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Favorite Accessory

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I was just wondering what everyone's personal favorite baby accessory is. Aside from the diapers, I mean. For instance, it could be a pacifier, a bottle, an article of clothing, anything in the baby theme, really. My personal favorite is my pacifier that has been decorated by a friend in LionKing decor. I tend to sleep really well with it. So how about everyone else?

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Tough one that, fav thing hmmmm..

But the adult baby cot must be the fav piece of my collection so far.

Fav accessory must be the frilly pvc lined panties ( blush )

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Oh man thats a toss up? Do I choose my onsie's or my footed PJ's. I do like a paci and a bottle occasionally

but I think my favorite toy would have to be a onsie. Changing from thick cloth at night into a thinner disp and putting on a onsie is my favorite. It means I am going to get to be a baby all day.

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It's still summer here in AZ and pretty hot :) I like my bottle with juice in it and of course wearing diapers. I feel like a real baby. Not really sure because I have onsie's, footed PJ's, stuff big animal bears, pacifier and lots of other stuff. To tell you the truth I sleep only wearing a diaper. It's too hot. I don't sleep with my bears anymore because I have a roommate and she's a women. I'm too embaressed. She found my bottle one day and trash it. So I don't have that anymore. Not sure if she knows about my diapers. I think she does just doesn't say anything. I need to get a new bottle. :(:crybaby: I want to order a adult size baby bottle :D I wish she was into diapers also. We could really have fun. SHe acts like a mature women too much and I want to act like a baby or a toddler. I can't. It's hard.

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Got to say is "Bear" my Teddy bear, then would be my paci.

Actually I have a stuff tiger the one from," winnie the pooh". Not really a teddy bear. Actually I really think you should of responed to the topic starter ??"s instead of reading what I thonk should've been. Answer this why are teddy bears called teddy bears? what year and why? right off the bat of a brain is better than looking on google. Don't really care if you respond or not.. sorry a little harsh. I'm actually kind person.

Got to say is "Bear" my Teddy bear, then would be my paci.
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Since I really don`t have anything else in baby-accessory, I`m forced to say my paci and nappies. But personally I could imagine that, even though I had a lot of onesies etc, the paci and nappies would still be the two items to make me feel most babyish. :)

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The Teddy Bear came about during the President Teddy Roosevelt times, early 1900's; if you do a Google search and truley interested on the history of the Teddy Bear you will be amazed on the history of it's beginings.

And to add to my list I like my teddy bear patterened onezie's and nurserie print plastic pants.

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