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Escape (private RP with Ishigreensa)


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Alice had forgotten exactly how long time she had spent on that ship. It had been her mother's final gift to her, before the 10 year old saw her mother die right in front of her. It had been a ticket on this old freight-ship. A human trafficking ship really. It had departed from a relatively small harbor in Sweden, then traveled to China. There, a lot of other people boarded before they departed for California.
Alice had spent the mos f the trip crying though.. but at least her mother had payed for some privacy on board this old boat. She had slept in her own quarters and didn't have to share the lavatory with other people for most of the time.

But that had been then... since the moment they had made anchor at the California harbor, there had been a police raid. There had been a lot of arrests, but the INS had take in all the children. The only problem was that no one there spoke a word of Swedish and everyone assumed that Alice was Chinese. Her mom had been Chinese after all and the boat had come from China so it wasn't a baseless assumption.

So now she was sitting in a "soft room". It was a room at the police station, designed to make children feel more at ease. It was really colorful and some old toys laying around. Alice wasn't in a very playful mood though and her tears had all dried up. She was still wearing the dirty jeans and the hoodie that one of the ships crew-mates had given her when it had been cold. It was many sizes too large so her hands disappeared inside the sleeves and her frail shoulder would slip through the neck-hole all the time. But it was warm at least.
So instead, she was curled up on a small coach, hugging her legs against her chest and resting her chin on top her knees, the hood pulled up over her long, jet-black hair and her brown eyes just staring out emptily as her mind wandered elsewhere.

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Eventually, all the children were spoken for by some Chinese relatives in China, and most of them would be shipped back to China on the next INS scheduled run.

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Alice tilted her head to the side as Susan spoke to her in Mandarin. "Is that for me?" she asked timidly in Swedish, looking down at the can of coke as she licked her dry lips. She tried her best to smile as she slowly, and timidly as a forest animal, slid off the couch, walked up to the table and sat down across from Susan.
Her feet didn't quite reach down to the floor so she let them dangling slowly back and forth and she rested her elbows on the tabletop, quietly fidgeting with the long sleeves of the hoodie.

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Alice smiled for the first time since before her mother had died. It was a tired little smile but it was still a smile.
The girl nodded her head, making her left, frail little shoulder slip through the neck-hole of the hoodie. "Yes! I'm from Sweden." She replied, now tucking her feet in underneath her on the chair.

"Mom told me we came to Sweden when I was very little." Alice explained as she used both her hands to pop open the can and she took a sip. It was the best thing she had ever tasted in her life.
She closed her eyes and smiled a little wider.. until Susan mentioned the boat. Then memories of her mother came back and the girl started to tremble on her chair.

She put the can back down on the table and turned her head away, not saying anything. Her jaw was clenched as if she was trying to suppress the tears that were starting to roll down her cheeks.

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The girl's hand were shaking with a mix of rage and fear... then her lower lip started to quiver as Susan started to ask about her mom. Then as the woman pulled the girl up on her lap, Alice couldn't hold it back anymore.
It started with a sob. Then she buried her face against Susan's chest, clung tightly to her shirt and cried her eyes out against her.

She clung to her like that for a long time before she finally started to calm down a bit. "M-my mom...." Alice stammered and sniffled as she tried to make the words come out, but just thinking it hurt so much! "......she... s-she... she died." she finally managed and tears started to roll down her cheeks once more.

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Alice sniffled and let out a little whimper as Susan held her out at arms length. Right now she just wanted to stay like she had before, clinging to her.
The girl shook her head. "N-no... it.. it was only me and m-mom." Alice whimpered, looking up at Susan through her dark bangs.

Susan could feel the girl squirming slightly on her lap now, she kinda had to go pee, but she also really didn't want to leave the woman's lap right now, even though it was kind of embarrassing, she had also missed being close to someone. Anyone.
"I have no where to go.." she whispered, barely audible.

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Alice looked away. Her mom had told her, as the bad men tried to break down the door, that she wasn't supposed to tell anyone anything about the boat or who she really was.
"No one." She whispered, looking up at Susan with defiant, but still very sad eyes.

