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Escape (private RP with Ishigreensa)


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Susan sighed.

"Honey, sit down," Susan said in a low tone that told Alice that she was probably going to get upset again.

"You've wet the bed last night, didn't you?

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Alice looked nervous as she picked up the package without thinking about it, slowly walked over to Susan and sat down. She looked down on the package as she listened to Susan. She didn't understand what the words said but there was cutesy prints all over the top.
"Wear what.. what are you.." she rolled over the package in her hands and her eyes grew big. There was a picture of the diapers on the front of the pack.

She dropped it on the floor like it was something poisonous or something before looking up ta Susan. "Th-that's fine, because I won't have another accident!" she said severely and stood up. "I.. I'm n-not a baby!"
Her fist were clenched and trembling.

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The girl blushed as she was pulled up on Susan's lap. She was still almost trembling and she chewed her bottom lip.. but Susan rubbing her back did help to calm her down.

She looked up. That word was pretty easy to say. "Food." Alice mimiced, even smiling a little. "Food!" she said again and crossed her arms, obviously feeling a little proud of herself.

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Alice blushed. "I won't wet my pants again." she protested and looked down timidily. She did like the hug though.

"Pl... plej. pla.." it was a hard word. Alice frowned and looked back up at Susan. "why does English have to be so hard?" so complained, like if she could do anything about it. She leaned into the hug and curled up a bit.
"Food... dwi.. drink... potty." she repeated quietly to hereslf. The R sound in drink was also a little different.

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Alice rolled her eyes. There was no way she was going to go hold it infront of Mike or tell him that she needed to go unless she had to. She already knew how to go potty alone. But Susan didn't need to know what she was thinking.

"Okay." She mumbled and slid off Susan's lap and darted off. She ran down the stairs and jumped of the last couple of stairs before heading towards the kitchen, stopping to walk instead just before she entered the kitchen. "Hi" she chirped

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(Oops >.< no she said Hej so it sounds slightly similar)

Alice smiled back at Mike then blushed only slightly as he picked her up and placed her on her chair. She decided on sitting on her knees on the chair before reacing for the glass of milk. "Dwi... " she blushed, why was that R sound so hard in that word. "Drink" she said, looking up at Mike for confirmation before taking a sip. "Chili." she then chirped happily, she could pick that word out of that sentence!

"Jag tycker om Chili." she said with a smile just before Susan entered the room. Alice took another sip of the milk.

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He didn't know what she had said.

Susan sat down and tried to translate as much as she could so that Alice would be a part of the conversation.

"Okay, so she's having a hard time talking in English because some of our sounds are different," Susan told Mike and translated for Alice.

"That's okay.

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Alice looked from Mike to Susan, back and forth as they spoke in english about her schooling. She didn't understand them but maybe that was for the best right now.. instead she took another sip of her milk as she waited for the food to be served.

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Alice's eyes widend. "A couple of years?!" she exclaimed. "But.. but.. I'm not going to make any friends and.. I'll be so lonely and..." her lower lip started to quiver as she thought about being compltely alone for so long without any friends her own age to play with.. suddenly she wasn't so hungry anymore.

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Alice started to serve up some chili on her plate because apperently Mike and Susan had forgotten about food now during this new topic.
"Maj I goe to te bafroom" Alice repeated before putting a spoonful of chili into her mouth. "Mmm" it was good! She smiled brightly. "Maj.. may I go to te bafroom" she said again, taking another spoonful

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Susan shook her head.

"Mike, do you understand her?"

He shook his head.

"Maybe if she put her hand between her legs, it would make sense."

Susan sighed and went over and helped her stand up on her knees a little higher, and then she forced Alice's hands to hold her between her legs.

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Alice blushed brightly but decided to humor them. "M-may I go to te... the bafroom?" she said meekly, looking down at the food on her plate, wondering why she had to do this right now.. she hadn't eaten since last night. "please" she whimpered in swedish.

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Alice let out a sigh of relief as she sat back down and started eating again. She wondered when she would start school. It would probably not be for a week or two until she could at least say a couple of words and phrases.

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After dinner, Susan took her up to get her bath.

"I want you to get a bath, and then we'll come down and study English for an hour, and then it'll be time to sit quietly and watch TV until bedtime, okay?"

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