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Do You Think A Friend Knows But Is Not Saying?

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Me for one. My roommate and she's a beautiful girl. Lady. I was scared at first she would find my diapers when she first came and I used to hide my diapers. Now I don't. If you go into my room you'll easy spot one. Yesterday I got so drunk I fell down and she chewed me out and helped me to my room. I had baby powder sitting on top of my dresser and my room smelled like baby powder and baby lotion. Anyways I went to sleep and woke up and saw that baby powder sitting there. I know she knows I wear and have diapers in my room. We just haven't talk about it yet. Don't know if we ever will. If she asks me and I'll just tell her the truth. I love my DIAPERS :P

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My old room mate once asked me if I wore depends. The conversation went something like this:

Room mate: Do you wear depends?

Me: Hmm?

Room mate: Nevermind.

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I told one friend and he got mad at another friend who was getting married rather quickly and told him that I wear diapers to freak him out. So I know that my other friend knows, he even hinted when he was looking at my movie collection and said ,"baby genuises?" "the baby" what are those movies? And I have totally been avoiding it cause I never wanted him to know. One rule of thumb, if you tell one friend, odds are almost 100% he will tell someone else. I have come to expect it. There is no doubt that my other friend has probably told someone else as well, probably his wife. My guess is that by now they might think it was all made up. Either way it doesn't matter cause we live in different towns now. If you think they know and they give any hint about it, they probably do know. If they give absolutely no hints to you then they probably don't know.


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Five of my friends know about it, but I only told four of them. I would have told the other one, since I am going to be living with her for a year at uni. I told the other girl I am going to be living with, and she told the one that didn't know. I don't know when she told the girl, but the girl told me she knew in a bar when she was drunk. It took me by complete suprise, as it came completely out of the blue. We hadn't really said anything to each other that night. Later on I emailed her and asked her if she remembered telling me that. She did and she apologised for telling me then. But I'm glad she knows, and I'm glad I didn't have to have that conversation with her.

So no, I don't think I have any friends that know, but haven't said, but I did have at one point.

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I have been trying to drop very subtle hints to my fiance, because I am way to scared to tell her flat out. So far I dont think she has put anything together though.

Dude, if your getting married to the girl you really ought to tell her before hand. If you don't trust her enough to let her in on your secret, why are you marrying her?

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