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Ms. Wimberly School for the Weak & Strong (Open) Reboot

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Name Princess Cherry

Age 12

Position weak

Once she got the spanking ffrom in the hall she started cryin and want to get out of there, she also sucked her thumb and wanted her mummy. She really wanted to pull down her dress but was told off before and dare do it now. She just stand ther crying. She past a place were others were. Looking at wanting to choose classes , she thout she get back to it, thinking wants to be a cheerleader and has done babysitting before maybe those to classes. As she finds a bathroom that look like as it was never used. Oddly very shiny and clean . She thought maybe she shouldn't be here ! She stayed there in a cubical hidden from rest hope she gets away with as scared to come out . Siting ther in her wet baby pull-up , *thinking also that girl say do need diapers pifft nuu * She say there in wet cryin while suckin on her thumb, as she pulls put a mobile and looks for her mummy number.

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Name:Tammy Silvers

Age: 17

Student: Weak (non bedwetter)

Likes: Being treated like an adult. Reading, watching movies, playing volleyball.

Dislikes: Being bullied around by classmates. Being made fun of.

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Name: Betty Rubble.

Age 14

Student: Strong

Weak Nonbedwetter girls dorm.

She cannot believe this girl. Calling her a little girl was just to much. Sidney has to learn her place. Betty looked around at the teacher in room. No help was coming from her.

"Betty if you cannot handle this maybe you should belong with the Weak." the teacher told her.

She gritted her teeth. That wasn't going to happen. Sidney had s smug look her face but Betty hoped she would just crumble. Betty turned and grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pull up. As she expected Sidney was shocked. She did wimper and put up very little restance. Now her skirt, Betty thought. She pulled on the skirt. The skirt is wrap around so easy to unwrap and remove. Shirt was then completely removed.

Sidney was now just in her training bra and cute little girl panties. She wasn't smug anymore. Betty knew it wasn't enough. She pushed Sidney faced first. Betty held her down with her bottom in the air. The teacher did help her now but giving Betty a paddle. Betty used it. Five wacks without a break. Then she slowed down at each strike. It gave Sidney a chance to back down. She kept it up until Sidney gave up.

The teacher was pleased

Betty pointed to a girl name Tammy. "You should be good little girl like this one. She hasn't said a word." She pats Tammy's head. "She get's to keep her clothes on." She turned around. "Now let's ready for dinner. I'm hungry."

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Name: George Sampson

Age: 12

Student: Weak

Weak Bedwetter's Dorm room.

George didn't want to delay. He wanted to eat. He went to bathroom and even though there was many sinks he still had to wait. The sinks were high up so we had to step stool to stand on so we wash our hands. It made us feel more like a little kid.

It seems take forever. "Come on," he said. "Before we get in trouble."

At last he got his turn. He was a good hand washer. He hated being dirty even a little bit. He was the last one in the room. Ms Kate entered the room. "Hurry up slow poke."

"Yes, just wanted to clean for dinner. No germs."

"What do you say?"

George has not idea what he did wrong. He was grabbed from behind. Her hand grabbed the soap and stuck it in his mouth and moved it back and forth. The taste was horriable. What did I do wrong he though. He couldn't talk.

"You should have said 'Yes, maam.' That little detail I will not ignore.

She allowed him to rinse his mouth but that was all. The bad taste was still in his mouth. He said, "Can I brush my teeth, maam?"

She smached his bottom ten times. "I don't know. Can you? Ten demerits for talking back, five for bad grammar, and five for not saying please. Also minus ten points for you bedwetters. And no, you may not."

She grabbed George by the collar. "Let's get to dinner."

George watched as she counted them. "One of you is missing. Hey, Jake. Take these to dinner."

George is lead by hand by the teacher Jake. He felt more like a little kid. Hopefully more a boy then a girl.

They get to dinning hall. They were the first Weak there. Some strong were there.

The bedwetters was lead to a table label for them. The tables were huge as well as the chairs. There were also booster seat in each chair. He had to climb on. Those who were over five foot look more like six-year olds. With his height he looked more like three. He had to lift his lift his head just to get his chin on the table. Before he knew a pink bib was place around his neck. It had Strawberry Shortcake in a cute dress on it. He just hoped the bib was temporary. He eat clean he wouldn't need it anymore but no said anything about it.

