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Punished Again [For BabyDaisy&Myself]

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Janine folds a onesie and puts it into the dresser in the nursery. She lets out a sigh as she looks around the room. She wishes she didn't have to use it as much as she did. The tall brunette is in her late 30s, wonders why she has to use nursery punishment to keep her baby girl in line. When she was 22, she gave birth to her daughter Daisy. Daisy's father ran off before the baby could turn a year old, so she was all Janine had. She had always tried to keep her baby girl close to her. Even now at sixteen, Daisy had some pretty strict rules. Home by 8:30 every night, bedtime by 9:00. All outfits had to be approved by mommy and her daughter must call her mommy and mama at all times. No boyfriends were allowed.

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Daisy comes to the front door and prepares herself for the lecture from her mommy. She steps through the door and closes it and comes into the living room after she took her shoes off. "I am sorry i am late mommy" Daisy says nervously.

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Janine stands up. "I don't need to hear your excuses." She says. "I told you to be home by 8:30." She walks over and lowers her daughter's skirt followed by her panties. She sits down in a chair and pulls her daughter over her lap. "You're going to get thirty." She begins to smack her daughter's bottom. "If Mommy tells you to be home by 8:30, she means be home by 8:30!" She continues to rain down the smacks. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

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Daisy lays over her mommys lap kicking her legs and crying wishing for her mommy to stop spanking her. "I am so and truly sorry mommy. I pronise to come in at 8:30 next time". Daisy continues to cry and cry while getting her bottom smacked while laid over her mothers lap.

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Janine just shakes her head. "There will not be a next time for a very long time," Janine says. Once she's done, she stands her up and gives her bottom another smack. She grabs her daughter by the wrist and leads her up the stairs while she's still bare from the waist down. Once they get upstairs, she lays her daughter down onto the changing table and takes off her shirt. She powders her daughter's bottom and then grabs a big fluffy diaper. "Tell me what this is Daisy."

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"Last time you got off with just a spanking and it still happened. Naughty little girls get punished." Janine tapes the diaper onto her bottom and then goes to the dresser. She pulls out a pink footed sleeper before putting it on her daughter. She ties her hair into two bunches. She then pulls out a pacifier. "Can you tell Mommy what this is?"

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"Its a pacifier mommy. It goes in babies mouths to help calm them down or shut them up". Daisy cries to her mommy not wanting this to happen to her. Daisy hopes that this is one big nightmare but it turns out to be reality.

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"Exactly and since this baby is crying, then she needs her pacifier." Janine slips it into her mouth and then lifts her up, putting her into the crib. She tucks her in and turns on the mobile. "Now you get some sleep young lady. When I come in tomorrow, that diaper better still be on and that pacifier better be in your mouth." She kisses her daughter's head. "Mommy loves her wittle baby, she lovs her very much." And with that, she is gone.

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Janine walks in. "Awww is Mommy's wittle pwecious awake?" She coos and lifts her up. She feels her diaper. "Hmmm dry." She lays her down and strips her, putting her in a new diaper and then grabs a short pink baby dress with puff sleeves and a clown type collar. When it's on Daisy, it shows off her diaper. She puts her hair in pig tails, tying a bonnet to her head and putting pink booties on her feet.

"Awwww wook at my big baby," Janine coos as she sets her down. "Crawl downstairs with Mommy."

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"No". Daisy says not moving from where her mommy set her down. She tries to take the bonnet off as it is annoying herand she doesnt like it as it ruins her hair. Daisy starts to cry as she is embarrassed at the way she is dressed.

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Daisy starts to cry and regreting saying no. "Please stop mommy please. I will be good i promise." Daisy pleads to her mommy and hopes that the spanking will stop. "Can you carry me instead of me crawling please"

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"I'm sure you are Pumpkin." Janine lifts her up and puts her in the high chair, tying a bib around her. "Can't have you getting your pwetty dwess dirty can we ?" Janine coos. She mixes together peaches and bananas and then purrees them. She walks over and holds up a spoonful. "Open wide!"

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"You'll be in a stroller. Now stop being so fussy." Janine pulls out a new pacifier and puts it in her mouth. She takes her outside and straps her in the stroller, pushing her towards the mall.

That's when Daisy's boyfriend Rex approaches. "Daisy?" He asks in shock. Janine looks at him and then at her daughter.

"Who is this Daisy?" Janine asks.

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