She clenched her little fists and bit her lower lip, still squirming on the woman's lap. "I don't want to be here anymore!" she suddenly exclaimed, trying her best to wriggle out of her lap. And when she managed to do so, she ran around the table. "You can't just keep me here!" she said and stomped her foot on the floor.

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Alice didn't understand. Why were people so set on sending her away all the time?
The girl grit her teeth and clenched her fists again as she first stared down at the floor, then looked up at Susan from under her bangs. "If you send me back to China. They are going to kill me... just like mom." she said, the last part ebbing out into a whisper.

She could feel the tears coming again, but she wiped her eyes on her sleeve before they could trickle down her face. Then she turned to the door and tugged on the handle. "Let me out! I don't want to be in here anymore!"

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Alice didn't seek herself closer to Susan this time. Instead she was just scowling and staring down at the floor.
She had her legs squeezed together and she fidgeted noticably now, tugging a little at her own sleeves and squirming with her legs.. but she was too foolishly angry to want to ask about using the bathroom, at least not right this second.

"My.... my dad is a really bad man." she finally whispered, still fidgeting with her too long sleeves. "He sent someone to hurt my mom.... then he..." Her tiny voice trailed off and her voice filled with so much pain. She didn't even notice of a tiny trickle of wetness seeping into the cloth of her panties!

Alice tilted her head back, looking up at Susan with red puffy eyes. "I just want to be with my mom." she pleaded.

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Alice whined a littel as she was picked up again. She tried to squirm away and now she really had to go potty! There wasn't any in this room though..
"M-maybe..." The girl whimpered as she tried to put her hands down between her legs but as Susan sat with her arms around the girl... it proved near impossible! "...I j-just really want to get out of this stupid room.."

Then the ten year old's eyes suddenely

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Alice sobbed as she felt herself soak her undies and the jeans she was wearing, creating a large wet spot between her legs and running down her legs. Finally Alice gave up as she slowly sunk down on her on her knees and her bum,

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As she gave up, the pee just poured into her pants and soon she was soaked all around her butt, the back of her pants, and between her legs and down her pantlegs on the insides.

Susan picked the little embarrassed girl up just as the door lock was released, and she carried Alice out of the 'soft room.'

"I need to take her to the bathroom," Susan told the people watching.

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Alice felt even more embarrased as she was picked up and carred past people who had most likely clearly seen the girl wet herself.. so she was thankful when she was safely hidden away inside the washroom.

She bit her lower lip cutely as Susan knelt down to undo her pants for her. At that moment she looked more like a 4 year old than a 10 year old.
"It was an accident.." she insisted with a small whisper asshe peeked into Susan's eyes, then quickly looked away.

After the hug, she obediently wiggled out of her trouesers. She didn't want to wear them any longer and thankfully the overzised hoodie hadn't gotten wet and it reached down past her bum and a little way down her thighs so her wet panties wasn't visible... It did make her look younger still though. Like a toddler who was playing dress-up in mommy or daddy's clothes... especially as she fidgeted with the long sleeves in that timid little way

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"Of course you're tired," Susan said as pulled the little girl over to her and cradled her while she was still on her feet.

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Normally, Alice would've recoiled, pushed this stranger woman's hands away and maybe gottten angry as she tried to get at her (wet) panties.. but now she was so tired, so sad and mentally beaten down that she just let out a weak whimper.. then slowly lifted up the hem of the hoodie a bit, revealing a pair of sun-yellow panties.. with a big dark wet-spot reaching all the way from the front, underneath between her legs and on her bottom.
Blusing brightly, Alice just looked away meely.

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"It's okay," Susan told her kissing the top of her head as she pulled her panties down and then took them to the sink to rinse them out good and use them as a wash rag to try to wash her privates and legs off a bit.

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Alice nodded meekly. A bath did sound pretty nice.. she just hoped she could stay awake for it.
It felt weird to have someone clean her up like that, especially since it wasa stranger! But she didn't struggle, just squirmed slightly from the mild discomfort.

She smiled a weak little smile as she stepped into the fresh pair of undies and then the jeans. She had to hold onto the waistband a little so they wouldn't start to slip down her bottom but at least she didn't have to go pantless!

"Do I have to?" Alicce then asked weakly. "I don't like that room.. I just want to go away from here." she then added with a whisper, looking down.

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