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Name: Ms Kate Wimberly

Postion: Head Mistress

Dorm room for the Weak bedwetters.

She waited till she just lost her patience and went in. "Hurry up, slow pokes." The only person in the room was George. He claimed he was hurring but clearly he was just delaying. He also didn't say maam. Clearly disprect. She grabed him and shoved the soap in his mouth. She made sure it was squiky clean and told him his error. When he dare to ask for something, she spank him and gave out demerits for it.

She dragged him out of the bathroom and counted the students. There was one missing. She got Jack to take the students while she looked for one missing. That one was going to get it.

It took her five minutes to find her which made it worse. "You are going to get it missy. Do you think you're a princess or something." She saw the phone and grabbed it from Cherry. "You don't need this. Who would you call? Your parents? They know what this school is all about. They won't help you." She pulled her up. "Now it ten demerits and minus five for bedwetters." She pulled Cherry back to the dorm room ingoring the crying and whinning. "I wasn't going to put you diapers just yet but I need something."

She got Cherry on a bed and removed her wet training panties. She went to a draw and got a cloth diaper and pink plastic pants with ruffles. She also got baby powder. Kate takes off her skirt and powder her bottom. The diaper went around Cherry's bottom and pinned on. She put Cherry's legs into the plastic panties and pull them up and over the diapers.

The pacifier was last. "Something a baby should suck on." She got Cherry up and took her to the dinning room. "This little needs a high chair and bottle. The rest gets a sippy cup."

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Name: George Sampson

Age 12

Student Weak Bedwetter

Dinning Hall

He laughed when the panty-wetting girl was brought. "I knew you would end up in diapers. I may wear panties but at least I don't wear diapers. I just didn't think it would be so soon." He pointed her out to whole school.

The girl tried to talk but with the pacifier in her mouth they didn't sound like words at all. "You sound like a baby too. I will get a sippy cup while you will have to suck on a bottle."

He stunned when Betty slaps him and other slap from Elizabeth. They both say. "Better watch out or too might have wear diapers as well. And not just at night." They high five each other. George cries a little and that excites both of them.

The food arrives. It's spaggeti. George tries to eat clean but finds it nearly impossible since the table is so high. He gets some food on his face. He reaches for the napkin but there are none. It's his turn to get laughed at from the girl next to him and from some strong. This only makes things worse. He can't believe he has food almost all of his face, some on his arms, all over the bib and some on his lap. He cries from frustration. He doesn't want to be messy and he has no way to clean himself. Someone looks at him and says, "You will need the extra long bib next time."

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Name: Ms Kate Wimberly

Age: 34

Position: Head Mistress

Dinning Hall:

She smiled as the Strong not just ate but also took well care of the Weak. The Weak were behaving well for a change. She got up front to give annouchments when a student rushed in, very late. She could tell right away it was a Strong. It was also the one she had an eye on before. Everyone looked at him as he came. He couldn't have attracted more attention if he had brought a marching band. She didn't like to do this but even a Strong needed to know their place. "Five demerits for being late and minus two points for the Strong Boys."

She let that sink in while the boy took his seat. "That's bad for the Strong but Weak has gotten worse. The nonbedwetters Girls has already had minus seventeen that's to panty-wetter (Cherry is listed as nonbedweter) and Sidney. Cherry already had twenty demerits and it's not even a full day." The Strong laugh lound at this statement. And Sissy Georgie there had ten demerits and minus five for the Bedwetters."

George couldn't help himself. "I'm not a sissy and my name is George. Can't you remember that you old hag."

She just laugh. "Then make it twenty-five total and additional -10 to make it minus 20. How about that? Will someone take care of that sissy bedwetter?" A Stong girl went over and took off Georgie's bib and shook it over his dress. The bib wasn't meant to keep him clean. Just to shame him. Now George had fit since he was really messy now.

She went on. "After dinner, you will all go back to your dorm rooms. The Strong will get to do what they like just as long as you are ready for bed in time. The Weak will have to get ready for bed. You don't have to be in bed just be dressed for it. If I get there and find you not ready it will be five demerits. The Strong can take their time with dinner but Weak you have ten more minutes left."

