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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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Hello! My name is PwincessMarissa, and I've got an RP idea for anyone that's interested. The idea is this: a mentally regressed teenager has lived her whole life in an adoption center and has never seen the outside world. However, that all changes when a kindhearted parent chooses to adopt her. The RP the cute and fluffy story of these two and their new life together.

If this interests you at all, leave me a message! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

It was a slightly chilly October day, and multicolored leaves fell through the air. Our story takes place at the town adoption center. In most respects, it was like any other adoption center in the country; kids lived there, caretakers took care of them, and people occasionally came in and adopted one of those kids. However, in this center, there was one girl who was quite different from the norm.

18-year-old Elizabeth Waters was sitting on the floor in a "special room" in the adoption center with her legs spread out. She was stacking blocks on top of each other and then knocking down those towers. Every time she knocked one tower down, she clapped her hands and laughed in a child-like way. The reason she was acting like this was because she is mentally regressed, meaning that she has the mental capacity of a toddler. Because of this, she has to be separated from the other kids in the adoption center.

Usually, no one would want to adopt someone like Elizabeth, but on this day, someone actually came in looking to adopt her. Therefore, as Elizabeth was playing, a female caretaker brought this person into the room to show her what Elizabeth was like.

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Amanda had found out when she was young that she couldn't have children because of a rare condition that made it impossible to get pregnant. She was heartbroken and thought she would never be a mother. So Amanda put all her energy into starting and running a multi million dollar corporation. One day over lunch. Her secretary told her about the adoption agency in the next town over. She went to see about adopting a child. Amanda was going to adopt a baby when she saw Elizabeth in a room by herself when she went to the bathroom. She asked the lady about the girl. When Amanda met Elizabeth. She fell in love with her and realized that Elizabeth needed someone to look after her. Amanda nods. "Yes I am sure. I want to adopt Elizabeth. What do I need to do to adopt her and do you know where I can get furniture like she has in the room?"

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"Elizabeth wears diapers all of the time due to her bladder and bowel problems. You could try your pick potty training if you'd like though, " the caretaker told Amanda. She then explained to Amanda that Elizabeth wore disposable diapers made for teens.

"If you have any more questions, I'd be happy to answer them. Otherwise,

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Amanda looks at Elizabeth. "I don't think it would do much good. She probably wouldn't understand the process or learning to listen to her body's signals. So it would probably be better if she stayed in diapers." She nods. "Well I am not too keen on using disposable diapers, but I haven't the foggiest how to fold a cloth diaper to make it the most absorbent. So it is disposable diapers for now."

"I do have some other ones. Can she feed herself or does she need to be fed? Does she eat baby food or does she eat normal food? Is she allergic to anything. Food, beestings, Pollen? Is there anything she hates or refuses to eat? How is she around animals? I have two cats and I need to know if I need to keep them and Elizabeth apart? Can she walk on her own or does she need help. If she doesn't walk. Can she crawl?"

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If the caretaker was shocked by Amanda's rapid barrage of questions, she didn't show it. Instead, she calmly addressed them one by one.

"Elizabeth can eat by herself, but she has to use her hands because she is totally clueless with utensils. She can eat normal food just fine; in fact, she'll eat anything you put on her plate. The only problem is, she's incredibly messy, so more food ends up getting on her than inside of her," the caretaker explained.

"Allergies? Elizabeth doesn't have any. And you don't need to worry about her around pets either; she absolutely adores animals. However, she doesn't really know her own strength, so she could hurt an animal if she got too affectionate." continued the caretaker.

"About walking, Elizabeth can do that on her own, but it's more of a toddle than a walk, so I'd recommend bringing a stroller around with you in case her legs get tired or something." the caretaker said, finishing up her explanation.

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Amanda nods. "Ok I wasn't sure if she could feed herself or if I had to feed me. That is good to know. I wasn't sure since she was mentally that of a baby if she ate baby food or normal food." She smiles. "Well any baby or small child is like that."

