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25 year old Joey Sanders waited in the living room for his new girlfriend of a year, Natalie. Joey had met Natalie through his best friend whom had dated Natalie's sister. Joey had been skeptical about matchmaking, but it was love at first sight. Earlier in the month, he had asked her to move in. She eagerly accepted. He eventually planned on marrying her.

Joey and Natalie had one big thing in common: children. Joey was the proud father of 2 year old Jaxon Sanders. His mother was no longer in the picture. She signed over her parental rights hours after his birth. Natalie had a 4 year old daughter, Isla. This day was the first step to the rest of their lives.

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"Coming!" Joey said as he stole a glance back at Jaxon who was happily playing with some cars on the floor. Joey opened the door and noticed the two girls. He hugged them both into his arms before pecking Natalie on the lips.


"Natwie!" Jaxon yelled before running into her arms."Me good."

He snuggled into her embrace. Seeing this happen, Joey smiled and decided to unload Natalie's car for her. When that was done, he walked back in and marveled at his family. Natalie had honestly been a godsend to him. No girl ever wanted to date a father with a kid. She was different and was so good with Jaxon.

Joey walked over and crouched down to Isla's level. "And how are you sweetie?" He asked as he picked her up.


"You sure? Let me guess, mommy woke you up?" Joey smiled. It was pretty obvious. The little girl still looked quite groggy. He rubbed her back tenderly.

Jaxon sat


Isla nodded as her thumb slowly made its way to her lips. After a few more minutes she started to wake up a little more. "Mr. Joey, do you have any juice?" she asked.

"That's not blue, silly boy! This is blue," Natalie said as she held up a blue car. "What color is that?" she asked and pointed to the car Jaxon was holding.


"Let's go get you some juice." Joey said as he picked Isla up and took her into the kitchen. He sat her at the kitchen table before returning with a cup of fruit punch. "I'd give you a snack, but I figure we would go out for dinner tonight."

"Wed!" Jaxon answered happily. He began wetting his diaper as well. "Mama, me wight?"

When they first started dating, Natalie and Joey had been completely thrown back by Jaxon calling her that. Joey had come to the conclusion that this was because he never knew his birth mother, and the fact that Joey had not dated anyone since then. When Natalie came into the fold, the toddler saw an older women and immediately assumed her to be his mother.


Isla happily took the cup and sipped the juice. "Where we goin' for dinner?" she asked.

"Yes, that's right! You're such a smart boy, I knew you knew that color!" Natalie praised the boy excitedly as she hugged him. She could tell he was wetting his diaper, but he didn't feel too wet and she figured he could wait a little longer for a change.


"I figured we go to Macaroni Grill. It's an Italian restaurant." Joey responded. "If you don't like Italian food, I'm sure we could find a place you like." He was trying really hard to make Isla feel at home and not like an outsider. He sat across from her and waited for an answer.

Jaxon giggled when he was complimented. "Who dat giwl?" He asked curiously. He was still not sure what to make of her.


"No, that's fine," Isla said. "Me an' mommy go there sometimes. I like it."

"That's my little girl, Isla. She's 4 years old. Would you like to play with her?" Natalie asked.


"Okay sweetie, we'll go there." Joey said "Can you go tell your mommy and Jaxon to get ready?"

"No. Me have fun wit you." Jaxon replied. He moved out of her grasp and grabbed another car. He then rolled it toward Natalie.


"The bathroom is right down this hall Isla." Joey said as he lead her to it.

Jaxon toddled over to Natalie and into her arms. "She scawwy mama."


Isla did as she was told and used the toilet, then washed her hands. "Okay, I'm all ready," she announced to Joey when she emerged from the bathroom.

"Oh buddy, she's not scary! She's very nice," Natalie insisted as she scooped Jaxon up and headed upstairs to his nursery. She laid him down and changed his diaper before getting him into a pair of jeans and a nice sweater. "Okay, let's find your shoes, and we'll be ready to go!" she said as she set him on the floor.


Joey picked Isla up and carried her to the livingroom to wait for Natalie.

"Shoes thew!" Jaxon said pointing to his closet. "Diapew bag thew too."


Natalie selected a pair of shoes and a jacket from the closet and got them on Jaxon, then grabbed the diaper bag and made sure it was stocked. "Okay big guy, let's go!"


Jaxon toddled downstairs with Natalie right behind.

"There you are guys." Joey said. "Let's go!"

He ushered everyone outside and into the car.


"Oh, hon, Isla needs her car seat. It's in my car...I guess we should get another car seat for each of the kids, so they have one in both of our cars," Natalie said. She picked Jaxon up and got him buckled securely into his seat, then handed him a toy to keep him occupied on the drive to the restaurant.


"Yeah, I thought about that as well." Joey said as he buckled Isla in. "We can go by Walmart later tonight. Jaxon is running low on diapers, we can pick up another car seat for each of them as well."

He got into the front seat and began driving to the restaurant.


"Me want sketti." Jaxon said happily. "Daddy wan sketti too?"

Joey grinned from the front seat. "Of course little man."

He turned his attention to Natalie. "Babe, what are you thinking about getting?"


Joey nodded as he pulled into the parking lot. He got out and got Isla out of the backseat. "Nat, Jaxon is already smitten with you. I'm sure he'd want you to get him out."

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