(OCC: Help me keep track of the demerits and points please. I hope I haven't missed any.)

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Name: George Sampson

Age: 12

Student: Bedwetter Weak

Dinning Hall/Bedwetter Dorm

He can barely stand being messy. It wasn't much but enough for him. It was then another student came it. It interrupted a speech the Head Mistress had just started. It was a Strong. He got in trouble with demerits. He was glad that a strong got in trouble.

He heard the about the demerits standing. He was surprised the panty-wetter wasn't also a bedwetter. The skirt should have gave it away. "You can keep your bed dry but not your panties." He laughed until his name was called. She called him a sissy as well as Georgie. He couldn't stop himself in time. He told her off before he could close his mouth. He couldn't believe he was half way to fifty already. He got mean look from the other bedwetters. It wasn't half way for them but it was too close for just one evening.

He was in shocked when his bib was taken off and now food was all over his dress. He couldn't stop crying until the binky was in this mouth. All he could do was suck on it.

Ten minutes later he was back in the dorm with the other bedwetters. He was glad to get cleaned up. He was just in his panties but at least it was clean. It was then that he noticed the room. He couldn't believe the size of the windows. People will see him dress and undress. His bed was covered with Strawberry Shortcake sheets, blankets and conformitor. Nice for a little girl but not for a 12-year old boy.

The boys were putting on Blanket sleepers. It had cute little boy designs on them: teddy bears, fire trucks and the word Bedwetter across the chest. The girls had the same but pink with baby dolls, baby bottles and cribs.

He looked into his drawers and pulled out what looked like a pink dress. He knew it was a nightie because underneath was matching panties. It was also Strawberry Shortcake. Why I am different he though? None of the girls had one. He put them on the bed. He wouldn't have put on but the other bedwetters didn't want any more points taken from them so made sure he wore it. He didn't like it that the panties were clearly visible.

He was dressed just in time as Ms Kate and some Strong entered the room.

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Name: Betty Rubble

Age: 12

Student: Strong

Dinning Hall

Betty was still eating when the Head Mistress started her speech. She saw the boy come in late but didn't think much of it. Strong can get careless from having so much power. He needs to know his limits. She still liked him.

She kept an eye on the Weaks. They were eating but you never know. Her about the demerits the panty-wetter had gotten. Severs her right. It was then she saw the girl trying to get out of her highchair without permission. When we they learn? She hopped never. It was more fun this way. She hurried over. Gave some spacks on the leg. "Get back in there. Five more demerits for you and minus three for your house." Ms Kate heard and annouched the new totals. She said to the girl, "At this rate you will have a nice public punishment by tomorrow."

She finished dinner and volunteered to help Ms Kate make sure the Weak got ready for bed. She wanted to catch some not ready.

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Name: Ms Kate Wimberly

Age: 34

Position: Head Mistress

Dinning Hall/All of the Weak Dorms

After dinner, all of the Weak and most of the Strong left the hall. Well, one Weak was still there. The girl in the highchair. She had no way of getting out on her own. She helped the girl out and checked her diaper. It was wet already. "It's hard to believe you're not a bedwetter." She took her by the hand. "Don't worry. I will take good care of you." She said with a laugh

Betty came along with her after the ten minutes after the Weak had left. Betty said, "I hope all the Weak are ready for bed."

"I hope so." Ms Kate did take her time. It felt good strolling down the halls again. She some of potraits on the wall of Strong and how they delt with the weak.

They got to the nonbedwetters Weak Girls first. She had to take care of this little Weak girl also. The girls were ready for bed. Some had thick panties while other had found the thinner ones. She wonder if those in thick were really bedwetters and some how though the thicker panties would hide their accidents. They were sadly mistaken.

Ms Kate undressed the girl. "No diapers for bed since you don't need." Her tone was rather mockingly. She put thin panties on Cherry and then blanket sleeper. It was cute pink with Dora the explorer. Maybe a nightie tomorrow.

The boys were next. No problems here. All were in their blanket sleepers. Some were finishing brushing their teeth but they were dressed for bed.

The bedwetters were last. Georgie had his nightie on. Betty was hoping to catch him. It did look like he got help from others. They were scared now.

"I will be back later for lights out but for now you're on your own."

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