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Ms. Wimberly School for the Weak & Strong (Open) Reboot

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Name: George Sampson

Age 12

Student: Weak Bedwetter

Demerits: -25

Bedwetter's Dorm:

He was in by lights out along with the other bedwetters. It felt good not wearing diapers to bed. Though he wonder how long it would last. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep. He had good dreams. He dreams of flying in the air. He was free. Then it started to rain. It was warm at first and felt good. He was still flying so it wasn't bad. After that it started to cold and he could hardly stay in the air. Without warning he fell from the sky and woke up suddenly. He was wet around the middle. He couldn't stay dry even one night. He went back to sleep.

He awaken by the Head Mistress along with the other bedwetters. She threw the covers aside to expose the sheets underneath. Only about half the beds were wet but those that were you could tell by the large yellow stain around the kid's middle. She laughed. "It turns yellow when wet. It will stay yellow until washed. Now take your sheets off and hang them for everyone to see." We saw the line. It was lowered so sheets could be hooked. George did so along with all others who had wet the bed. Once the sheets were on, the cord was raised displaying their shame.

He looked at the kids in blanket sleepers. He did see one student in diapers. He though it was strange. In fact he don't remember seeing him at all.They were light color so the wet parts were now darker which told anyone that they had wet the bed. George's nightie must have looked the same. He couldn't see. He slept on his back but he did feel the wetness along with the smell.

She told them to get in line. One for those who wet and one for those who were dry. George got in line with those who were wet. She took down names. "Five demerits for those who couldn't stay dry. For those who are dry, you may get into your uniforms. You wet babies stay in your pajamas." She waited for those to get dressed and then took the whole group to breakfast.

The group got a laugh from the Strong and even some of the Weak nonbedwettings. George saw the panty-wetter girl. He smiled when he saw that she was wet. "You are a bedwetter too." He laughed. "Wet day and night. I will show you how I can stay dry during the day." He got slapped by a Strong girl. That stopped him laughing.

Those were dry got sippy cups. George didn't like it that he got a baby bottle just like the girl. He drank from it but he didn't like it. He got an extra large bib this time.

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Name: Ms Kate

Age: 34

Position: Head Mistress

All over the School.

At lights out, she did her rounds. There was no problems. She gave a glass of water to each of the bedwetters. If they were going to wet the bed they might as well soak it.

As she headed to her room, she hear the door bell. This upset her. She knew one student was missing but was hoping he would show up in the morning. That is what she was told. She went to the door. Standing at the stoop was a boy. He look around ten but his ID said 13. He had shortalls on so he was a bedwetter. His pants buldged so he was wearing diapers. She pulled down the sides of his pants to confirm it. "You're late. That's ten demerits. Let's get you to bed."

She took him by the hand. She didn't listen to his protest. They got to the bedwetter's dorm. She strip down his just a t-shirt and diaper and put him to bed. He stayed in bed. She thought. The first thing he did right.

She went to bed and read for an hour. It was nice first day but tomorrow would be better. She had good dream of punishing the Weak. Too bad she couldn't remember the details.

She got Betty and sent her to deal with the Weak non-bedwetters while she delt with the bedwetters. She got the dorm and woke them up by throwing away their covers. She noted all those with wet sheets. Little Georgie was one of them. Only half were wet. Those who were dry were happy. She doubted many how many more. She instructed them how to hang up their sheets.

She told the one's dry to get into their uniforms. The one's wet she stopped. "No, you don't. You will stay wet to show the school what babies." She saw the boy in diapers. She checked him. He was wet and poopy. What a loser. She rubbed his bottom. "Don't you wish you had used the toilet instead of that diaper."

Once the class was ready so she took them to dinner. She wasn't shocked to see the Cherry had wet pajamas. "I knew you were really a bedwetter. Did you demerits for it?"

Cherry said, "I got 10."

"You deserve it."

The breakfast started. She enjoy it. Savoring each bit. She looked over her schools. The Strong were enjoying their meals while Weak was trying to eat and stay clean. Hopeless. They failed.

It was then a student dared to come late. She went over to her. Her ID said "Sidney Weak Student." "Five demerits for being late." She looked like she might say something. "Another five for even thinking of talking back. Now sit down and eat." Sidney closed her mouth and sat down.

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Name: Betty Rubble

Age: 14

Student: Strong

Strong Dorm/ Weak nonBedwetter Dorm

She had a good night's sleep. She got up and got ready for breakfast. Ms Kate told her to take care of Weak nonbedwetters for her. Betty went to the dorm. She check each bed. She was disappoint to find dry beds but delighte to find Cherry wet. "Try to hide you little shammy secrets. Ten demerits for you, five for wetting the bed and five for lying about your habits. It means the bedwetters room for you." She found only one other, a boy about nineteen, in a wet bed. "You are really old to be still peeing in your bed." She had the two wetters by the hand. "The rest of you get ready for breakfastd."

She waited for them to get ready. She heard a commotion. It was two girls. One girl was trying to stuff her bra but was caught. It was Sidney who caught the girl. Betty got the other girl and took her bra away. "You don't need this. Get a training bra on. That's all you need. If you argue you won't get that. Also I will make you wear a sign that says 'Flat Chest'". She turned away and then back. "Five demerits."

She took the wetters by the hand. "I assume the rest can get to breakfast on time." She took the wetters to breakfast. She made sure they got their baby bottles just like the other little wetters.

She was upset when Sidney came in late. After breakfast, Ms Kate approached her. "That's your reposbilty to make sure they come in on time. That's five demerits for you. Do you belong with the Weak?" Betty didn't like it. Sidney better watch out.

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