"I'm glad she doesn't have any allergies to pet hair. I would give my cats up if I had to, but I would have preferred not to."

"That makes sense. I'll add that to the list."

Amanda heard what Elizabeth said. "Yes you are a good girl."

Amanda nods. "Yes I think that is it. Has she been changed recently? I don't live near here and I wouldn't want her to be uncomfortable by setting in a wet diaper too long." She looks at the caregiver. "I do have one more question. Has Elizabeth always been this way or did something happen that caused her to be like this?"

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"Yay!" Elizabeth relaxed and clapped happily. She was glad that the nice lady didn't think she was naughty. Whenever she was naughty, people didn't play with her, and she wanted to spend lots of time playing with the nice lady.

"Elizabeth got changed just before you got here, so you don't need to worry about her having another accident," said the caretaker. "And unfortunately, about her condition, she has been like that for as long as I can remember. We've tried everything, but there's nothing we could do to change it," the caretaker explained with a touch of sadness in her voice.

Elizabeth was starting to lose patience with this grown-up conversation that she couldn't understand. She was promised playtime, so she wanted to get playing as soon as she could. "Pwaytime?" Elizabeth asked, tugging impatiently on Amanda's arm. If Amanda didn't wrap things up with the caretaker soon, Elizabeth would probably throw a tantrum.

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Amanda nodded. "Alright. I was just checking. Since I will have to make at least one stop on the way home and that is to the store where I can get Elizabeth furniture like this." She shakes her head. "That is sad, but she seems happy like this. There are times when we all would love to be like Elizabeth. Shake off the day to day stress and be free for a little while."

Amanda looks at Elizabeth. "In a little bit. We are having an adult chat here. Then we are going home."

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"Yeah, that's a nice way of looking at it," the caretaker said with a smile. Maybe Elizabeth's life wasn't so bad after all. She was always cared and fed for, she got to play all day, and for the most part, she lived a happy life. Isn't that what we all want from our lives? To be happy?

At the moment though, Elizabeth wasn't too happy. When Amanda told her that she had to wait, Elizabeth pouted and stomped her feet impatiently. She was on the verge of a full-blown tantrum when all of a sudden.

"Good job Elizabeth! You're going to live with your new mommy like a big girl! Good for you!" the caretaker said in a cheerful tone to divert Elizabeth's attention. "And since you've been so good, I got you a little present," she said, handing Elizabeth a lollipop.

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Amanda nods. "Yes that is what we all want in live to be happy and now I am. I have the child that my body denied me."

Amanda watched Elizabeth start to go into a full blown tantrum when the lady quickly defused it. "Not how I would have handled it, but it seem to have done the trick. You seem to know how to handle her and her tantrums."

Amanda nods. "Yes I guess I should wrap it up. I have a bad habit of wanting to talk too much and too long." She looks down at Elizabeth. "Come on sweetie. It is time to go home. Tell the nice lady goodbye." Amanda holds her hand out to Elizabeth and was rewarded with a hand with sticky lollipop residue on it.

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Amanda nod. "I'll have to remember that for later."

Amanda noticed Elizabeth looking around at everything. She realized this must have been her first time outside of the adoption center. So Amanda let her look around a bit while they walked. "This is my car. It is how I go places." She opens the backdoor. "This is where you set when we go off. I'll have to get you a special chair to set in. So you can stay safe in the car, but for now. You can set in the regular seat." Amanda helps Elizabeth in and put the seatbelt on her. She put the child lock on the door and closed it. Amanda got in and drove away from the adoption center. She pulled into the parking lot to the store the caregiver gave her the address too. Amanda chuckled at the name of the store and their slogan. Forever 21 Months. Big or Small We baby them all. She helps Elizabeth out of the car and takes her into the store. "I need to pick up some things the lady at the adoption center said you would need. Do you want to go play in the playroom while I do my shopping?'

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