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Amanda & Jasmine (valeria/Kaidus exclusive)


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"Please understand that when big brother has the TV on a certain channel, it's not to be changed until he or big sister say otherwise" I tell you while trying not to sound scolding.

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"But i don't care i don't want cartoons on i want to watch something else like big kid shows" i pout as you hold me in your arms before setting me back down in the play pen again.

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I show you the unlocked choices being everything Disney, nickelodeon, as well as PBS Kids so you can choose before I check on Jasmine and Todd Jr.

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"That's good" I say with a nod; "I caught Mandy trying to get the remote to the TV, but she won't figure out the code even if she tries; it even has a limit on attempts."

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"Well we better make sure cause last time she threw a tantrum and broke the remote to the tv after she couldn't get the channels unlocked" says jasmine as she finishes feeding todd jr. before you all go downstairs as i was by myself.

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I was getting frustrated while trying to unlock the channels on the tv as you and jasmine come downstairs as i don't see you both come into the living room.

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I kept trying to unlock the channels as i was getting bored watching all the kid programs as i was about ready to throw the remote after it locks from too many attempts being made.

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I take you to your highchair and lock you in without any means of you getting out without us after putting it in a corner so I can set the timer for 30 minutes;

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From all the screaming it causes todd jr to wake up crying as jasmine sighs as she goes to get him even though she needed a change.

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I try to get the pacifier out of my mouth as i wouldn't keep still in the highchair,

Jasmine and you take care of todd jr managing to get him to go back to sleep for his nap as jasmine goes to the room so she can get changed.

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Jasmine didn't seem to care as she was tired out anyway as she lets you change her for once as neither of you have heard from me since ive been gagged with the pacifier and locked in the highchair.

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"Well what do you suppose we do about mandy then i mean i know we will be taking her to see dr. kroger tomorrow anyway but what about dealing with her today. says jasmine as she sits up on the bed after getting changed.

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