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plush dolls

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I've been scouring the interwebs for a plush doll of either Francine Smith (American Dad) ever since she mentioned picking up some Huggies from Target from "Best Little Horror House in Langley Falls", and Lois Griffin (Family Guy). I have this fetish of seeing adult aged animated in diapers, but I know they'd never market those, so my best option (and alternative) would be to get plush dolls of both. Any ideas? Drawings perhaps? I've already got a great shot of Turanga Leela wearing a diaper in the "Futurama" episode "Game of Tones", but I have to admit it'd be nice to have a plush doll of Leela with changeable diapers. I know, it's weird! What can I say? I'm a weird guy. Anyway, any ideas would be appreciated.

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I don't know if they make any plush dolls of those characters or not- (or, well, I just googled Family guy plush doll lois and found one some on ebay). My suggestion would be to buy the plush dolls, if they make them, then depending upon how big the dolls are, find diapers for them. To find right-sized diapers, you can always check in the toy departments of stores to see if there are any close-sized baby dolls, or sometimes boxed sets of baby clothes will have diapers included. Or check ebay for baby doll diapers. Or you could make them cloth diapers yourself, and, depending on your sewing skills, make them plastic panties as well. (and if you don't sew, hey, sounds like a great time to learn and try something new :3 ).

Another option, if you can not find any plushy doll of the characters you want, you can always go to someplace like deviant art and commission someone. This is a pricier option, and I would also recommend really searching around for a reliable person, maybe ask them for a few customer referrals from some of their previous customers so you can get a feel for their customer satisfaction. And make sure they have plenty of samples of previous works.

Good luck in your hunt! :3

Thanks for the tips. I'll have to look around for that. :-)

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