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A New Life: Private With Amarion-zero and Ishigreensa


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John was 23 had darkish blonde hair, blue eyes, and some stubble, his grandfather has passed away a year ago and he had inherited his mansion. He had also inherited tons of cash but he still worked at his small but big business in the city he lived in, all was going well until his secretary died... He put ads in the newspaper and got people to set up fliers requesting a new one. At the moment he was drinking coffee at his mansion

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Nine-teen year old Sara, a girl with red-blond hair, green eyes, and a little on the short side at five foot eight, was reading the morning newspaper looking for a job.

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He noticed her younger sounding voice, he though maybe if she was unprofessional he could give it a shot "well.... Your going to need t have multitasking skills, and good communication and I'm going to need to rely on you to keep some documents and such in shape... Also tell me about current events in the business and all of that..." He didn't sound as smart as he was usually due to just waking up 10 minutes ago, but he felt he made his point

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"Well, I do have other people working on that also... Usually my secretary keeps track of things and accepts calls and all that, I almost always end up talking with them throughout the day... There job is probably the easiest out of them, besides. I've been looking for someone young to spice things up a bit" he said hinting that he might've wanted her for the Job

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"Well... I guess I'll give you a chance, it should be a good opportunity for you, besides most of my other secretaries are pretty old..." You could see by the guys voice that he didn't care about much things, but at the same time he was still pretty professional "Come in for an interview... Around, lunch, yes lunch. We'll meet at my office at 12:30 Am, try not to be late madam!" He said hanging up and getting ready to drive up to his business

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He sat at his office pulling a metal ball and hearing a *clack* as it hit back and forth, he was wearing a black suit and a grey tie, he looked pretty professional, though his hair was a little scruffy he still looked like a business man, he then got a call she pulled up the phone and the women said "Hello, Mr, John we have a... Sara Parker here to see you about a job opening" he then replied with "Send her up Suzie" the women said "Alright" and hung up

Suzie said "Ok, you can go up to see him" she said leading her too the elevator "He's on the 2nd to top floor" she said, then getting out of the way to let her go

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He opened the door and saw Sara, he didn't say it but she looked quite cute in what she was wearing "Hello, Im John, take a seat" he said leading her to one of the chairs in front of his desk "so, what are you abilities" he said looking at her, seeing how scared she looked

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He saw the scared look on her face, he liked talking down to people and such, and he had also got another call from a more professional sounding person, he decided he could hire her for the heck off it

"hmm, well be this I see that you could do good... But I still need to know more... Like what other jobs have you had in the past?"

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"Well... This could be a good start for you I suppose... Your hired, I'll learn the Rest of your info later, you start work tommorow at 8 AM, your office is right there" he said pointing to a small cubicle that was in the back of his rather large office

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(Lets skip, but we'll still explain our mourning routine and what we'll be wearing and such) he got up and rubbed his face, he took a shower and proceeded to put on a Gray Suit Jacket, Blue jeans, A black shirt, and a gray tie he also wore some gray socks and some black shoes, he drove his car up to his office and sat down, ready to see how his new secretary would act

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He tapped his foot looking at his computer at the sales he'd been making and going to conferences to discuss new ideas, he sighed and sat down at his desk and signed papers, he thought he should invite his new worker over to lunch and get to know her a little bit, besides she was scared ever since he got on the phone with him, he decided that he would go to her office and invite her to lunch at 11:30

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"You've done good today Katie, I've decided to treat you too some lunch" he straightened his tie and looked at the quite fearful face she had, she also looked quite sweaty, he didn't know what else to say besides "K-Katie are you alright?" He said walking a little closer to her

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