that she was getting somewhere!
It did get a little boring though for the ten year old, a whole hour was a pretty long time to be learning without any breaks. So when the time came for them to stop she let out a happy squeak before running off up to her room.

She got back to building her pillow fort. She kinda wished the bed was a little higher though, that way it would she would be able to sit up completely. If only she had some lights though!
Eventually, she was getting sleepy. So she crawled out from under the bed, one blanket wrapped around her shoulders and dragging it behind her as she walked down to find Susan.
"I'm sleepy." she whimpered, rubbing her eyes. "Can I sleep in my fort?"

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when she ran off to play, Susan went back to cleaning up the kitchen while Mike cleaned up the living room.

Later, when she came back down to tell everyone she was tired, Mike patted his lap for a minute.

"Honey, come here," he said quietly to her.

Susan nodded at her and repeated what Mike said so she would understand:

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Alice nodded as she climbed up up Mike's lap. She was still pulling her blanket along with her, still mostly wrapped up in it.
She leaned into him and closed her eyes. She was really tired and the backrubs were really comforting.

Alice looked up to Susan and nodded. Maybe she would have complained, trying to stretch out the time she could sleep in her fort, but not today. Instead she gave Mike a weak little hug, slid off his lap, walked over to Susan and hugged her around the waist before dragging her blanket after her as she headed back upstairs and to bed.

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Susan smiled as the little girl went back up to her room.

She and Mike talked a bit downstairs about what their next steps would be concerning Little Alice.

"Do you think she'll be ready for school in a week?" Mike asked worried about sending her too soon.

"Well, I do know that the sooner she is normalized in life, the better it will be for her.

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Alice crawled in underneath the bed and curled up underneath the piles of blankets and pillows. She really liked what she had made. It was so cozy that she fell asleep almost instantly.

She managed to sleep peacefully for a a few hours before she started to stir again. It was the nightmares that was returning. It seemed like it would happen every time she slept, almost like there was no escape.
The girl started to whimper at first.. then she start to toss and turn, crying out in her sleep for help

Then she snapped awake. She screamed out a shrill scream. "M-Mike! Susan!" she yelled out loudly as she curled up further inside her fort... she didn't even notice the little wet spot between her legs.

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Alice immediately wrapped her arms and legs aruound Mike the moment she realized it was him that was trying to pull her out from under the bed. She clung to him as tightly as she could, sobbing and trembling in his arms.

"I... I had.. another b-bad dream." she managed to whimper between sniffles against Mike's shoulder before peeking up. She looked both terrified and scared. "C-can I sleep with you guys?" she pleaded with a weak little voice.

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Alice let out a little sigh of relief when they didn't bring up diapers again. So she just smiled a weak little smile when Susan came back with a fresh pair of undies for her. She squirmed timidly as Mike cleaned her up, but not too bad and she didn't really protest at all as Mike pulled off her pajama top as well, leaving her in just her panties as he picked her up again. She clung tightly to him, legs wrapped around his waist and arms on his shoulders on their way to his and Susan's bedroom.
She couldn't remember the last time she felt so... little, as when she curled up between them, trying to be as close as possible to both of them as she closed her eyes again.

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Alice groaned weakly in her sleep as she felt Mike moving next to her.. she wanted to sleep more. But as he started to rub her tummy she couldn't help but start to wake up. She immdiately noticed the wettness between her legs and she felt like she was about to cry again. Why did she have so many accidents?

So the girl buried her face against Mike's chest and whimpered.. she just felt more and more little as time went on. She looked up at him meekly as he said something in english and picked her up. "V-vart ska vi?" she asked weakly, wrapping her arms and legs around him again.

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