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How do you protect your little?

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HI,my little is my boyfriend and my little has been getting some very unwanted attention from the outside world(i.e. some of his exs) i was wondering if there was anyone who had advice on how i could stop it or make it better when this stuff happens. when he first told me i was upset and made suggestions but as time went on more incidents started to happen and it is now sending me into momma bear mode not just because he is my little but because he is my boyfriend. any suggestions on how i can help him. or how i can have a sounder mind instead of wanting to rip there throats out.

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Sometimes you have to get a third party involved in situations like these. Is your situation bad enough you can get a restraining order on his ex? If not, is there anyone else that might be able to reign in the ex?

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Report the bullying to your local law-enforcement. Get a file of the police report. Report this also to your ISP, they can take measures to block or trap IP addresses for evidence. Most law-enforcement agencies have a white collar crimes division to investigate bullying and cyber crimes. Also, the FBI is going after cyber bullies and criminals. You don't have to disclose your status' with them either, just report the incidents.

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The best way to make him feel better is to make sure it doesn't happen again. Tell your boyfriend that like it or not you are already involved and that it's already affecting you as well. Get him off his little but and make him get the police involved. In the end he and you will fell a lot better.

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